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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Power + Precision + Condi + Vit + Toughness + Ferocity all major.
  2. Do I need all achievements in the game to enjoy the game? Man if they took achievements away tomorrow i wouldn't even notice or care. Man thanks for blaming everything on us. Cause you know, it's not like PVErs fundamentally changed the game in any way. Looks at the dungeon speedrunnersLooks at the raidersLooks at the hardcore fractal players. Yea uh huh, allllll our fault. Honestly when it comes to forums complaints its usually pvpers and wvw.. But i agree raiders are up there as well ruining the game a little at a time.
  3. You are missing the point, Players like to change their account names.And it's a matter of convenience for things like Guild chat when players have multiple characters all with different names and it names it difficult to differentiate who is who. @Xhalvia.5029 said: You are missing the point, Players like to change their account names.And it's a matter of convenience for things like Guild chat when players have multiple characters all with different names and it names it difficult to differentiate who is who. Interesting...because when looking at the Guild Roster, not only does it show the character the person is playing, but it shows your account name right along side of it...I think it's only a problem if...I honestly can't think of one, I prefer to know the person by their account name and not their character names and I get that information from both the friends list and guild roster. You are missing the point.Not only have you clearly not understood my extensive explanation, you have clearly overlooked parts of it... willingly or not. Furthermore you are being quite selfish in your approach. It is not fair to assume that because it does not effect you then it should not effect other people. I have stated that this suggestion I have presented could be completely optional. I have also stated that one of the issues that could be solved is the issue that the current Display name is not used in the text box to help identify players when multiple characters are considered.You have conveniently ignored this point despite me clarifying this multiple times over the course of the thread.Regardless, even if you do not like this feature I have suggested my alternative as optional. Some players are not particularly happy with the display name they originally desired with.All other games/programs allows their users to change their display name after a period of time.What I have suggested is not something out of the ordinary. My suggestion DOES NOT SUGGEST a removal of the current Display Name and acknowledges the reasoning behind why ANET does not allow for it to be changed unless under certain circumstances.I have outlined exactly that the function of the current Display name would continue as it currently is and could be accessible still if desired. My suggestion OUTLINES precisely that it would effectively be a nickname that you place on your OWN account.And only visable towards people in your own guilds or friends list.This is another aspect of my suggestion you have either overlooked or willingly ignoring. Can't you hover over the character name in chat to see the display name? At least for group/guild/friendslist people? I also don't understand your statement of the problem as you see it or why all this coding is necessary to change how things are. Now, if ANet could magically show me people's Discord nicknames -- ALL of them -- on hover over in-game names .... so I don't have to remember that "Mimisha.3334" is "JoyToAll" on Discord so I could track my guildies with altitis a little better despite my terrible memory for names ( glares at certain guildies, you know who you are even if -I- don't! ) ... then you'd be onto something :) *made up names for purpose of exampleYou can yes but a day or so later you've completely forgotten who that person you played with was, and when they go offline the friends list only shows their account names.
  4. I mastered the gold game.. Buy gems turn it to gold.. help the Game.
  5. Pets not having to be leveled independently from you is the single best change Anet made for GW2. I disagree it gave people something to do.. And if it wasn't for you you could literally play ranger with no pets at all.
  6. Yes i agree its possible.. but again its the pvpers and wvwerers that are holding these things back due to the modes and the constant need to fine tune balancing.. really limits the rest of the game sadly.
  7. I agree op but the whole WvW and pvpers go nuts everytime something new pops into existence.. Those two modes really limit the games creativity.
  8. Honestly there isn't.. Its really a pointless craft.
  9. I bought my first legendary yesterday after 7 years... Mostly to be part of the shiny crusade.. Its honestly not as epic as i would have thought, i am glad i bought it over the creation process. Whoever sold theirs to me thank you for your service.
  10. I add people as friends then after they logout i have no idea who they were or anything because their game names change and their account name isn't what you see.
