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Everything posted by RyuDragnier.9476

  1. It would be nice, OH SO NICE for them to do something with them. Like somebody suggested in another thread, make it so the waypoints become free on the map, or we get a drop down menu allowing us to select a place to teleport to from the list for free, even on characters who haven't been to the area before. Or even just give us a "Portal Anthology" item, where all present and future scrolls can be added to.
  2. Luckily Yoshi-P (the director of FFXIV, for those not in the know) is okay with people taking breaks from the game and halting their subscriptions until the next big content patch, and outright suggests it to prevent yourself from burning out. I agree with him, no point in making the game a job. I personally just log in on days my static is raiding and play other games (like GW2) on days when we're not doing it.
  3. Set graphics to "Best Performance" to help with that. It really cuts down on a lot of the clutter for a lot of group fights both in raids and open world (really helps me with DE's meta). Makes the game look like crap...but hey, seeing the mechanics is more important IMO.
  4. It's not really boredom, considering it allows the devs to focus on the dungeons, story, and bosses. Something that has really worked out for them, because those boss designs and mechanics are crazy good, not to mention the story being good enough to where it's been declared the best story seen out of Final Fantasy in over a decade.
  5. I'd say Epi got hit a little TOO hard with the nerf bat. Going from 25 stack to 5 stacks of the condis is overkill. I'd say 10-12 would have been the perfect spot for them, because right now Epi is really weak.
  6. Then luckily you only have to do this once and then never again. So get to it.
  7. Then you haven't done the story, and you shouldn't be making the complaints. After all, you'd have gone through numerous story instances by now, so you'd have no problem with doing another instance, especially one without a timer that only requires your team to kill the boss.
  8. What does that have to do with the subject of a challenging fight getting easier over time due to players getting used to it, which is what Metricos was disliking?
  9. Which includes all variants. Like one that already broke into Joon's place, but either took the stuff and got out, or ended up all joining Joon and Cantha. So the possibility that they learned it from themselves is there. Though I admit that's still a bit...bizarre, but nobody really knows how the Mists (which may as well be the space/time continuum) work.
  10. I'll be honest, I find that hilarious. Tequatl was just as destructive in the past as Dragon's End currently is. It was because of the efforts of the legends of TTS (Tequatl Terror Squad) that the community learned how to fight and defeat it properly. Dragon's End has given me major flashbacks to that Tequatl rework of yore, and so I expect that it may reach that point, but until then will remain challenging for a number of map groups to clear.
  11. Where were the Aetherblades at before ending up in Cantha? The Mists. Where can you find anything and everything in fractals? The Mists. It's very likely they encountered it before and learned how it worked thanks to a few fractals. Remember, they had to run hundreds of them to kill fractal versions of themselves just to get the parts needed to repair their own ship.
  12. The best storytelling in this game to date. It's a shame most of the story to now wasn't at this quality.
  13. Don't be so dramatic. Just restart Act V of the story via the journal and do the meta, you'll gain the achievement easily. EDIT: And by Act V, I mean restart Extraction Point. You can get the achievement during that.
  14. For the record, one of those achievements is the Looking Back achievement. Note that you have to complete the previous parts for it to update and say you need, and I quote the important part of them, "Following the conclusion of The Battle for the Jade Sea". Luckily the wiki has the exact locations so it's not as arduous, but it's still a case of "OH CRAP".
  15. Yeah...10 minutes isn't long enough. Multiple achievements requiring you to finish that meta and then talk to people, you need at least 20 minutes for that. They definitely need to increase the time after the meta is done.
  16. To be honest, I don't think this one strike mission will be too much of a problem. But that's also because you don't need 10 people to clear it, 9 can work just as well (meaning somebody getting carried). It could always be worse, you could have to do the Harvest Temple Strike... *PTSD intensifies*
  17. Can confirm, as part of a group that teaches others. I too would never raid in a full group of pugs, they can be pretty ridiculous and random in both skill and attitude. Not to mention wanting Druids to do most (if not all) the mechanics instead of learning the mechanics themselves. A mindset I'm personally baffled by, as a FFXIV raider.
  18. Yes, because 1 person can control 10 others going down from an attack during the fight. 1 person can single handedly carry 49 other players, etc etc. No, a single player cannot cause all the issues. It takes multiples, and that can compound with bad luck people are having with the boss deciding to dash across the arena multiple times in a row, costing valuable seconds that could be spelling the difference between success and failure.
  19. Dragon's End. For every event you clear, you get a % increase in kill exp, and you're going to be doing a LOT of events per map. So by the end you'll be getting 10% more exp along with all the event exp.
  20. Positives: - Some of the best writing this game has ever seen - Areas are incredibly well designed and interesting to go through - Meta events on the maps that are worth doing - Jade Bot! - New HQ that you can upgrade to have all the necessities of a town instance that also has a portal scroll so you can return there easily from anywhere. - Mastery points are very plentiful Negatives: - Certain characters feel underutilized - Siege Turtle locked behind a successful completion of the last map's meta (that has a low success rate) - Elite Specs are very hit or miss
  21. That ain't no raid fight. A raid fight would not have shipped with that much RNG attached to it, it'd have a set pattern to abuse.
  22. This. It's the main issue with the boss fight, and fixing it likely will not only give more clears of the fight, but it may give a more consistant measurement of whether the fight will need still need extra tuning.
  23. After having failed at this meta more, I do believe you need to address the RNG. We should not be seeing multiple side switches and tails coming up so fast right after we destroy them. Fix that, and this meta will most likely not have any more issues. The fight isn't difficult when RNG isn't screwing you over, but when it decides to, you probably aren't going to win.
  24. Having the same issue here, and I also can't get the spot to respawn.
  25. Sc/D 3 seems to be faster overall and has better damage scaling than Sc/P 3. It seems to do more damage than Sc/P, but Sc/P seems to be better on the support to compensate. That's what it appears to be. So for support I'd take Sc/P, but for damage you're better off taking Sc/D.
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