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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. No you wont.. 7 years and still not a single legendary drop in open world PvE.. Not even a precursor.. Legendaries don't drop period. Just saying. Doesn't matter if they drop or not anyway, because they're cheap enough to buy. I haven't had a ton of legendary drops but I have 23 legendary weapons. But yeah, legendaries don't drop...period.At about $300 AU no they are not cheap enough to buy.. Whay a waste of real life money anyway..
  2. Well wouldent help you even if you found one in australia, since its only usa (as usual) and canada thats in on the promotion. I see well thats a pointless thing then huh.
  3. Its crazy how fast customers seem to think these are coded.. I don't like the implementation of build templates either but making changes takes weeks or months, full overhauls might take longer.. Although with Anet track record i cannot see an overhaul. Cos that kind of rude response is going to encourage ANET to converse with us rather than cl ose off the thread entirely.Whilst I too don't expect a miracle solution to the template issues highlighted in the feedback that has been forthcoming from the players both prior to (which ANET openly requested) and after it's implementation...there are better ways to convey your thoughts and feelings imo. i disagree, if people keep showing they are upset, they will have to answer us eventually. Requesting feedback means nothing if you don't actually listen to it. Disagree all you like but ANET will likely either infract and delete rude posts, close the thread or both.They don't have to say or do anything, so no they don't have to eventually a need especially to rude posts..Personally I would just give them some time and space to collate everything, fix bugs and then maybe we might get something back by way of response. There are plenty of examples of gamer outcry that has had results. It all depends on the "strength" of the complaints and how much noise they create in media outside the narrow confines of a game's community. "Mountgate" created a kittenstorm in forums and reddit and bled out to mainstream gaming media. Anet was forced to respond and backtrack a bit, although not to the extent players wanted. Same with HoT as you mentioned. And there are even stronger cases outside GW, like the whole Battlefront debacle. It's all a matter of circumstances being right to create a good social media "storm". In an age where studios can make bank by catering to minorities instead of the majority, social media "outrage" is the best weapon gamers have. ANET were not forced to do anything, they took on board feedback, much like what's being requested now, just that some can't wait to pick up pitchforks and light the torches, others just cry rudeness cos they like to.Previously ANET offered a half way house solution in terms of mount licences, and that imo was a good move.. with HoT they appeased vets by offering an extra slot. Neither had to be done, they chose to.. they could of done neither and players would still be here playing and whining about anything and everything.. me included. By the same logic, EA chose to remove p2w lootboxes in Battlefront. Do you think they wanted to? It was a reaction to player outrage. Anet wouldn't have changed a thing about licenses or HoT without the player complaints. Sitting in silent protest and waiting for some change to magically happen for no reason, makes no sense. The notion that no matter what's happening, players will always be here playing, is false. It's like saying a previously good restaurant can start serving horrid food, dish after dish, and keep surviving long term on fame alone. It won't. Keeping vets happy becomes more important as a MMO ages. Because the influx of new players will always dwindle with age, as the hype of novelty dies. Retention equals survival after a certain point. Templates were a highly desired QoL for the playerbase for sure, but to bring that to fruition it has taken resource and now it needs to see a return on the effort, whether we like it or not - and that is the true power players have, if we don't like it we simply don't open our wallets. No matter how much huff and puff we put out on forums and reddits, it is ANET that ultimately decides if there is some wiggle room with build templates and what they can offer. They are in no way forced to do it, but if the numbers aren't working out as well as they hoped then perhaps that might encourage them to do something.. "Vote with your wallet" is a myth and it simply doesn't work in today's gaming, when a whale's " vote" is worth so much more. What works, is creating enough negative buzz to hurt a company's public image. Something that's easier than ever in the age of social media. I'm not saying the current template debacle is an issue that will achieve negative buzz of that magnitude. I'm just saying that, in general, players would be stupid not to use a tool so powerful.You are better off hitting their twitters and facebooks en mass.. but you need lots of people one person just gets deleted.
  4. The game starts at 80.. enjoy the less grind.
  5. Honestly Bots have just got better at hiding.. If you want to see bots check out any rich iron nodes..
  6. I did enjoy the starter intro for Season 3.. That explosion was epic. I agree though most GW2 are quite poor, i miss GW1 level trailers.. that was awesome. Way better.
  7. Honestly i tried a green one on my necro and i'm not impressed, quite awful looking.
  8. I've looked everywhere i can't seem to find a Quiznos in Australia ..... Closest one appears to be Hawaii..
  9. Just look at that Noble Count Outfit on Store at the moment i made the mistake of buying it on a male asura and all the females are equipped the same.. Looks amazing on female other races but i wasted 525 gems on my Asuras... I will be very careful to only buy this stuff after checking female Asuras in the future.. what a waste of real life money.
  10. No you wont.. 7 years and still not a single legendary drop in open world PvE.. Not even a precursor..
  11. I'm not going to hold my breath.. Honestly it would great but i doubt it.
  12. Well what classes are you looking for mate? OWPVE Druid spec, a non sword condition warrior spec, Guardian tank build..
  13. Asuras have like three or four hair syles and face options that aren't horrific.. More actual normal hair options for Asuras would be amazing..
  14. Very Conan. I'm a 100% for naked women in game. Yes Yes i do.
  15. One build tabs are pointless until the gear and build aspects get joined together.. Two the prices for these things need to drop a lot to be viable.. Three we need a lot more actual slots.. and four classes need overhauls to be even viable for multiple builds.
  16. I'm finding it hard to make more than one build per class because so many weapons and builds are terrible.. They nerfed so much i can find more than one build.
  17. Honestly how about actually fixing older content.. Instead of adding grindy new stuff to support yet more useless currencies.
