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Everything posted by RyuDragnier.9476

  1. After testing this against a golem dummy, and going simply by feel and not numbers...I'd say this may be the best weapon Thief has ever gotten, in terms of what it can do and how it feels to use. It flows well, you can quickly adjust what you're doing if you need healing/blocks, and it has just enough of everything to where you feel like you have a skeleton key for combat. That's in feel mind you. In terms of how it interacts...it does not feel like it'd work with Specter, who's stuck in Scepter jail. Daredevil and Deadeye though? This weapon will be a mainstay.
  2. The only way single-target would have worked is if this game was all small parties like GW1 and not huge squads as it currently is. All they can do is make it AoE because unfortunately they pigeon-holed themselves into AoE everything long ago.
  3. I'm really hoping you're moving that alac elsewhere on Specter, else you've completely destroyed the support spec for it. We're not taken for any other boon, we don't supply them consistently enough. Assuming you've moved it to Shroud, but if so then you needed to tell us in these notes, and you're likely going to need to buff Shroud a bit (possibly through a trait) so it isn't broken as easily.
  4. WvW. Because if it worked like Mesmer portal it'd probably be considered too powerful there. Which is silly when it is already powerful, you only need to get 1 mesmer inside to start a chain reaction of portals.
  5. They removed Alac and replaced it with...what? Because those notes don't say where Alac is coming from now, if anywhere. I assume Shroud, but if so then we need Shroud to not be so easily destroyed.
  6. Can you make an underwater outfit for once? Call it the Underwater Exploration outfit, make it scuba diving gear or something you'd wear while exploring the deep in Tyria. A friend showed me a picture he saw today on Twitter, and it pretty much captures what one would want from such an outfit.
  7. Condi cleanse on demand, protection on demand. If Merciful Ambush also heals allies, then Spectre got a lot more healing potential, and it's a minor adept, meaning there by default. Also I lol at "nail in the coffin for DE". DE was already dead in group content.
  8. I'm really hoping Acro is next on the list of traitlines to adjust, because it's far too lacking.
  9. It's interesting, and floats the idea of a heal spec for Thief more since stealth can actually be used to help people out more in group content...but man will the team hate me for interrupting AA.
  10. Changes are here. Apparently most of the "while in stealth" have been changed to "when entering or exiting" stealth.
  11. Don't say that just yet until we see what we get. They still have a chance to screw it up.
  12. Single target support does not exist IMO for Specter. But group support is pretty good and powerful, I see Alac Specters all over the place in Strikes and Raids.
  13. Because SA from the beginning comes across as a support line. You're healing others in stealth, you're healing others from shadowstepping, you're removing boons with stealth attacks. If you're thinking of a tanky line, that's Acrobatics, which as we all know is pretty useless nowadays, yet it's filled to the brim with traits that help you stay alive in the thick of battle.
  14. So you're confirming that SA needs to be changed for such a build to come into existence in WvW?
  15. It's just how the game is with the "any job capable of doing anything" mindset of the game. Thief cannot be just about the Rogue DMG in such a game, it has to be able to do other things.
  16. Not before we get to use our fists as a permanent weapon type. We must be able to punch out gods before we can tame them with whips.
  17. I'm hoping the Emboldened option will have reduced rewards. And I mean massively reduced, like no gold reward, no higher chance of ascended (meaning lesser chests and loot), and far less raid currency than normal. All in return for no weekly cap on the Emboldened, allowing you to keep doing the fights until you master them. Because otherwise people will use it for easy weekly clears on raids, and that is not something we want. Maybe also a lock on raid achievements in that mode, outside of possibly a brand new achievement called "Emboldened: (raid wing name)". Perhaps a title for doing them all called, "Emboldened Raider," letting people know you've actually done all the raid bosses in Emboldened mode, so you at least know somewhat what to do.
  18. Stated in today's ArenaNet Studio Update.
  19. I see no issue with the name of the mode, nor do I see any shame in using it. After all, it's the best mode to complete achievements in, with only a few of them requiring Normal or Trib modes.
  20. I wouldn't say that. Survivability is high, support is high, condi damage is high (so high they had to nerf it), mobility is high. I'd say it is as good as Daredevil, if not better.
  21. Judging from those numbers, the vast majority of people only have a single account. And that's only counting the people on this forum, who even look at the thread.
  22. Likely they wanted to balance the classes first before they released new Runes, as the runes can often make balancing difficult. That's what I'd like to believe anyway.
  23. One. Why would I buy this game more? It's not like it's also on consoles...
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