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Everything posted by Inssengrimm.7924

  1. Final Fantasy XIV has endless menu windows, literally an excel kind of game. You can perfectly navigate through all of it with a controller, contextual inputs are everything. That GW2 doesn't support controllers is beyond reason considering the kind of gameplay it has. Probably a huge thing to develop for GW3 will be controller support.
  2. Then you don't fully agree xDDD Its a tightrope to walk, if it's too new it will alienate existing players. If it's too similar it will also alienate existing players. For me, personally, the must have are: -Horizontal Progression. 100% must. -Aesthetics. 100% must. For those dreaming of UE5 or stuff like that, that would doom completely the game. The waterpaint aesthetics of this game are unique and deviating to anything else (risky with NCsoft who LOVES to push graphics) would be saddening to say the least. -Setting. 100% must. Tyria must continue: Be it in the far past or a near future, anything too extreme or anything new, like a whole new setting would be dooming too. -Style. 100% must. In GW2 characters talk like almost real people, its a virtue in a genre plagued by long narrative exposition that i have characters than don't need a hundred hours of sad anime music and cutscenes to feel something for them: be it happy, sad or angry, or all the three with some characters (like we all love to hate Braham, i sometimes hate to love him too) Classes, weapons, character building, all those can see more changes. In my view, the only true place in the game where "innovation" can make a real significant change is in quality of life options, performance, client and server-side things. The innards of the game. And even there, somethings i consider must haves. The moment i don't get my "send to storage" button i will literally sue demand Anet/NCsoft for war crimes or something.
  3. This discussion on relevant MMORPGs is interesting. I think what the successfull MMORPGs have in common, at least successful here in the west, is that they belong to pre-existent franchises. WoW, has Warcraft: Blizzard was and still is huge. FFXIV, well, FF is also massive. ESO, well, TESO is massive too. SWTOR, well well, almost died but went F2P, and StarWars is like omg huge. GW2 to make it the "big five" is in comparison smaller than those 4 success histories, both in developing resources and as a franchise. GW1 was huge yeah, and very clever to be B2P in a world full of subscription games like it was the early-mid 2000s. But still enough to let it's sequel to "hook" onto the playground of the big and cool kids. Besides GW2 is sincerely cool on it's own terms, you can draw gameplay, system, even design philosophies on how those other 4 MMORPGs work: But there it comes GW2 and does stuff no one elses dares, and does them well enough to retain a lot of people. The virtues of GW2 are entirely their own, or hereditary from GW1, the main feature being horizontal progression - None other MMORPG has really pulled it out as this one, the anti-fomo MMORPG. Aside these 5 cases, all other MMORPGs of western origin are either failed, let alone scam, projects and/or have been incredibly miss managed (New World). And MMORPGs from the east, well, XIV is one from japan: but they work for the juicy western market so much that Yoshida clearly stated that he made the team play WoW, he was a WoW player, he opened to what the MMORPGs of the western world were and i think is in that mixture of both worlds where XIV truly found its place among the big ones. And its rebirth story is just wayyy too cool to ignore, not even with all the money behind it would for example New World be able to do such a thing - After all New World is a New IP - XIV is a frigging roman numbered entry on the Final Fantasy franchise, it has actual HISTORY behind it. Eastern MMORPG usually get hyped and then die without honor or glory in this side of the world, only surviving cuz they are F2P. But i wouldn't put Black Desert among the top 5 like at all, and honestly they being doing the same game for decades now (anyone remembers the first trailers of Blade and Soul?!) But hey, only one game could come to take on the unique virtues of GW2 that makes it not WoW, not XIV, not SWTOR, not ESO... And thats a GW3. But the moment they deviate too much of what GW1 and 2 have set, it will fail miserably. Just for example, GW3 cannot allow itself to be a vertical progression MMORPG of the bunch.
  4. What defines GW2, and allows it to exist in the current MMORPG landscape are it's unique virtues, like the horizontal progression. The rebellious game in a genre plagued by wow clones and korean grinder games. Whatever GW3 is, if it abandons anything of what makes GW2 does uniquely, then its doomed to fail as all MMORPG nowdays who really cannot find a stable foot. That said GW2 code is old, and there might be many things developers may want to do and just cannot with what they have right now to work with...
  5. Impossible to play right now. Crashing constantly. I guess i could go and play PvE... Ew.
  6. Already did a full clean install of course. Drivers behaving perfectly in every other game i play. In every benchmark i've done is working just as expected. Is only Guild Wars 2 where the GPU is completely underperforming and is basically like having not upgraded if not lost performance (The 1060 had more stable framerate)
  7. Hello. I recently upgraded my GTX 1060 to a RX 6600. After many attempts at diferent tweaks, no matter what, the game performs arguably worse than before. The adrenaline software says "Marginal" and the game cannot hold up more than 30 frames at any configuration. Also since the game has no exclusive full screen mode i cannot even use Fluid Motion Frames. I've tried it in PvE, PvP and WvW, with all options at low, at high, everywhere, it just won't get steady and relatively high (+45 for me would do it?) frames.
