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Steve The Cynic.3217

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Everything posted by Steve The Cynic.3217

  1. @Mack.3045 Is there a page somewhere with a database of people's experience cross-referenced against CPU and/or GPU ?
  2. Not a hard thing to do and is not complicated. Keep the name greyed out with a warning that all gear that you don't want must get moved to the starter storage bag or deleted. Why, though? See my post earlier where I admitted that it was my own stupid fault when I deleted the character without recovering the tools. We as players must take personal responsibility for our actions. And besides, what will you ask for when you put a set of tools in your starter bag and then delete the character anyway?
  3. The most important question is why? Why did you have them on a character you intend to throw away? I would imagine in this game, the only reason for throw away characters other than deleting items would be farming legendary explorations as they're per character. Just buy the expendable toolsets for those characters. You're assuming that the character was created with the intention of throwing it away (and yes, in such a case, equipping Gem Store items on the character might not be worth doing(1)). @Carnius Magius.8091 merely said that he/she deleted the character. People delete characters for all kinds of reasons, only some of which are planned earlier. (1) A Gift-of-Exploration farmer character can easily be used for gathering during the map completion, and having a set non-consumable tools that you pass from one to another might be a good thing there. Well, provided you take care to always recover the tools before moving to the next one...
  4. So basically, the best way I can describe it, the same reaction people will have if Small Pox suddenly appeared in the world again in a spot too far from a place that stores the cure for it. Except that smallpox was kinda unique among infectious diseases:It was a humans-only disease so there's no reservoir of unvaccinated animals that can reinfect humans.There was an non-dangerous disease (cowpox) that, if you caught it, you would generate an immune response that's effective against smallpox.(1)It was easy to extract an attenuated strain of cowpox and/or smallpox that would infect you (and create an immune response) but not make you sick. So in general a reappearance of smallpox could only happen if it is accidentally unfrozen and released from one of the very few labs (er, two, one in the US, one in Russia, that kind of very few) that still stores it. (This happened in England in 1978, and there was one fatality and no further outbreak.) And where exactly in the world is so far away, in the 21st Century, that it would be impossible to ship the necessary stuff there? (Vaccines effective against smallpox are still manufactured - the most recent one got FDA approval in 2007.) So the reaction would be a mix of "What's smallpox?" and "Oh, that was over quickly. Good thing they still make vaccines for it." (1) The term "vaccination" comes from the Latin word for cow, and strictly speaking on that basis you can only be vaccinated against things that cowpox infections are effective against, like smallpox. The word has, of course, been broadened to any similar process of immunisation, even one that doesn't involve a second disease. Well you have to remember a Vaccine was never created for the Plague. The only "cure" for it they had was to attempt thorough extermination of all infected even those who were recently infected. For sure. My comment was mostly directed at the comparison with smallpox rather than at the GW/GW2 lore aspect. A more pertinent comparison would be a sudden outbreak of ebola in, say, the US Mid-West. Hmmmmm. That could be interesting.
  5. Is it on the ears or around them? That is, are the cups big enough that the ears sit inside them? (Having an "industrial" piercing(1) makes "sits on the ears" headsets ... uncomfortable...) (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_piercing And yes, that hurts when they do the piercing itself. Good point.The cups are around my ears, which feels good.I guess our ears are different so I used the ruler and checked the size of the cup. I've linked to a picture that I've uploaded, I hope you'll get the... eeh.. picture.. ehrrm..https://ibb.co/QF08Fpk The short size is back of the ear.Cool, thanks. I'll look at that for my ears later. I do have a headset that sits around my ears, but the sound quality is a bit meh, and for those moments when I feel like gaming at 2am, using my normal speakers is a no-no, so a decent-quality headset is a good thing to have. EDIT: Yes, that looks about the same size as the ones I have. ("later" ==> at lunch-time, given that I'm teleworking...) Thanks again.
  6. Is it on the ears or around them? That is, are the cups big enough that the ears sit inside them? (Having an "industrial" piercing(1) makes "sits on the ears" headsets ... uncomfortable...) (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_piercing And yes, that hurts when they do the piercing itself.
  7. So basically, the best way I can describe it, the same reaction people will have if Small Pox suddenly appeared in the world again in a spot too far from a place that stores the cure for it. Except that smallpox was kinda unique among infectious diseases: It was a humans-only disease so there's no reservoir of unvaccinated animals that can reinfect humans.There was an non-dangerous disease (cowpox) that, if you caught it, you would generate an immune response that's effective against smallpox.(1)It was easy to extract an attenuated strain of cowpox and/or smallpox that would infect you (and create an immune response) but not make you sick.So in general a reappearance of smallpox could only happen if it is accidentally unfrozen and released from one of the very few labs (er, two, one in the US, one in Russia, that kind of very few) that still stores it. (This happened in England in 1978, and there was one fatality and no further outbreak.) And where exactly in the world is so far away, in the 21st Century, that it would be impossible to ship the necessary stuff there? (Vaccines effective against smallpox are still manufactured - the most recent one got FDA approval in 2007.) So the reaction would be a mix of "What's smallpox?" and "Oh, that was over quickly. Good thing they still make vaccines for it." (1) The term "vaccination" comes from the Latin word for cow, and strictly speaking on that basis you can only be vaccinated against things that cowpox infections are effective against, like smallpox. The word has, of course, been broadened to any similar process of immunisation, even one that doesn't involve a second disease.
