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Everything posted by DexterousGecko.6328

  1. I don't think Guild Wars 2 is going anywhere for at least a couple of years.
  2. something something "i'm able to get groups using it therefore nothing is wrong with it"
  3. You're also free to leave their opinions to them and not engage with them. No need to be passive aggressive and belittling.
  4. I jump around to different mmos, and from my experience, if you listened to every community weeping and gnashing their teeth about buffs, nerfs, patches, the story direction, etc, you'd think that every mmo was the worst it's ever been. The reality is usually much more mundane, the game is still the game, if you like it, play it, if you don't, don't. There are very few patches that change a game completely. The Star Wars Galaxies NGE patch is probably the closest, and even that is debatable.
  5. goodness, the amount of trash mobs with cc annoys me so much sometimes. I don't even think it's a red-circle attack either, it's just instant.
  6. man, I'm blind. Thanks buddy 🙂
  7. wait a minute, wasn't someone saying the other day that an inflatable raptor costume would be out of place? But plushie raptors are okay? Also, is there a plush griffon skin?
  8. So, is the solution just "well...sorry, this might not be the game for you"? That doesn't seem to be the best way to gain new players. WoW has made it clear they're not looking for new players, I wasn't sure Guild Wars 2 was at that point yet.
  9. $42 for an 8 person mount? I wonder how much a single skin for it would cost in GW2?
  10. agreed, just selling it outright, no, but this idea that somehow it's a "premium" mount, and therefore must take a lot of hardwork and commitment (that just means gold, time, and grindy collections) is silly to me. Making it FUN should be part of the process, and I honestly don't get how making it easier to get would somehow destroy the balance of the game.
  11. I guess I have to wonder, why? Why does it need to be earned? What would happen if suddenly everyone had easier access to Skyscales? Would the game just suddenly get boring for everyone? Would all of those people that got the Skyscale suddenly leave?
  12. I just wish it was FUN to get, and not just an arbitrary gold cost, time gate, and a grindy collection. I get that that's just what mmos do, but man, for most players, I can't imagine it's actively enjoyable to go through the process of getting it. Being finished? or using it? Sure, but the actual grind itself? I just can't see it.
  13. I don't understand, is this a "you're dumbing down the game" thread or a "nerf engi!" thread?
  14. It's an interesting question, is the word "senile" used in any medical community, or is it just an insult nowadays?
  15. I've never enjoyed Villains that were just "life is meaningless". Especially when they spend so much energy and effort trying to let you know how pointless everything is. We get it, you're depressed, get some help.
  16. what ever happened to paid mods? I can't seem to remember
  17. Please, for your own well being, STOP BUYING LOOT BOXES. Their entire purpose is to get you to to buy more of them.
  18. I don't know if I would equate looking up guides for puzzles you find boring to it being too hard as many people are implying. I spend all day on puzzles, I don't need puzzles in my video games too. The mansions puzzles seemed silly, and while I didn't look up a guide, I groaned when I realized they wanted me to move the little batteries around to open secret doors. It didn't help that the plot was boring to me as well.
  19. I feel for the most part, the game gets easier after HoT. Although some of the bosses get obnoxious, but they don't let you fail, you just keep respawning and chipping away at it's health, it doesn't feel difficult, just annoying. HoT could eff me up with a single pack if I didn't notice the sniper. I'm terrible though, so take that with a grain of salt.
  20. woo, having it be usable solo would be so good, I would try to get it then. As it is, it's not really worth it for me, it's too big and I don't play GW2 with people.
  21. I think it would be great to make the DE meta a bit easier now.
  22. you think they'll put the living world season in the dlc section? that would make it better for sure. I'm not convinced they won't try to keep the store separate like FXIV does with their cosmetic shop.
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