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Steve The Cynic.3217

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Everything posted by Steve The Cynic.3217

  1. No. It would be a great function for those of you who want your characters to stay in the same order. The number of characters is totally irrelevant. And for reference, I have beyond 40 characters, and I prefer it the way it is.
  2. Pity about my characters with various shorter cuts, I guess...
  3. Fighting upscaled enemies forces your attacks to fumble. ??? That is just not true. Are you talking of certain PoF bounties and their boss mechanics per chance? There is one where you need to stand where the arrows point or your attacks will automatically miss.@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 is probably talking about the mechanic called "Glancing" blows. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glancing Summary: The further below the enemy's level you are, the higher the chances of your attacks being a sort of reverse-critical hit, and doing half the normal damage.
  4. I guess you never played GW1, where the max player level was 20, and ordinary maps and story instances could have mobs with levels all the way up to at least 28 (1) in normal mode, or 30 in hard mode. (1) Notably the endless swarms of spell-immune Margonite Clerics in Vabbi and the Realm of Torment, and Pinesouls and other nonsense in the Far Shiverpeaks.
  5. @Make Rye Known.6273 I recently had a problem where my second account couldn't buy gems in-game using the same card that works just fine on my first account. I entered a web ticket for CS on the second account and they were able to fix the account so it could use the card(1). So overall, a CS ticket is the way to go, as @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said. (1) I entered the ticket on a Friday evening French time, and the job was done some time on Saturday evening / Sunday morning. CS works weekends!
  6. In GW2 I'd second that seconding, although I also play SWTOR, and I use the same display name over there, and I do occasionally get some snark from people about it in their forums. (There are occasions when people come up with spectacularly silly ideas, and they often don't take kindly to people pointing out the flaws. Sometimes that results in them dismissing my comments on the grounds that it's just some sort of cynical blither.) I don't care one way or another about people's opinion of my display name. Coming from an informatic background, I find it weird that a "Display Name" is anything other than a cosmetic feature of the account. A display name in computing is normally a name that exists purely for cosmetic purposes, and calling it a "display name" means that the true name is some sort of hidden identifier that consequently does not need to ever change. Applying that to GW2, your Display Name should be just a name that's shown when the systems want to show stuff to (other) players and/or to GW2 staff, and all the "linkage" should be done with the hidden identifier. In this schema, the Display Name can be changed freely because it's just cosmetic. However, it's clear that the GW2 Display Name is (at least in part) the true name, except that it's not hidden.
  7. And for those who don't see why that would be: Chairs are mounts. They can't move and don't have any special abilities, but in game-mechanical terms, they are mounts. EDIT: And no, you can't use mounts in the Mistlock Sanctuary.
  8. In keeping with the vaguely late-mediaeval / early-modern(1) Europeean theme of Kryta, perhaps a crumhorn or rackett. (1) "Mediaeval" is a wide term, covering a period, the so-called Middle Ages, of about a thousand years from approximately 450 AD (fall of the western Roman Empire) to 1450 AD (beginning of the Renaissance), while the Early Modern period begins approximately at the end of the Middle Ages.
  9. There is a mount/dismount keybind available for each mount in the options panel. (So you can just use the keybind you've assigned to Raptor to get on Raptor, for example.)
  10. It already does, but you have to be moving at purple speed or higher. Watch the exhaust trail of the saddle. It changes colour from blue through to purple through to a sort of yellow-brown-orange (YBO) colour as you pick up speed. Once it reaches purple, if you can keep it there, you'll pick up VM crystals by driving through them. (In fact, originally that was the only way to pick them up because it wouldn't do it from the "1" attack-dismount skill.) (In general, getting past purple to the the YBO colour only happens during and for a while after the "jump key" boost or on long downhill stretches, of which there aren't many.)
  11. This is hard. How do you define "their map" when each of the four existing members (you want to be the fifth) is on a different map, or if they're on the same map, but they aren't all on the same instance ("/ip", roughly) of it. (For squads it's easier - you define it as the commander's map, but for ordinary parties, there doesn't seem to be a clear idea of "leader".) The commander's map.Yes, that's what I said, for squads. Who is the leader/commander of a party (group of five)? In other MMORPGs that I've played, there is a leader (initially the creator of the group), and leadership can be transferred explicitly to another member by the current leader, or implicitly by the current leader quitting the party. There doesn't seem to be such a thing in GW2, and that's why I said it is hard.
  12. This is hard. How do you define "their map" when each of the four existing members (you want to be the fifth) is on a different map, or if they're on the same map, but they aren't all on the same instance ("/ip", roughly) of it. (For squads it's easier - you define it as the commander's map, but for ordinary parties, there doesn't seem to be a clear idea of "leader".)
  13. It's actually worse than "there's no point". If you leave an item that's soulbound to the deleted character in the bank, it's stuck in there forever since the only character who can remove it from the bank has been deleted. As far as I remember I had an item in the bank that was soulbound to a deleted char and while no char could take it out of there, it was actually possible to just rightclick it while it was in the bank and choose "destroy".OK, I didn't know that. Thanks.