  18. As I said, I don't care about competitive modes. This idea would be for PvE. Fair enough. Yet i still fail to understand how anyone cant clear pve with core classes, even today... Most core classes have real issues surviving and passing Expac and living story content because of the power creep.. the newer content is extremely OP to them.. The only core class i can think of that breezes through later content imo is Engi. Ever tried a minon master necro? So we are all suppose to play 6 characters to be as good as an one elite spec.. I don't know what you are talking about... There is a ton of core builds which perform very close to elite specialization levels like core power guardian (easy 32-33k dps benchmark on golem) and core banner warrior (still a very valid and strong support warrior build). Most other classes have builds which are no further than maybe 10-15% in performance output on their core builds with the main inconsistencies being among support classes which have their support skills tied to elite specializations (like druid versus core ranger). As mentioned by me earlier: buffing core trait lines would not open up any or even close to as many role options as a new elite specialization could. As such if you want overall better class representation (at least that is what I'd be in favor of) it makes more sense to introduce a new elite specialization. This gets even more critical if we look at all game modes where just about every class has viable core builds in some game mode (with the only real exception being elementalist and mesmer). That is strait up untrue. If people have issues on ANY class or build in any story or open world content, it's a player issue. There is enough guides and core build guides available for players who struggle to improve. As a matter of fact, most people who come to the "Players Helping Players" section of the forums asking for help often have huge flaws in their builds, playstyle and execution (which is not their fault, that's what asking for help is for). The only content which is remotely affected by core versus elite specialization balance is either top end pve content where every little bit difference counts, or competative modes (where a lot more core builds work just fine atm). In most cases due to better support role availability of elite specializations for group content, where as solo or small scale content see a lot of core build gameplay still (in competative modes for example). If this is true why aren't the core builds all over metabattle, 99.9% of the builds are espec builds... For ever style of content not just hardcore raiding. Maybe actually go to metabattle and check. Each and every class has core builds in at least 1 or 2 game modes. In other cases core builds are not able to peform a certain role (like healig or boon support). That wouldn't change with adjustments to core trait lines as discussed in this thread since these are often related to mechanics. As for open world content, there is enough core builds which are rated high or better (4+) for every class.I check every day, the core builds are sub par and are the minority compared to especs.
  19. As I said, I don't care about competitive modes. This idea would be for PvE. Fair enough. Yet i still fail to understand how anyone cant clear pve with core classes, even today... Most core classes have real issues surviving and passing Expac and living story content because of the power creep.. the newer content is extremely OP to them.. The only core class i can think of that breezes through later content imo is Engi. Ever tried a minon master necro?So we are all suppose to play 6 characters to be as good as an one elite spec.. I don't know what you are talking about... There is a ton of core builds which perform very close to elite specialization levels like core power guardian (easy 32-33k dps benchmark on golem) and core banner warrior (still a very valid and strong support warrior build). Most other classes have builds which are no further than maybe 10-15% in performance output on their core builds with the main inconsistencies being among support classes which have their support skills tied to elite specializations (like druid versus core ranger). As mentioned by me earlier: buffing core trait lines would not open up any or even close to as many role options as a new elite specialization could. As such if you want overall better class representation (at least that is what I'd be in favor of) it makes more sense to introduce a new elite specialization. This gets even more critical if we look at all game modes where just about every class has viable core builds in some game mode (with the only real exception being elementalist and mesmer). That is strait up untrue. If people have issues on ANY class or build in any story or open world content, it's a player issue. There is enough guides and core build guides available for players who struggle to improve. As a matter of fact, most people who come to the "Players Helping Players" section of the forums asking for help often have huge flaws in their builds, playstyle and execution (which is not their fault, that's what asking for help is for). The only content which is remotely affected by core versus elite specialization balance is either top end pve content where every little bit difference counts, or competative modes (where a lot more core builds work just fine atm). In most cases due to better support role availability of elite specializations for group content, where as solo or small scale content see a lot of core build gameplay still (in competative modes for example). If this is true why aren't the core builds all over metabattle, 99.9% of the builds are espec builds... For ever style of content not just hardcore raiding.
  20. I would say many.. But forged are my most hated due to how many condition they stack on you and their game mechanics like agro radius is dumb... Others areMordrem Snipers... they are just way overtooled..Pof Harpies.. You either kill them instantly or you are dead, just stupidly overpowered, tougher than Balthazar imo..Itzel frogs and Risen Hylek due to the insane burst damage and condi craziness.Chak are just not fun at all. I mostly avoid thos maps outside of doing Hot stories. Those aren't challenging they are just overpowered cheap mechanics.
  21. Its grindy because making content takes time.. They need to keep customers slaving away to slow them down.. Personally i ignore most achievements these days. I never even got the new T shirt.. That said i also detest the charr and their GW2 lore, GW1 Charr were excellent and they should have stayed the enemy.
  22. Agreed this game gives zero choice these days.. its either play the power creep expac specs or nothing at all... Its crazy that they totally voided their old content and will not overhaul.. The game is stagnating and dying due to Anets way of game design. As I said, I don't care about competitive modes. This idea would be for PvE. Fair enough. Yet i still fail to understand how anyone cant clear pve with core classes, even today... Most core classes have real issues surviving and passing Expac and living story content because of the power creep.. the newer content is extremely OP to them.. The only core class i can think of that breezes through later content imo is Engi.
  23. They don't have to respond they just have to revamp them to be less hostile, buggy and clunky... Thats exactly what they want... So customers will shut up and get over it.. Well no. These Build tabs are a clunky broken mess and we actually have less build choices now than we did before they were added... Before we had three builds PvE, PvP and WVW, now we have 2 gear builds.. Its a joke.
  24. Is there an option to turn off camera shake i looked but cannot see one.. I did a quest yesterday that shook my camera so much i felt sick as.
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