  11. Instanced PVE heavily leans towards melee. Stack in melee even if ranged.Story I don't know really. Never had a problem with anything. My first class was a warrior and I played through the whole content (including hot and pof) as a melee noob with rare gear. Story bosses have really visible telegraphs.Open world PVE if you like to solo post HOT champions you have to adapt. Most can be soloed but there is really no overall rule that applies to all. Some needs to be kited and have really deadly melee attacks that will eat half of your hp bar or just plain one shot KO you. For those you need ranged kiter. Some are attrition battles that are best face tanked with a tank/heal build (I bring my melee Sword/Dagger tank weaver), some you just need to break that breakbar or you die for which I bring my melee cc monster warrior ...If you want an overall one to fit all open world PVE build for some relaxing play a ranged weapon is nice which is fine imo. It is not mandatory though. I've never seen anyone in game solo those champions.. I read it here a lot but i've never once seen anyone solo Hot Champs or skill points. I do it all the time... if i have nothing to do and not feeling like tryharding i hop in AB or TD to kill some shroom queen or balthazarLike i said a lot of people say it here, i'm yet to see anyone actually do it.
  12. Instanced PVE heavily leans towards melee. Stack in melee even if ranged.Story I don't know really. Never had a problem with anything. My first class was a warrior and I played through the whole content (including hot and pof) as a melee noob with rare gear. Story bosses have really visible telegraphs.Open world PVE if you like to solo post HOT champions you have to adapt. Most can be soloed but there is really no overall rule that applies to all. Some needs to be kited and have really deadly melee attacks that will eat half of your hp bar or just plain one shot KO you. For those you need ranged kiter. Some are attrition battles that are best face tanked with a tank/heal build (I bring my melee Sword/Dagger tank weaver), some you just need to break that breakbar or you die for which I bring my melee cc monster warrior ...If you want an overall one to fit all open world PVE build for some relaxing play a ranged weapon is nice which is fine imo. It is not mandatory though. I've never seen anyone in game solo those champions.. I read it here a lot but i've never once seen anyone solo Hot Champs or skill points.
  13. What? We're talking about the same map right? Siren's Landing. Next to Straits of Devastation in Orr. The Living World 3 Season's episode 6. Since its release I've never seen the shrine meta fail when I was there and this event is up every 30 minutes. You have to kill a wraith, a gorilla, a spider and a drake and you can do that one after the other which is easy doable in small group/s of 5 casual players - skilled players should be able to solo/duo those without problems. It's one of the easiest metas in the game considering the very low amount of players you need to succeed. I think you heavily mix things up here because there really isn't any difficult thing in this map. The most demanding task there is the jumping puzzle if you do it without any help (mesmers or xera portals and nowadays mounts). One note to your statement to dps meters: It doesn't matter if the majority of players use them or not. I was just pointing out that a small amount of players are actually doing most of the damage on encounters in the open world. That's not bragging, complaining or anything else but a pure fact. This is observable on almost every meta/group event in the game...just neutral data you can collect. I also wrote the majority doesn't even know about the numbers which I think is a good thing because some of those players would maybe lose their immersion if they could realize that their impact on the success was almost negligible. But that's also the reason why I think that those masteries aren't mandatory for being successful in killing mobs/champs because the majority of GW2 players would be unable to cope with that once the mixture of players in a map is in favor for a very casual spectrum - they have to balance open world and did so in the past for the casual crowd. Just think about it: If players with suboptimal builds or just usual "play how I want" builds are able to be successful the system cannot be complex otherwise they would fail since lots of open world players cannot react properly to damage indicators nor break a cc bar. Mike Z made a statement between players that use meta builds and others. The difference is huge and therefore meta players will definitely be able to be successful beating encounters without the mastery since we already have the numbers of the buffs.Prevented from looting a blue/red/green chest because you don't have the mastery is a different thing and not related to difficulty or beating an encounter a.k.a. irrelevant for my remarks.I've been there doing my stories, i've never even see a meta event there honestly, never seen any siren broadcasts etc. Doric sure Sirens landing nope, map is dead, at least on SoS.
  14. If that were true elder wood would be worthless but on the contrary the prices are totally fine. Elder wood farming exists since years and there's 0 evidence of a destruction of the auction house which implies the reverse conclusion that this farming method has no significant impact on the economy at all.Let's face it: 1 account with 69 chars only harvesting wood in that spot means 690 elder wood logs (69 x 10 logs) which is less than 10g. I don't know how fast it takes with a good pc, ssd and common stable internet connection to run through all of them but I doubt it's going to be very much faster than 30s per char which means round about 30 minutes. I'm hurting the economy much more running T4 fractals and generating more gold (15-25g+) out of thin air that is not affected by anything in contrast to the wood which is affected by the 15% fee of the trading post. The whale thing is a whole different story and as much as I respect Sam what he has done for the GW2 community I think stuff like reddit exchange and known supervisors should be targeted by Arenanet and sanctioned harshly. But it seems that they don't have an interest here (we could add: as well) since it would mean that they have to increase drop rates of all super rare items - mostly infusions - and allow higher values in the TP.But even here the question is: Is that a big problem of the game at the moment? I would say drop rates are but I know lots of people that disagree with me because they like the lottery effect. So, overall not a big thing for the community, I guess.In the end I'm more afraid of the direction this game is going to and that has nothing to do with the trading post or market values of ingame items. What about 69 accounts on iron nodes... you cherry pick the lowest mats.. add that one up.