  8. One day you will learn to not care that much about others... And you will be at peace then, able to enjoy things.
  9. WvW Archipielago Borderline. The third Borderline is a massive Archipielago with 3 landsmasses acting as Spawn/Keep and then a main island with Towers, Camps and Temples. A new multiplayer mount is added - The Great Ship. The Great Ship posseses a big array of siege weapons - equivalents to typical cannons, trebuchets and arrow-carts but they all come with their own Mastery. Any server can have up to one Great Ship on the map at anytime, and sinking one gives a significant reward. The Great Ships all have their own WvW Mastery lines which will include the Captain profiencies for those who plan the routes of the Ship, Quartermaster for those who decide which upgrades the Great Ship will adquire before doing its Route and finally and the Crew proficiences for Cannons, Shields, Trebuchets and other Carts, finally the Maintenance proficiency for Doctors and Carpenters which in fact are one and the same and they can use Supplies to heal players and repair ships (Leveling woodworking is a must for roleplayers). The Great Ships leave port each 15 minutes for a period of 45 minutes: During those 45 minutes several "Stations" arround the map will be visited in order (Setup by Captain) and will leave port with predefined upgrades (Setup by Quartermaster) - Then the other roles will have to work arround the mission of fulfilling the voyage. Great Ships work like a mobile Stonemist castle in terms of durability and potential for siege-anti-player capabilities: Plenty of Supply in the cargo allows Great Ships to deal inmense damage and area control most points of the map, being their only actual threat another Great Ships. This will be a ecosystem where factions control the main insland - which generates the most supplies and then supporting the voyages of the Great Ships is the main goal. New Masteries for existing Mounts. Naval Warfare for Skimmer: Mastery allows skimmers to fire an harpoon to dismount other players from any of other mount (Great Ship, Siege Turtle, Skimmer and Warclaw even if they close to the shore), this also can hook onto Great Ships and sea structures and do light to moderate structure damage. Submarine Warfare for Skimmer: Underwater Skimmer's harpoon becomes a guided torpedo that hunts for much range and is the only option to take control points full of resources and supplies, with challenging legendary enemies that fight underwater. Shore Warfare for Siege Turtle: Siege Turtle will deploy a mobile shield arround itself and also their guns will do increased damage to structures. Supply Routes for Skiff: Skiff will be able to load much needed Supplies and take them quickly to any beachhead, station or the Great Ship that needs it. on their own though, they are quite vulnerable. Next Update will be to the Alpine Borderland. Which will get a full level re-design and gain a lot in verticallity and be actually Alpine. Springer will get a new Mastery for this Borderline and also Warclaw will get a new movement skill to "crawl" upward certain stonewalls of both structures and the mountains themselves. Next next Update will be to the Desert Borderland. Raptors and Bettles will get new Masteries and the map will get "flattened" to allow high speed mounted combat.
  10. No. Mostly because i doubt consoles can run this game, let alone mobile games, people saying this think hardware specs are all that matters completely ignoring the software optimization: The game doesn't even run well on PCs, current PCs and we talking about an 11 years old game. But on the other hand. That this game doesn't have controller support and a proper UI to accomodate it is a mistake that should be corrected asap.
  11. Chat should be disabled. Only map pings and some pre-defined messages should be allowed. And spamming one of those ad nauseum should be a considered a punishable offense.
  12. If Weaponmaster Training is the alternative to Elite Specializations... Im dissapointed in a way. I understand resource wise is probably much easier on the DevTeam though... But i still belive Elite Specializations where one of the great features of expansions... Divisive to say the least. I had hoped one day we might have seen off-weapons becoming full weapons and having all 1-5, that would have opened so many possibilities for new Elite Specializations...
  13. This thread basically boils down to: "Im too used to being ripped-off by all other companies so i find it weird when they actually respect my time, resources, money and still manage to give me content, so ill compare it to the most ilustrative example of an abusive parasocial relationship between company and customer as it is World of Warcraft." If anything, SOTO is a turning point once more for the game - They are setting up the basis for a more streamlined, consistent and efficient patch-cycle which will eventually allow them to focus and give up even better content... Which is what World of Warcraft is doing in a way with their "Saga" and what Final Fantasy XIV is famous for a decade already, an actual patch structure that does wonders when resources are limited or you are just in an abusive workplace that does crunching.
