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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Kinda wish Sword and Dagger was a thing. Considering Everything has to be ranged in GW2 i can't see it ever being popular..
  2. That's not my memory of HM but sure, fewer people played hard mode compared to regular. That said, a great deal of the currencies, rewards and more were farmable in solo runs in portions of HM. Spirit spam farming ectos in UW are an example here. And frankly, considering how much regular PvE there is and always will be, I dont see the harm to the severity that you and others do. I've supported the game since GW1, wheres my say? Did the money I've spent in Gems not count? Surely as a paying customer i have some input, just as much as anybody else. The issue isn't hardmode if its done right and only hardmode customers have to use it.. The issue is Anet hides all the best rewards behind hardmode and forces everyone into it to get anything nice to justify their coding teams work.. Then everyone is forced into it like it or not to receive rewards that were in the standard version before this was added.. I've seen it happen time and time again. This is where your idea falls apart. There isn't much value added in making it harder AND making it optional. It just means most of the population will ignore it. Frankly, I would complain if Anet wasted their time adding a hard mode to old content that would be optional ... not only do they ignore most of the people that play this game, but it's not actually new content either. So even if a player DOES want harder content, they would have to go through the old story to do it. It's a bit of a 'so what' moment. Again if it isn't optional the customers leave, look at HoT.. many customers quitted.. Wut? Gw1 hardmode was the most I played since normal was too easy with powercreep. Gw1 vanquish was my favorite pastime. Same for my game mate. Population wise no it wasn't popular or it would have been added here already years ago.
  3. I think you got misinformation.. Unless they changed large parts to it, its never been effected, to me you just had a lucky streak.
  4. I think its a great idea if you want to lose populations and customers.. Many many players enjoy this game casually.. Hard mode only appeals to minority. Also GW1 hardmode was dead, no one did it..
  5. Its not just rifles there are a whole hoard of weapons no one uses, Swords, Maces Hammers, Daggers, Staves, Warhorns and torches.. The list goes on.. This game seems to have a greatsword and Axe fetish..
  6. to the most necro builds this is just blink of eye to kill. i remember how ppl struggled to fight the pre-nerf soul-eater, struggled unles theyre the pre-nerf Scourge, the pre-nerf Scourge can solo any champion in the game. @"Alexa Scorpionwitch.8567" said:My main is a GS Power Reaper. I've soloed core and both expansions and haven't run into much that's given me any problems. As others have stated here, pair it up with a staff for when you need to back off for a quick break. I run Marauder and a few Soldier for the extra vitality and toughness. She's my absolute "go to" for story and open world.Try using something outside of the op "i have five other creatures defending me" meta.. Try a Chronomancer or a Druid and see how well you survive.. Try an ele on its own.. Even my Staff thief goes down constantly with marauder and valk gear.. Pve is far from trivial..
  7. Depends on build I guess, Pretty faceroll IMO. Let me guess Guardian or Necro player.. Thief and Ranger can also be ok in most situations but the rest die fast.. with the right combination of pve enemies and condition stacking.. Even warrior has a tough time maintaining heals.. But i assume you are all in legendary/ ascended, i only have exotics.. Knock off all those ascended then fight those 10 forged and see how well you survive. Are you saying you want brain-dead play that makes trash mobs a speed bump more than anything? Level 1- 80? Have you considered grenadier engineer? You can toss grenades over your shoulder as you run away from the small army of centaurs. It's fun and only requires being able to reach the 1-5 keys. Yes that is what i enjoy to be honest not brain dead but content at a casual level not this twitch white knuckle content 24/7, it honestly just frustrates me and i stop playing after about a month.. Yes i can pass it after a few deaths but i don't find it fun at all and it just makes me tired and look for other games.. Just being Honest, after season 2 onwards the content just upsets and annoys me a lot.. Tack on the stupid Ascended mobile game crafting experience and you have a pretty depressing game imo..
  8. That is a huge mistake imo.. Large oversight as no updates means no money on things that never get updated... My mage knight costume is still bugged on Asuras..
  9. Other than the crazy agro radious, insane forged damage and the lack of waypoints i really liked it as well, at least up until the end... Kinda made no sense that end..
  10. Lower the conditions stacking in Hot and Pof and seasons.. That would go a long way to balancing PvE and quality of life on the newer content maps.. Customers would return in droves.
  11. I love how people call open world pve trivial.. yes Tyria was but season 2 onwards was far from trivial.. Go up against 5-10 mordrem or worse forged veterans and see how trivial it is being dead on the ground 24/7.. imo its harder than pvp or wvw because you are 99% on your own.. 7 years i've been playing GW2 on and off and its still not easy..
  12. What happened to Skyscale roller ball and Warclaw?
  13. I opened enough for the achievements then stopped doing the event.. Honestly gambling bags aren't fun for me at all.
  14. Firebrande, Pet Necros of various specs, thats about it imo... The rest imo are really weak and poor, melee is atrocious on every class these days due to conditions destroying the game.. Honestly after Season 2 and HoT enemies stacking conditions just made everything unfun to play.. And whats up with every boss immune to everything.. What the hell is the point of CC if everything is immune to it. Druid and Chronomancer are just utter garbage in open world. There i said it.
  15. You keep saying that. A proper quotation would come in handy. Or say what part of the story so we can go educate ourselves, please. @Danikat.8537 said: Do you remember where it says this? I've done all the asuran story lines and I don't remember any mention of them being reptiles, but it has been a few years since I've done some of them. And it's awesome. Ideally, all races would get all gender options, but the engine the game runs on would have a very high work demand for that kind of thing. Purely from a lore perspective, however, Charr and Asura don't care as much about gender as we do and their bodies are very similar between genders as well. Genderizing their attire is actually an anomaly in their culture which, while possible, seems not to be the standard for either species. In fact, calling the outfits 'male' would probably confuse Charr and Asura, because they aren't obsessed with gender the way Humans are and don't consider clothing to be reflective of it. I would have thought it'd be much easier to set up a system where you buy 2 separate outfits as a pack and then both are available to choose than a system where the game has to check the race and gender of the character and use that to determine which version the character wears - it's only 1-2 extra steps but still more for the engine to do than if they had players make the choice.I thought i screen captured it when i saw it but i think i hit F12 (Steam) and maybe got nothing, but i read it early on i think during one of the Savant trials.. either the MIG or the weather device competition.. Sadly i'm now 80, i leveled a couple of Asura this last month, i plan on making more so if i see it again i will most definitely screenie it.
  16. If you follow the Asura stories they literally say they are Reptiles.
  17. Its frustrating as all hell and i will not buy male costumes.. They are reptiles.. Its even says in some chat lines in Asura stories.. A small correction... Quote from GW2 wiki:"...In matters of childbirth and early development, little is known outside of the knowledge that asura give birth to live young in the same manner as humans (that is, they are placental mammals)"Literally says in Asura story parts that they are Reptiles.. Wiki can say what it likes. Its frustrating as all hell and i will not buy male costumes.. They are reptiles.. Its even says in some chat lines in Asura stories.. Asura males and females differ in facial structure and voices, mostly. Plus whatever is hidden by their pants. Regarding Asura being "reptiles", ANet has verified via the Wiki that Asura reproduce in the same manner as humans, indicating they are placental mammals. That plus their underground origins makes me think Asura are evolved from underground mammal predators of some sort. I say predators because of Asura teeth and claws.Well then the ingame stories are wrong.. but they still say they are reptiles.
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