  8. I'm quite sure I've seen it doing exactly that after I log in to the launcher but before I press Play.
  9. I can get behind what OP proposes as advice when deleting characters, but not as a hard requirement that the game imposes. And yes, as noted, CS will replace the items (a CS-generated mail to the next character that logs in). Or they'll restore the character, but most likely they'll replace the items. How do I know this? Well, um, I once deleted a character who still had the "Unbreakable" set of plain permanent harvesting tools equipped. I realised immediately what I had done, acknowledged to myself that it was my own stupid fault(1) (I had cleaned everything else off the character...) and put in a ticket. (1) Any time this happens, sad to say, and whether or not it's a stupid fault, it's the player's own fault one way or another. He/she did what I did, or left the PC unlocked with the game logged in and a malicious sibling or drunk roommate deleted the character, or something else, whatever. It's the player's fault for doing that, and I include myself in that. I think I'm currently at three successful restorations of stuff or characters following dumb-as-rocks unintended deletions, two here and one in SWTOR. (Er, SWTOR deletes the selected character, not the one whose name you're looking at... GW2 might be like that as well.)
  10. @Randulf.7614 touches on a key point for Ele builds, especially Weaver. Switch around the different elements, in part because that way you get to use attacks that aren't on cooldown, but also for alternative defensives, etc. (E.g. Attack 2 is on cooldown for Fire? Switch primary to Earth and use its 2. Then Water's, etc. Eventually you come back to Fire, and its 2 will be off cooldown.)
  11. For amusement value the other day, I watched Task Manager while the new MS Flight Simulator was running. At once point, it was eating 17GB of RAM, and 13GB is fairly common.
  12. Be careful about the wiki. It might be linked to the game and hosted on ArenaNet's servers, but that's exactly as far as its officialness goes. Every word on there was written by a player, not ArenaNet staff. (If you find a contribution by "cynique", I wrote it.)
  13. I think you've interpreted it slightly wrongly. I would say they want to define all "random draw" lootboxes, with or without a preview list, as gambling. A box that lists: "This box contains a Farbulator, a Yellow Iggleflop and a blue Woojit" with no random content would not meet that definition, but it isn't what a BLC+BLK is. Heck, a BLC+BLK, even though it contains a statuette and a fixed (per BLC version) second item still falls foul of the definition because the other two or three items are random-draw.
  14. It's pretty boring to do the second time regardless of how geared you are.
  15. Sorry about that. I wasn't quite clear about what I meant. If you've been programming for 17 years, you've surely run across the idea that when you change code, you have to consider it broken until you can prove otherwise. Maybe that proof comes from a full set of Test-Driven-Development unit tests and automated QA procedures, in which case, you're very lucky. More likely, it comes from a bunch of poor schmucks pushing buttons or looking at the colours of dyed backpacks in diferent lighting to make sure they look the same colour as the equivalent glider skin dyed the same colour, and in that case, you'll have a harder time proving it. That "broken unless proven to be working" aspect is what I meant.
  16. The people who are responsible for deciding what to fix or add when, that's who. It's their job to care about that. And in the end, it's a small oversight. It is an oversight, but it's not huge. Disclaimer: I say that as someone who was disappointed about the inability to match the dyed colour of the Scaled Dragon Wings backpack and glider. I mention that just in case you think I'm being cold and uncaring and all "so what if you want that" about the whole thing. See my other post: knowing about the reasons for this kind of decision has been part of my job for thirty years.
  17. Because updating code that's baked into the very core of the game is not (in their opinion) worth doing. That means that the cost is too high relative to the possible benefit for ArenaNet, in the opinion of the only people who matter for deciding what to work on: ArenaNet. Because as legacy code, it works, and as updated code, it will have bugs, and therefore does not work. Disclaimer. I have been a professional programmer for over thirty years. I have colleagues younger than my career. I know something about the tradeoffs involved in programming.
  18. Minion Master/"Rise!"(1) Greatsword Reaper with Axe+Focus for when it's time to take on the Soul Eater. Set up correctly, it's nearly indestructible, and the animation for Gravedigger is hard to beat for epic silliness. (And it's a skill that has no cooldown when at least one target is below 50% health. What's not to like?(2)) (1) The voiced line for "Suffer!" is epic on human females, but "Rise!" is more useful. (2) It's a little slow, that's what.
  19. Just to confirm... You don't already have two? (There are three spaces, but only two can be Gem Store plots, while the third comes from progressing Chef from 400 to 500.)
  20. Fave? Paired Quip+Quip. On an Asura Daredevil. Rodgort was a bit of a letdown because the effects were a bit meh.Howler? Well, it's a warhorn. Nothing more needs to be said.Kudzu? Highly visible footfalls, but the projectiles are a bit weak.Frostfang? Doesn't quite work. Two Quips? Man, oh man, that's a rush.
  21. Where are you getting the count? I don't think I've seen that in game. Go to the discovery tab and put the item (Ectos in this case) in one of the boxes, and look below - it shows how many undiscovered recipes there are for this item (pedantically, for the combination of items selected), as well as the level of the lowest-level not-yet-discovered discoverable recipe, or a blue/black symbol and a "This looks like something" text.
  22. Backpacks have always worked for me as a last-ditch way of getting to 500. The top tier of backpacks stay orange all the way to 500.
  23. Probably they will. We might not realise it at first, but... (Hey, 500 chef makes a chef station in that character's home instance.)
  24. There are also "missing" recipes for low-level "levelling" gear (exotics for lowbies). The bottom two tiers of materials will show things available but there's no discoverable recipes. See this discussion, oriented on tailoring. You might recognise one of the participants. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/50788/tailor-recipe-discovery-problem
  25. No, probably not. It's one of a small number of torches that give off light even when they are stowed. In the big table in https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Light_sourcethere is a list of them.
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