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Everything posted by Metzie.3012

  1. Maybe you should think about stopping ... ... In any case, you will not see anything that is or will be an improvement of the situation. I can also tell you that it will get worse (most likely), especially since ANet is replacing or has replaced the audience or is continuing to work on it (wanted or unwanted, does not matter). TANKS, BUNKER, SUPPORTER, HEALER everywhere ... players who have no idea and use a support or zerg [copy & pasta] build to flip camps or chase opponents (nothing special ...). Look at the current WvW-System or behaviour (a pure clown fiesta - with a few exceptions (that I don't even want to think of)). According to this, you will see more such "casuals" who (will) claim WvW, ... and from that, an increasingly **** game area will emerge (as it already is). Fighting (for what)? Learning to fight - for what (when you can run over a few enemies with a zerg)? What is commonplace in PvE is making its way into WvW (...). Until the day when people hold "fashion wars contests" - all together in WvW (in a matchup) and throw teddy bears at each other and running around as Quaggan (oooooh, so cute). Everything else will be secondary. Gloomy future - isn't it? But I don't want to disillusion you, everything will surely turn out differently.
  2. Thought out loud, see spoiler (there is nothing more to add to this afterwards):
  3. A somewhat weird manner, also point of view. Let's take this or these streamer(s) you mentioned, with the reference to "harassment". Many GW2 players or veterans are very accommodating and willing to help new players (albeit streamers) along. As far as I remember, this player was offered a lot of support and was also welcomed benevolently. Isn't this also a kind of "harassment" (or can be considered as such)? Not in this case, because this person (streamer) is or was aware that this could happen. Also, I assume that he expected this to happen (one way or the other). That's what a certain level of awareness does - isn't it? And this player did not quit the game because he was harassed (in a bad way), it was for other reasons. By the way, I deliberately did not name or mention any names and reduced myself to "streamer". The problem that you (or many others) see as such is based on the fact that, among other things, a streamer has it in his own hands how things will or could turn out. In any case, he has to expect that not everyone is benevolent. In other words, they may want to get on his nerves or something similar. In this case, a streamer also has to decide whether to compromise or not. E.g. with a time delay of his stream ... Don't get me wrong, I personally don't really appreciate such (mis)behaviour. It is also up to the game operator or the developer studio itself to take care of this and support players in this respect. ANet doesn't do that, and that certainly has its (good or understandable) reasons. Even if they are often unknown or remain unknown. If you like (to come back to PvP and WvW mode), in such a mode you basically expect to be "harassed", that is an essential part (within the game agreements of course) of such a game mode. So, I can't really understand what you call or see as a problem or harassment. In any case, what the author describes is a personal perception or personal experience that he dislikes, but does not violate any rules or agreements.
  4. It is a player-against-player mode, and in this - according to the freedoms - the players themselves decide how they behave (towards the opponent). There is no rule or requirement not to do so. Just because you prefer the way of "fair play" does not mean that others have to do the same (i can understand that, it would annoy me just as much, ...). And don't get me wrong, I don't support or defend this behaviour. It is a more objective view. Anyone coming into a PvP mode like WvW should be aware of what it stands for. It's also not like this is GW2 specific or common behaviour in a PvP mode. Wait a few more "years", then you can move freely in this area, because there will possibly be 80% bots running around. Firstly, because players have left (or will leave/quit) the game mode or the game due to ANet's behaviour (...). Or because ANet has to use bots so that there is still something going on there at all. *the last paragraph is not to be taken completely seriously, but it is conceivable. I could repeat the first paragraph here. By the way, this is not a special behaviour of a few. You see it relatively often in general ... that whole zergs, for example, just run or fall after a player. 🙂 That someone would make fun of building siege weapons in the enemy camp is really cheeky! 🤔😆 In general: There are enough possibilities to find ways around such players or to trick them. Become more creative ... so you will also learn to deal with it sooner or later (or not at all, ...). Why should ANet do anything against it? Why not yourself (it's also up to you what you make of it)? All beginnings are difficult, that's for sure. Become better, more creative, adapt to the circumstances. If you can't handle that, then this game mode is apparently not for you (guys). ANet has made this game mode what it currently is, ... and that includes a lot of misbehaviour or abstinence from this game mode. Deal with it or leave it alone (no offence) Heard it before: "2021 is the year of GW2 (maybe you'll get lucky)." At least that's what some people say ... and often it's the same ones who repeat this saying every year! If you believe in it and repeat it often enough, the imagination might turn into something real. GL o/ 😄