  14. What we need is for off-hands to become real weapons. So all weapons have 1 ~ 5 skills. Yes even the Shield for Dual Shield.
  15. A port to consoles, and with that a UI reshape to allow real controller support proper. Now thats an entirely diferent topic. And yeah, thats one thing they should truly explore and consider, but maybe daddy NCsoft just don't wanna.
  16. This game barely runs on PCs and you want them on low speed mobile cpus.
  17. A frustrated youtuber, not everyone has what it takes, content creation is not easy. He has a lot of reasons to not play. But none of those reasons are facts about the game or it's development/design, they are just the ideas of a frustrated youtuber. Games do not burnout: You do.
  18. Those 15 games would be lucky if they manage a tenth of what Guild Wars 2 has done.
  19. Is not that they are useless, but some mounts could use a few tweaks. Raptor just needs another long jump. Jackals need more content: more warps in more maps and new puzzles. Springer needs to be able to move while charging, and if not possible, give it 3 diferent height jumps: low, mid and high jump in diferent inputs leaving the space bar as the charged-regulated jump. Skimmer could use, and i hope at some point we get, a whole sea/water focused map where most combat happens underwater or quick movement between islands is needed (also good for the Skiff). In fact the thing is not the mounts but in general map and over world encounter design even. The game overworld gameplay is based arround speed - gotta go as fast as the meta. We need maps designed to slow and speed up the meta groups using more diverse mounts. And since making this for all mounts in a single map is quite the challenge. They should each patch add a map "dedicated" to a particular mount or that favors it, and you go changing the "mount focus" of each map, each patch. A huge vertical map where Springer/Griffon is far convinient in the vertical than Skyscale. A sky/valley map full of platforms where Raptor and Jackal can abuse their jump/warping. A sea map for Skiffs and Skimmers. A urban map for Skyscale/Griffons. A long map with long open distances for bettle. Mounts are a strong suit of this game, and in general this game does open world content much, much better than their instanced part. And speaking of which: mounts could/should have a part in instanced encounter design too. In fact with some masteries, and considering the existence of the Turtle, i say a whole raid based on mount combat would be amazing: give mounts more damage skills that don't invole dismounting for combat but are exclusive in particular instances.
  20. Can we get pet, minions and bots names to be diferent from NPC names in the options? I would like to stop seeing tides of green nameplates without losing the names of actual NPCs.
  21. Remember the claims of "Sagas" being bigger and better than living story. Man, i miss LS.And we now know we ain't getting nothing as epic as Dragonfall again. Man, that was a perfect exposition on how to do THEMING in your game.
  22. Here is hoping this brings a big map and meta event with cool ending and is not just a DRM in some existing map. I swear if these are Drizzlewood DRMs....
  23. If Anet is guilty of one thing, is that they have always been kinda secretive about everything they do.Wish they were a bit more transparent, and yes, that includes a bit more info on the expansion. If you look to the neighborhood, most of the "populated mmorpgs" always show plenty of stuff only months after anouncements like expansions or patches. Since EoD teaser we have gotten nothing but radio silence i honestly think is a bad thing from all perspectives: Player base, expectatives, press, marketing, profits and game design even. We should have already SOME information. The only reason for this level of secrecy is not "we are working in something amazing", that is never the case in this industry and only keeping silent to build up "hype" is an awful practice that leads only to failure and alienation of the playerbase. Usually the reason behind long silences is more like: "We are having issues." Just comparing to my other MMORPG i play a lot, FFXIV. I know their resources are not even comparable. But they even have a dedicated website with plenty of information already of their expansion, ofc, most of us that have played XIV for a long while know what to expect and those are basically "non-news" for us. But in the case of Anet and GW2, i don't think they are allowed that luxury: In this industry, in this market, what this game needs a lot more is press coverage and news making and keeping it silent is doing nothing for those things. Please Anet, open up. Or tell NCsoft to open up. Probably the ones calling the shots tbh.
  24. I would boost the Warclaw with a kinda of diagonal jumping mechanic. That allowed it to do 3 to 4 jumps in a diagonal direction if it has walls to jump off. Mixing the movement of Raptor and Springer. It would be very situational, but would give it some relevance outside WvW. Also people truly overestimates the value of Skyscale, really people, it isn't the "end-all" mount many make it to be, be it cause they are salty they don't have it and find the quest lengthy or trolls that like to bother the former: Skyscale has real limitations and is indeed clumsy in closed up spaces if you are not careful, it is far from being a "perfect" movement mount as there is plenty of situations where all other mounts are better at movement - Only the Warclaw doesn't beat the Skyscale.
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