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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Its frustrating as all hell and i will not buy male costumes.. They are reptiles.. Its even says in some chat lines in Asura stories..
  2. Hot tbh if you can get assistance and stomach the maps..
  3. Yes, you a free to use the Loadout slots for any gamemode. Basically the less invested/more casual with the game you are, the better value the system is. It essentially punishes you for any further investment, like getting into new gamemodes, pursuing legendaries or getting invested into endgame PvE, wanting to cover multiple roles on demand.The more you do, achieve and progress in game, the more the system falls short, while charging you for every step along the way, on top of all the other monetisation already in the game.Which if combined together, is starting to become overbearing, especially for newer players I imagine. People will be even less inclined to jump into different content when faced with the decision of having to buy extra template or character slots just to check out another mode without putting one of their few other builds they frequently use on the chopping block.If you want to make a new character, not only are you looking at 800 Gems for a character slot, maybe 400-800 Gems to get reasonable inventory space, but also up to a few thousand Gems for Template slots, to a point where eventually you have to consider the price of a full priced game just to roll another Profession or character. Systems seem to become just vehicles for more monetisation at this point, while clever original game design, to for example encourage players to check out multiple gamemodes instead of punishing them for it, is scrapped. This is playing games casually is the best, going nuts over virtual entertainment just ends in tears..
  4. This has been an issue because LW maps die after a few weeks or months and players doing achievements and collections after that have difficulties completing required events because of the low player population in those maps. Little to do with festivals (although they do worsen the problem) and the issue persists outside of festival times. Thats why they should set the bar at solo play content and work it from there.. Team content dies and then so do the maps after a few months.
  5. Can we use the PvP and WVW slots as PvE slots if we don't do the other content? because if not nothing changed game wise... Its still garbage unless you buy more.
  6. In a competition with Herald, Renegade and Revenant I personally believe druid and chrono are worse.. Technically you can play those others and have some enjoyment in open world.. Druid and chrono not so much.
  7. Tengu they could do a Samurai type Fractal where you must protect the Emperor from Ninjas in his castle.
  8. How exactly would it add to replayability? You'd literally just use it to skip the content. To answer the question in the title: hopefully not. A proper flying mount would make me play HoT a lot more, until it appears i ignore Hot You claim you use gliders over flying mounts ("I generally use my glider over a Griffon.") and now you say you ignore the maps that are made for gliders? I mean... ok. The maps with updrafts are pretty much the only places that can make gliding better than using flying mounts. So I'm not sure if you have a legitimate point here. I still don't see how it would add to replayability.Yes i do i use both when forced obviously but i generally avoid hot maps altogether.. As i said i only go there for skill points so i use whatever at my disposal.. Everywhere else i mostly use the other non flying stuff. I still use the other mounts in hot a lot as well when i'm forced to be there.. I quit GW2 for 4 years because of hot trust me if i never had to go there i wouldn't.. I'd buy hot map completion stuff asap if it ever got made.
  9. How exactly would it add to replayability? You'd literally just use it to skip the content. To answer the question in the title: hopefully not. A proper flying mount would make me play HoT a lot more, until it appears i ignore Hot Judging by your posts, youd still avoid HOT. The mounts we have now make HOT maps super easy(Yes thats without the gryphon and Skyscale, though if you have either the maps get even easier.). You can go anywhere without fighting outside of few exceptions like TD.Of course the less time i spend in hot maps the better, i'm mostly only there for skill points anyway.
  10. All ascended trinkets and back pieces should be changeable..
  11. Since the Halloween event dropped BL chests are no longer worth getting thanks to those useless Evon bags.. I've stopped buying keys for now.
  12. How exactly would it add to replayability? You'd literally just use it to skip the content. To answer the question in the title: hopefully not. A proper flying mount would make me play HoT a lot more, until it appears i ignore Hot
  13. Flat price of 100gems for all seems accurate.. as i wont be buying many i cant see them being over 800g as i can buy a new character for that. I never used mods either.
  14. Not as much as i can from buying Gems... So its pointless sadly.
  15. I'd buy a lot more gliders if i could dye my back packs.. thanks.
  16. Charr so pointless and cliche... Sylvari are so emo and continually go no where, not sure why these races were created and Dwarves with amazing stories and histories were removed.. For me even Bland Norn are better than those two races.. The issue with Norn is Anet never made their were aspects useful.. The whole werecreature part of norn is pointless because of the way the game mechanics restrict them.. Outside of the werecreature aspect norns are just fat humans..
  17. Don't buy new in game content right away..
  18. Tbh i very rarely use my Griffon due to its falling with style uselessness... I pretty much use springer, raptor and Jackal 24/7.. I have no Helicopter Skyscale and doubt i ever will after using the Grothmar trial one.. Very poor all round flying mounts tbh.. I generally use my glider over a Griffon.
  19. No it's not, because I never made any of the specific and absolutely ridiculous comparisons you are presenting in your post that you are implying I have. My comparison is at a MUCH higher level... Anet is a business that charges customers to access their goods and services ... just like ANY OTHER business does. So no, the question here is not why are they charging for this feature ... because being charged for goods and services is a REASONABLE expectation any customer should have when they walk through the door of any business.Groceries are needed to survive this is not...
  20. It doesn't make money so its not a priority..
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