  5. The preview still exists, see picture. I did not see it right away either.
  6. Not at all. Perhaps reconsider your bias when the opportunity arises. The world is more colourful than you think. 🙂 I personally don't like SA in combination with d/p (because it doesn't require much "skill"). The same applies to "Deadeye", by the way. I mainly - meanwhile - play s/d, when i play thief (even if it has the disadvantage compared to sa d/p). Once again, I will repeat myself. I was referring to your post where you misused the word spamming (without continuing information, i.e. a build that uses any resource to get initiative). If you had named a "build" that was designed to do just that, I probably wouldn't have written anything about it.
  7. You are a funny fresh fruit indeed. But okay, let's add the two "initiative points" you get when you successfully (I repeat, successfully) steal. And now? How often can you still use "black powder" then? Consider your content or statements factually, and do not overreact ... just because someone has written something about it or criticised it (not in a bad way)! It was only about your comment or word usage "spamming" and that's what I was referring to! 😉
  8. Black Powder spam - lmao, nice joke! 🙂 Initiative Cost = 6. Max Initiative 15 (with trait). Now start counting. And how much of the initiative is then left or remains. You don't seem to have much of a clue about thieves (or about the initiative system, no offence). Or you misuse the word "spamming" to express annoyance about the class. Change my mind! In any case, it is not (any longer) that simple as you illustrate it (as "spamming"). Several factors play a role! Nevertheless, the problem you refer to as "spamming" is also reflected in the (outdated) initiative cost system and its function (concerning the individual specialisations). I don't go into this in detail at the moment, see why in the following text below. I had actually written a lot more text, also describing what ANet could or should change in order to simplify or improve the "balancing" (according to ANet manner), but the new forum (design), also because I had to interrupt the comment, did not save my original and more detailed text. I may or probably will go into the whole thing in more detail in a special "Thief and Initiative Costs" post.
  9. Is it just me, or does someone also miss the "Save drafts" function? Is it still somewhere (and I don't see it)? I often interrupt writing comments or posts and continue them at a later time.
  10. Because the map is different from the other maps, and that's a good thing! Personally, I like to play on this map occasionally. It is not. It would be long overdue - in my opinion - to integrate more maps into the mode. And to allow players and participants to select these with every reset - similar to the map selection in PvP. Yes, such a possibility is long overdue and would create more variety - am i wrong? A fundamental problem with the desert map is that many people badmouth it and intentionally don't play it. One of the consequences of this is that players who like to play this map are demotivated by the fact that they are often outnumbered against many opponents and also avoid the map (sooner or later or even right from the start). The funny thing is that this is one of the few things that are home-made, i.e. by the players themselves. This would presumably be less the case if there were several similar maps, apart from the "old & and more simply kept" maps.
  11. There are different shards (in PvP). Those that can be acquired via the trading post (also via playing ...) and those that you only get by playing (from ranked). The ones you want or need, can be bought. I made Pharus myself - it's been a long time. I do not remember that I needed "playable shards, ascended" for that. Alternatively, you can check the wiki, it will give you a (rough) overview of what you need. For more details, use the "gw2efficiency" page, if you want. See, wiki: Pharus
  12. Yes, it is indeed sad and I can understand it - even though I never played GW1. It is unfortunately also due to the course and development of the developer studio (in general). At that time and in the course of the early years of the game, they still had countless visions to make the game "diverse, also innovative (effective)" and to improve it (even if it took its time). A good product sells itself! Nowadays the game is largely managed, a few innovations here and there - that's it. Big announcements or changes (alliances system as an example) disappear on the horizon or in the desert fog. ... Okay, enough crying! I'll log into the game right now, choose a character, ... Necro, not just any - SCOURGE, not just any, but "MENDER-AMULET Scourge". Let's play a few rounds of sPvP, with my (at least) 3 other "Scourge" friends. I'm so happy, it's so much fun! :3 :3 :3 *I've never really played scourge, certainly not PvP. And it stays that way, was never my playstyle That's what the people in charge are these days - too boring, too lazy (probably not). Changes or adjustments of grievances - smaller and obvious or impactful - do not just take a perceived eternity. Related to the PvP modes in general (and the argument that PvE is the way, I do not let count, because this one stinks, ...).