  15. I think you'd be surprised on how much you don't want my stuff.. Exotics and 1gold weapons.. go to town.. Legendaries are long term goals, you either do it or you don't. You don't grind for ultra rare precrurser drops, you grind either gold or materials or collections. That's it, it's that simple. The problem is people making up all sorts of special reasons and excuses for why this should be shortcutted. However it is a LONG TERM Goal. No they are time, currency and materials sinks.. designed to wipe you out.
  16. It seems that we will have to farm (even this word, existing in the Anet announcement for a game having anti farming measures sounds .... nonsensical) 30 mobs. In translation - we should be well prepared before having fun. This is a total disconnection from what the spirit of the Manifesto of this game is. What worries me is this quote from the ANet announcement:A lot of team members contributed feedback, and we spent months designing, implementing, playtesting, and iterating to bring Essence Manipulation to life. In conclusion, not only one or very few ANet developers, but most of them are totally disconnected from the Manifesto. Why is this? The answer is simple - we can find it in the same announcement: I started with ideas and inspiration from games that use the old “rock, paper, scissors” approach to their balance and progression systems. For example, players want to obtain “rock” and level it up so they can defeat powerful “scissor” creatures. Games like the Monster Hunter™ series even incorporate this into their gear and weapon progression. So, this is not something for GW2 - this is an old idea, used by single players console games. Why is "Monster Hunters" nominated? Because it was (it is) famous for its compulsion loop. This is its core feature. What is a compulsion loop? Wiki says: "A compulsion loop or core loop is a habitual chain of activities that will be repeated to gain a neurochemical reward such as the release of dopamine.[1] Compulsion loops are deliberately used in video game design as an extrinsic motivation for players" Used in games, OK, but for what? Let's see - "Compulsion loops can be used as a replacement for game content, especially in grinding and freemium game experience models." Now everything is clear - at least for me. The developers team did not understand the Manifesto (I suspect they don't even know it exists). So, we must work to prepare for .... fun? They use techniques developed in 2004 for single player console game. How this will work in a multiplayer environment? I don't know - but this "innovative" idea is already older than GW1+GW2. It was avoided by the GW2 first developers. Most probably, this .... Mastery will be used as a content replacement, keeping the players busy doing the same thing. That means - bye bye real content. I started to question if even the story will be even at decent level. As a bonus (for ANet, not for players) the compulsory need of some players to have the build based on this Mastery stored may push them to buy Templates. Another bonus - by allowing this Mastery in core Tyria the players not owning PoF may be persuaded to buy it - well, it is not important the impact on the low level players playing in low level map. By loosing so many old developers this year, GW2 did not loose skill or work power - I'm pretty sure the new developers are skilled and willing to work for the game. But GW2 lost a lot of the spirit making it so different from the other games. The actual Mastery proves this - none even considered that .... outdated Manifesto. I must be wired wrong because those event chains do not make me feel good at all, they do the direct opposite for me, i lose interest get bored and do something else.. Honestly i absolutely hate the zerg meta garbage this game seems to push.. I can't even go 30mins and i am tired from boredom. I see certain people so addicted to meta and things like halloween lab, i just cannot stomach it for me then a few minutes.. Also i hated monster hunter and consider it to this day a huge waste of money to me.. i have not purchased its expansion. And it saddens me to see that game style coming to GW2.. The annoying bosses that got molten within one minute or less with people in proper gear? The essence on Siren's Landing was and is pointless and wasn't used regularly by players at all. No, the annoying bosses that still melt most of the players down within seconds - for as long as you pretend the majority of players should have "proper gear" or would know their build inside out you'll fail to understand features like that mastery are designed - and are meaningful - to a lot more players than just you, me, and 5% of players, if that. Sorry, but this is nonsense. When Siren's Landing was new all shrine bosses on the maps were killed within a couple of minutes in total. If you had players on every shrine at start the whole "meta" didn't last longer than 5 minutes at best. And with the possibility to port from shrine to shrine you could kill several bosses in one run and the whole thing collapsed almost as fast.I mean the meta there can't even fail and if people die they can respawn next to the fight.You know what the map was good for? Pearls for cheap back pieces & gambling at the main shrine + easy 100% map run for the possibility of a key. Furthermore open world content has always been "zerged" down and if you were running a dps meter you would realize that 5 to max 10 players are doing the same amount of damage than the other 40-45 people. It is and was like this for years. Good thing here is the top doesn't care about this huge difference and the rest neither because they don't even know those numbers.You seem to be on a very different server to me.. and you realize a majority of customers do not use dps meters to play their mmo's.. hell i bet most don't even bother with mods at all.. i know i don't..
