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Steve The Cynic.3217

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Everything posted by Steve The Cynic.3217

  1. Y'all should take a look at how SWTOR treats romances between NPCs and the player character, I think. There are opportunities to flirt with people you encounter, and you have companions (a bit like heroes from GW1) who can, in some cases, be not merely flirted with but properly romanced, all the way to proposing marriage in some cases.
  2. One might just as easily question why the game has burgers and pizza. Neither the US (main driver of world burger cuisine) nor Italy (conceptual origin of pizza, even if actual Italian pizza isn't like what anyone else eats that's called "pizza") exists in Tyria either. I think you're overthinking it. SWTOR has explicit outside-the-game input from the storywriters about the timeline, although the only specific large amount of time mentioned in-game is the delay while your character is in carbonite at the beginning of the KotFE story (which is specified as "five years", but probably doesn't mean "1825 days"), whereas I'm not aware of any similar input from the GW2 writing team. (Feel free to post links to show that I'm wrong...) Also note that the first time I saw a level 80 character was almost exactly 200 hours after the servers opened, although the player probably hadn't finished the personal story yet. (He might have done - he had been in-game playing for a hundred of those 200 hours...)
  3. And this method is better then the current trading post how? It gives players that want to direct trade an avenue of doing so rather than relying on the mail system alone. As it stands now, you cannot see who you are trading with on the auction house and anything you post there is visible to and can be purchased by anyone. I see no harm in being allowed to specify a single buyer by name.The obvious harm is that it would be a way for goldsellers to distribute gold that people buy. The gold-buyer lists some junky item for the contracted amount, buyable only by the goldseller's agent character, and that character buys it.
  4. For human-ish leaf options for Sylvari females, I would suggest this one:
  5. Oh man, this. I play on the EU/French server in SWTOR, and for a long time my main was "Kylath". The name was created without really thinking about French pronunciation, and I think of the Y as sounding like "eye" and the TH as sounding like the TH in "thin". I joined a guild, and of course my guildies, French one and all, pronounced it in Discord as "Keelat"...
  6. this may come as a shock to you, but other people arent YOU. and the game needs more than one player to survive.this is the nth thread about this particular boss. something is clearly wrong Perhaps, but nothing in this thread, nor in the other N thousand other threads about this boss, nor in the interminable series of threads about the "impossible" fight with Vaylin in chapter IX of the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion of SWTOR, will tell us what it is. For the Vaylin fight, there are some mild mechanics, of the sort that a GW2 player would barely notice compared to e.g. the stuff in the Glint's lair part of LS2, and a requirement to pay attention to what you're doing, but there is a subset of players who just cannot be helped. Some complain of the difficulty, but take the offered advice and run with it, and come back with good news. Others complain of the impossibility, and nothing we say seems to get through to them. Game difficulty should not be set up for the wilfully obtuse. If someone is willing to put in some effort, to recognise that learning is possible and even necessary, and then goes ahead and learns, cool. If someone is offered sound advice (if you dig over on the SWTOR forums for threads about that Vaylin fight, you'll find a name you might recognise among the people offering advice) but refuses to do anything useful with it, all we can do, in the end, is just walk away shaking our heads.
  7. Yep, the recipe carries across. Handy for crafting items like insignias, bolts of cloth, ingots, etc. Only recipes learned from sheets carry across. "Discovered" recipes (i.e. where you put the ingredients in to see what you make) and "automatic" recipes (e.g. turning logs into planks) have to be learned by each character. (You can see this by looking at your list - learned-from-sheet recipes show up in red if you are below the required level, while automatic recipes don't show up until you are at the right level, and the chat will show you learning them when you get there.)
  8. @Angel.3916 Thanks for coming back to let us know that you have solved the problem, and also for letting us know what the solution was. And no, they probably should leave the thread available to help out the next person to have a similar problem.
  9. If you're interested, here's a recommendation for the best store items. Should help you get the most out of your gems. solely from the fact that VIP passes are mentioned as "must have" i question the usefulness of this "guide". wvw starting location, pvp lobby or guild hall provide the necessary VIP functions (anvil, general vendor, bank access) in a better way: you can get back to your previous position and they are free.the things listed under lower tiers are way better, especially bag slots and bank tabs. Bag slots and bank tabs don't do anything unless you have already reached the limits of your storage options. For new players that may be months away, possibly a year if they use their character slots well. VIP passes can be huge timesavers from day 1 especially if you are crafting a lot, but I agree, that one is questionable. I've been considering knocking that down a tier, might just go for it now. I tend to rate items higher if they get more value out of a shared slot, and passes certainly do. don't get me wrong, VIP passes would be a good idea ... if and only if they would not cause additional time spent getting back where you were.That's why Mistlock Sanctuary is rated higher than the other passes for those things, since there's a "go back where I was" option in the portal. Well, and it's fun to go and bounce around there from time to time.