  13. LMAO! You mean the ... or talking about the "everything is fine, everything works as intended guy"? =) Genie, get out of your bottle - right now! :p
  14. Welcome to "GrindWars2" or "GrindbroodSaga", ... since the lack of end content (it's about stretching content or achievements). However, according to my guess, ANet will change or adjust this - eventually, someday. At the latest when "new content" is released (EoD or similar in scale). And in the end, some will be (then) annoyed or upset (as some currently already are) and ask themselves why they ... did the whole thing in the first place. Maybe i am wrong, who knows. :)
  15. It looks something like this. Players become more careless and use their "real" (main) accounts. Especially since they know that not much will happen (and word gets around). It will be even funnier when ANet actually gets the idea to do something about it (which is long overdue). BUT, If by then the damage caused is not so high that they would cause (even) more damage as a result. Inflation etc.
  16. What is more likely (of all the desired changes from the remaining 3.5 PvP players), what ANet would do or change is to make the view of this data invisible, so that players no longer have insight into how many games "each player or BOT" plays. And they would possibly justify it like this: "For privacy reasons we have to revise certain parts of the view and make data unrecognizable." Problem solved (not really, but that's about how I would imagine it). And the funny thing is, the more bots conquer PvP, the less interesting and unimportant (if it ever was important *sarcasm off) the view becomes, i.e. it would then be superfluous. B)
  17. Basically it only needs one tip in 2021: Avoid GW2 PvP, it's one of the best experiences you can have. You can only win, change my mind! ;) Do it like ANet, don't give a kitten (fo.Ok). Just generate a bot and have it play for you. Sorry, these were three tips, never mind.
  18. Just play what you like or with the class you feel comfortable with. Do not limit yourself. Sooner or later you may not (want to) limit yourself to a particular class or specialization. Why not just start with your "main"? Just start ... and see what comes up. In other words, which playstyle suits you (solo roaming, small scale or zerg fights). In this sense "Welcome to WvW". Have fun! :)
  19. Whenever I read or hear something like that, I get a headache (fortunately, it does not happen often). World vs World (the mode in general) = WvWvW = Player vs Player (among others). Your description or definition is therefore wrong! The difference is only in the scaling or the order of magnitude. And this includes all...! GW2 Wiki: World vs. World (also known as WvW) is a game mode combining Player versus Player and Player versus Environment elements.
  20. Welcome to GW2-PvP in 2021. This is the result of years of contempt for the game mode on the part of those responsible (developers). It used to be different (...). Also, many screws were turned in the wrong direction. What you are now experiencing and rightly mentioning, not only as a new player, increasingly reflects the (mis)behaviour (of the developers) of not paying or not having paid the necessary attention to the mode (i.e., not developing or having developed it further). All patience knows and finds its end (on the part of the players)! Administration without future design or a proper concept does not work in the long run! The train left the station long ago, and the efforts to run after it (meaning ANet) is reflected in the coloteral damage in the current time. :) No wonder why especially the interest of new players for PvP dwindles within a very short time, and they eventually leave the mode or even the game again. You can (still) have fun, but it is predominantly "time-limited", and you also need a lot of luck! Find the needle in the haystack.
  21. I have also thought about it several times. And yes, that would be a nice addition to the current (no longer really up-to-date) rewards. It could also be connected to further requirements (certain rank, by spending world ability points e.g. in "Provision Master", only in connection with the acquisition with the "Permanent Portable Provisioner", something like that). It should become a little more attractive in this direction, but not too easy to acquire. Yes, i like the idea. :)
  22. I had to laugh heartily. <3 Thank you <3 for this <3 funny :p contribution. =)
  23. Long story short - correct! And for this you don't need an oversized wall of text (which some(one) build up, where you fall asleep in between while reading - rather skimming). It doesn't need more content than this post or information! Please pin it. Thanks. :) The rest is a l2p issue (talk - more - about that instead, in general).
  24. Is this the forum of GW2 that you rarely go to just because you're bored (and looking for content (short laugh)) to find just that one troll post that can't be taken seriously? I think I have found it. See you next week, or month, or ... Rifle range + damage reduce = LMAO (this weapon was already executed some time ago)
  25. You basically win EVERY round (100% guaranteed) you DON'T play this ridiculous (meanwhile) mode (pvp in general). It saves you so much (no bots, no player bots, no afk players, no cheaters, no hackers or lemmings who don't know what they're doing, ...). It can be so simple. :)
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