  17. If that were true elder wood would be worthless but on the contrary the prices are totally fine. Elder wood farming exists since years and there's 0 evidence of a destruction of the auction house which implies the reverse conclusion that this farming method has no significant impact on the economy at all.Let's face it: 1 account with 69 chars only harvesting wood in that spot means 690 elder wood logs (69 x 10 logs) which is less than 10g. I don't know how fast it takes with a good pc, ssd and common stable internet connection to run through all of them but I doubt it's going to be very much faster than 30s per char which means round about 30 minutes. I'm hurting the economy much more running T4 fractals and generating more gold (15-25g+) out of thin air that is not affected by anything in contrast to the wood which is affected by the 15% fee of the trading post. The whale thing is a whole different story and as much as I respect Sam what he has done for the GW2 community I think stuff like reddit exchange and known supervisors should be targeted by Arenanet and sanctioned harshly. But it seems that they don't have an interest here (we could add: as well) since it would mean that they have to increase drop rates of all super rare items - mostly infusions - and allow higher values in the TP.But even here the question is: Is that a big problem of the game at the moment? I would say drop rates are but I know lots of people that disagree with me because they like the lottery effect. So, overall not a big thing for the community, I guess.In the end I'm more afraid of the direction this game is going to and that has nothing to do with the trading post or market values of ingame items. i agree there, it's not about the economy what this about is a competitive advantage, and it's what's written in GW2's ELUA, automation that gives you a competitive advantage is a NO NO in this case is generating additional incomes while sleeping, at work, at school, or even hands-off keyboard and mice while watching a movie on your second screen say you only got 9 toons (1 for each class), and the bots are all equipped with Infinite Chopping tool9 toons x 9 logs per toon per hour x 24 hours = 1944 logseach log is 1.4s, that's 27g22s per day this is not accounting for the additional incomes from glyphs and the gems ... and if you are the ridiculous 0.001% of the player base to have super fast PC and 69 toons to cycle through in an hour, that's 14,904 logs a day, or 208g66s a day. if people were up in arms with pitchforks about they will never have the 250g for the Griffon mount, they better get their canons readyTo me the ones teleporting from node to node should be hit hard but never do.. thats some serious hacking.
  18. You can dodge? Only twice for most classes.. That said yeah op play ranged or melee that can telelport in and out of combat, the mechanics in this game vastly side to ranged characters, every boss needs a ranged option, melee is just a death sentence most times.. The game mechanics have only gotten worse in the last four years, every character i own has a ranged option as a backup because this games mechanics are terrible on melee.
  19. This in my opinion, agreed pointless.. By the time they are removed, if they ever get removed, there are way more added. How does this behavior, in any way, affect your ability to play the game? I am no advocate for GW2 farmers, but I see these types of complaints and wonder how these actions really affect other players? Even if it were true, and the owner is making over 200G per day, what does it matter? There really isn't anything that such a player could buy from the gem store that would grant any significant advantage over other players, especially in open world. So why care? Just report and move on. They massively effect the economy and destroy the Auction house.. to be honest the richest players running the Auction house should be monitored as botters as well.. Its just another version of botting.
  20. I'd be ok with that personally, all i require myself is the graphic update and populations to play with.. I'm totally an Asuran lover but if it meant being able to follow GW1 again i'd forsake them for an actual non nickle and dime full game and better story.
  21. That is a really strange way to think... Everyone deserve what they want. That's an even weirder way to think. So if someone want something that is yours, they deserve it ?If it was life threatening for them, sure.. In a mmorpg why would they need my stuff?
  22. I must agree the materials in this game are so lopsided and bias.. Its really crazy what has happened to leather, i don't remember release being so expensive to get leather. I'm not sure what happened to the materials in this game in the last four years.
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