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Steve The Cynic.3217

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Everything posted by Steve The Cynic.3217

  1. What weapons have they resold with different colors? Not saying you're wrong, just can't think of any other than SAB weapons, that you earn in-game. The non-exotic crafted ones also are just recolours from eahc other.The Restored Boreal weapons are recolours from the Ancient Boreal Weapons.The Inquest weapon set is a recolour of the Mystic weapon set.The Mad King's weapons technically also are recolours of the AC weapons.And I think there are yellow and grey versions of the Seraph weapons. I probably missed a few sets.However, I don't think any of them of them were sold on the Gem Store or at the BL Weapon Specialist.I believe they've said in the past that they never just recolour an item. There are always detail differences in the layout of colours and above all in the geometry.
  2. The implication in "even in GW2 history" that below-hat baldness is a universal problem is misplaced. It's not GW2-only (SWTOR among others has it), but it's not universal either. This is my character in The Secret World. She took off her hat so you could see her hair.Here she is again, with her hat on. Note that the ponytail has disappeared, but at least she isn't bald, and the hat-hair matches her actual hair colour.
  3. I don't know the term in English but it's a free economy, stuff costs what players think it costs Capitalism No. The dynamics of free-market economics (supply and demand, Geffen goods, blah blah blah) are independent of whether the system is capitalist, mercantilist, etc.
  4. A couple more pictures of my first character, from slightly earlier in 2012: Standing in Queensdale with her staff: Attending Minister Wii's party:
  5. "Been There Done That" on the second character who did it - the first wears Knight of the Thorn because she's the only one to have done that. Kylara Nightsong, the purple Reaper, wears "Killer Queen" because, well, necro, female, nobility, blah blah blah. Neranta Xelar is an Honorary Skritt because why not.
  6. My very first character, some time in 2012. This image is no longer possible.(1)And a more recent version of her. (1) She's wearing town clothes, and although the shades are an armour skin, the basic human town clothes became an outfit. Grr.
  7. No it isn't. If you have enough other map currencies, you map into DS, top up your stock of Machetes if necessary (that's what the other currencies are for), and then run down each of the three lanes. You can collect 6-8 pods per day that way. (Possibly per character - I haven't tried that yet.) Use mounts to help you avoid the patrolling groups of Mordrem (Raptor jumps past, Griffy lets you fly above them, etc.), and go for it. EDIT: 6-8 per day if you do that run only once a day, of course. YMMV on how many runs you can do, but each character can only do one run per meta cycle. Is there a map for those nodes? I found one at each.They aren't in fixed locations, and sometimes they aren't directly visible from the centre of the lane, and you have to go all the way to the end of the lane, where there's the wall thing that spawns groups of walking mordrem.
  8. Sylvari members of the Toxic Alliance get downed in combat, and can be Finished. Dude,he wants to showoff his finisher.Thats the whole point of a finisher is to show it off to others, just like buying armor, you want to show it off. You might be surprised to hear that I understood that part. It was pretty clear. Some subset of players ("we") want it in blah blah blah. For what it's worth, I think it would add something, but I wouldn't ever say it was necessary. And my point was addressing the implication in @Just a flesh wound.3589 's post that there aren't any mobs that have it. Look more closely: We do have it on some mobs, just not lots of mobs. Yes, thank you. I should have been more precise with my wording. I would like the downstate on more mobs in new areas I now do events and not just in areas I no longer do events. Is that phrased precisely enough? Indeed, and I think it's a good idea.
  9. Sylvari members of the Toxic Alliance get downed in combat, and can be Finished. Dude,he wants to showoff his finisher.Thats the whole point of a finisher is to show it off to others, just like buying armor, you want to show it off.You might be surprised to hear that I understood that part. It was pretty clear. Some subset of players ("we") want it in blah blah blah. For what it's worth, I think it would add something, but I wouldn't ever say it was necessary. And my point was addressing the implication in @Just a flesh wound.3589 's post that there aren't any mobs that have it. Look more closely: We do have it on some mobs, just not lots of mobs.