  14. That's odd. All of my characters appeared in the virtual world with a few pieces of paper masquerading as armour and a wet noodle instead of a weapon.
  15. It's actually worse than "there's no point". If you leave an item that's soulbound to the deleted character in the bank, it's stuck in there forever since the only character who can remove it from the bank has been deleted.
  16. Mistlock's portal also lets you go to that other city, "Whereyouwere". ;)
  17. You can though, just right click on the salvage kite and choose blues or blues and greens, and it does them all. Or am I miss understanding something? Well you have to click each individual one to salvage or are you about to reveal a big secret to me that I wish I'd known years ago? Right-click your salvage tool for an option to mass salvage certain rarities. I think I'm going to log into the game and then fall off my chair in amazement lol. In my defense I've only played this game sporadically but I had no idea this could be done. Prepare to be amazed, pretty much every stackable consume type item now has a consume/use/salvage/whaever ALL. No more clicking thousands of luck or that silverwastes sand.The annoying exceptions: Tomes. If I have a stack of four (week four of the daily login cycle, for example), I have to use them separately.Some types of RNG dye packs have Use All, and some do not, and I almost never want to use just one of the stack.
  18. They're not dead, they're just underground fighting the destroyers. And Ogden isn't just a head, he's the dwarf who works with the Priory and who helps us get to Glint's Lair during the living story. The one who is just a head is Rhoban (who also teams up with the Priory later). Rhoban still has part of his upper torso as well as his head. And we have his thumb.
  19. For sure it could. If lightning hits a power line, it can and will damage or break consumer electronics and electrical equipment in nearby houses.
  20. One that I'd suggest (to help people without Springers) is Loreclaw Expanse in the Plains of Ashford. You usually see lots of downed/defeated in among the fire traps, and when I sat round the back offering ports in /map, a fair number of people showed up. Might be a good idea to say if you're on EU or NA.
  21. Pagefiling has nothing to do with anything. It is there to help off loading in game. I have it on a different hard drive. You'll have performance problems when something wakes up, gets paged back in, and in the process kicks a bit of GW2 out to the page file, for example. It isn't about whether the pagefile and the game are on the same or different disks. If there is stuff paged out to the pagefile, your physical memory is too small for what your computer is trying to do with it. (If there was enough physical memory, that stuff wouldn't be in the pagefile.) If you turn down detail in your graphics settings (shadow-map resolution, texture resolution, character model detail, that sort of thing), you can reduce GW2's memory usage. Are you running the 32 or 64 bit client, by the way? I know that on some lower-end machines, the 32-bit client is automatically preferred. (It also uses approximately half the memory used by the 64-bit client. I've seen the 64-bit client's memory use get beyond 3.5GB.)
  22. @"JacobsHell.6251" I suggest you look urgently at getting more system memory. You have 4GB (and yes, I know, the system requirements say 4GB, but bear with me), and the report claims that you have 2GB of page file in use. That's not good. It means that 2GB of stuff that would like to be in system memory has been kicked out ("paged") to the pagefile, and you're likely to have performance problems because of that.
  23. The human voice actors (for Tyrians) do have accents. They all have their own version of Miscellaneous West American VII. It's not a strong accent (not like, say, Sayeh al' Rajihd's), but if you don't hear it every day, you notice it. (Obvious exception: Boris the Beast.) The Norn most certainly should NOT sound Welsh. Some variety of Scandinavian, for sure, with the actors taught that in Scandinavian languages, the letter written as "J" is pronounced as if it's a "Y". (The storyline heroine of GW1's EotN norn branch is Jora, and that should be pronounced "Yora".) Why does that one Norn woman (Kristyna Sohnstag) in Hoelbrak who's always blithering about steam creatures sound Scottish? They have, indeed, done a good job there, even if the accents are a little erratic. The names are all inspired by British Isles Celtic cultures (Welsh, and Irish mostly), and yet the sylvari don't sound very Welsh / Irish. Yes. Steve Blum does a good job of that for Rytlock, but he's one of the few Charr that sounds like that.
  24. I'm no fan of the human male "Nice gear" lines that you get when you gather high-rarity loot, but on the same stuff, Jennifer Hale does an amazing job with the female sylvari's breathless excitement(1). But the one that makes my ears bleed is a norn female when she gets whichever it is of quickness or swiftness, "Quickly!" But when I ran a second character through the Amnoon parts of PoF, I was amused when listening to Koth Vortena, the casino boss. Er. No. Zalambur, but the voice actor (Ike Amadi) also does Koth (a character in SWTOR's Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion), and he doesn't really do much to make them sound different. The SWTOR female trooper, the female sylvari player character, and Queen Jennah are all Jennifer Hale, but they sound far more different than Zalambur and Koth do. (1) Breathless excitement might not be appropriate when you've found yet another rare Cleric's Iron Sword of Grawl Slaying, but she does a good job with it nonetheless.
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