  10. Hey... so you need black lion keys -- which you either get by doing the once weekly key farm, or by purchasing from the gemstore -- to open black lion chests. You can also get them from map completion rewards. And people living in Belgium can't buy them in the Gem Store unless that changed somewhere. EDIT: and other places. See https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Chest_Key for a list.
  11. I decided to resist the urge to thank y'all for campaigning for my characters to be buffed.
  12. Sylvari members of the Toxic Alliance get downed in combat, and can be Finished.
  13. That's not logical at all since the third trailer has more than double the views of the previous one. "game is dying" is (or should be) a generic meme in all MMORPG forums, even to the extent of things like Game released today: "Game is dying."Game released yesterday: "Game is dying."Game just released a new expansion, all the servers are jam-packed with players: "Game is dying."Game will release in two weeks: "Game is dead."
  14. My original main (or the closest I ever have to a main) was a guardian because the late Mrs Cynic and I both wanted to try something that wasn't in GW1. She picked Engineer, and I picked Guardian as the closest I could get to Paragon. But these days I prefer Minion Master Greatsword Reaper because it's monstrously tough and because it has Gravedigger.
  15. There's a story episode in Fahranur, The First City (mid-left), so we do see some of that as well.
  16. There is no doubt in my mind that if you report one, the GMs can come along and action the entire stack, possibly one at a time. But more generally, there have, in other discussions of this subject, been descriptions of some things that GMs do to investigate: they whisper the character. If there's no response, they move the character somewhere nearby but away from the farming spot. If the player doesn't then move back to farm, the conclusion is that there's no player there, and they can action it further for AFK play. There may be other things they do, but I haven't seen descriptions.
  17. But the Steve thing is probably a reference to a line in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over_the_Hedge_(film) See e.g. https://astrobites.org/2018/04/11/lets-call-it-steve/
  18. Unlike D&D, GW upholds the rationality of biology, and not "humans can mix with anything because reasons!" This means the only hybrids that will exist will be like mules or ligers - only possible through closely related species, and most (if not all) hybrids being sterile. Humans are aliens to the world. They're not closely related biologically to any species in Tyria. Even if norn look like "big humans", they're actually cousin species to either the jotun and ogres, or to the kodan (the lore isn't entirely clear) - if hybrids are possible, then between those species is the most likely. Asura are of the rodent genus, while charr of feline genus. So charr, norn, and asura - being basically cats, bears/giants, and mice, are too distant to be capable of producing hybrids. Though, perhaps, there's a close enough relation between asura and skritt - in a bit of irony. Outside of the lore, there's the cost for all the new models and the potential issues that may be born for armor or animation rigging. Wouldn't be an entire re-do of the game systems to allow secondary professions. They already set up a function emulating that for WvW events. That's not really hybrids really, the skyscales was the Mists creating something using Kralkatorrik as a template. This is the exact same thing as Razah from GW1, and is really the same as Fractals except Fractals copy entire space-time events, and not simply using one individual or group of individuals in random creation. And it has nothing for "just the right amount of magic" - The Mists isn't made of magic, it's made of proto-matter. And isn't very controllable. Asura aren't rodents, the teeth are all wrong. Skritt and Dredge might be closer. The various puns in Dredge territory suggests strongly that they are (communist) moles, not rodents.
  19. One thing that helps immensely with this JP is a staff Daredevil. Use "Vault" = staff skill 5 for precise jumps in places that need those. (Yes, there are other professions with aimed jump skills, but none of them cools down as fast as Vault.)
  20. One obstacle to it truly looking like a raven is that ravens don't have four legs... ;)
  21. The snark in the first sentence is out of place, but the rest of the post is definitely worth supporting.
  22. Hey, as long is i can say "no thanks" it's not my problem. I still doubt anet would do something like this. You can, in SWTOR, take options that are not flirting, and the choices that lead to flirtation and/or romance are clearly tagged with [Flirt] in the dialogue choice menus. And yes, for me, too, that would be an essential component of any such thing. I also think it's somewhat out of place here in GW2.
  23. Because it's like that "Banker Golem" thing I still get on new characters, that expires after two weeks and doesn't work any more. It's a teaser, and it sends you mail when it expires explaining how to get a permanent mount (er, by buying the expansion, duh).
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