  10. As the poster above states, “they” has had multiple meanings or uses for a very long time. It’s not a post millennium thing For a chunk of time in the 19th and 20th centuries, the "singular they" (referring to one person with a plural pronoun and a plural verb) was considered grammatically incorrect. (Then again, in 13th Century Middle English, the roles currently played by "he" and "plural they" used the same pronoun. It was spelled "he".)
  11. It's supposed to stick to walls. Wall Jump won't work unless it sticks to walls. If you back off the forward motion, it unsticks immediately. That said, there might be something to be said for making it slide along walls (rather than sticking to them) if you're not nearly head-on to the wall. Something like 45 degrees away from head-on, maybe as little as 30.
  12. If your guild isn't sufficiently "together" to do those things as a guild, perhaps it might be an idea to look for a guild that is. Dismiss them all you like, but those guild missions are infinitely more for-guilds activities than you find in, say, SWTOR.
  13. Runes of Magic had (strictly speaking "has", but it's a mostly dead game) a functional equivalent of GW1 Guild-v-Guild battles. It wasn't very good, by all accounts, but it existed.
  14. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_mission Sounds like an activity for your guild.
  15. How did you fare with the Alpha Beetle in Silverwastes afterwards? (now that IS a hard one to find a group for) Um. Please refine your quoting. I didn't say that. That said, I think that all I did was hit it until it fell over and didn't get up. It's been a while since I did that one (trust me, I really wanted the Beetle, so I cranked on its collections pretty fast after they released it), but I don't remember anything special about it.
  16. Pfft. I think a GW2 take on Vabbian Necro (female) from GW1 would be better. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gallery_of_female_necromancer_Vabbian_armor
  17. I have to agree with the others that this is based on an incorrect premise. Lore diversion: Humans have six gods, except after the end of PoF, when there are only five because ((spoiler)).(1)Norn have an inadequately specified number of Spirits of the Wild, with only four "main" ones.Asura follow the Great Alchemy rather than an as-such god.(Pale Tree) Sylvari have a religion-level reverence for the Pale Tree, but I wouldn't say they worship her as if she's a goddess.Charr (or at least player Charr) don't have any form of religion.Practicalities: How would it interact with the human "this is my story" preselections, where one of the gods specially blessed you?What if the special-blessing god is the one hinted at in the spoiler below at (1)?The ability sets proposed have a moderately strong "grab bag" effect, and sound like they could be seriously OP.It seems strange to punish the Priest's enemies for the Priest changing the active god.You propose a mechanic that's sort of like (more than you say, I would think) a fusion of Elementalist attunements and Revenant Heroes, and then punish people for using it. That seems ... odd.(1) Spoiler:
  18. There's some AP for fully training the Chronomancer spec, and there's some more, I believe, for finishing the Collection for the special shield.
  19. There is no main-hand Shield for anyone, so that would be a major chunk of work in its own right. Guardian already has Spear.
  20. If this is a serious statement then:Stop playing the game NOW. Stop reading the forums NOW. Contact your support person (mum, dad, sibling, counsellor) NOW. There is nothing any of us here can do. It is a somewhat unrealistic expectation that people on the forums care (in the sense of being worried about you). However, important people in your circle should care. Reach out to them. NOW. My observation is that if nobody in the forums/reddit(1) cared at all (in any way), there wouldn't be any helpful responses here, and I do see responses that are intended to be helpful. EDIT: that said, your points 1, 2, 3 are spot on. (1) I have my own opinions of reddit, and would in no way recommend it to a person with insecurity issues.
  21. And don't forget to supplement all that by visiting someone's home instance that has the relevant harvesting nodes every day. Get started doing this as early as possible before you get anywhere near the Dragonfall part of the story, and you'll have a head start.
  22. Are there not still groups doing regular runs round the meta, chest farming and so on?
  23. Anything that lets me put Permafrost dye in all slots and burn out pixels on my screen.(1) Currently we have that for only the Skimmer (Khajakh Lantern (?sp), I think), although the Trailblazer skin for Petey comes a close second. (1) Damage to other people's screens is unfortunate, but not the goal. Call it collateral damage.
  24. I won't just ignore it - instead, I'll thank you for coming back to tell us that you have resolved the issue, and also for telling us what you did. (You'd be surprised, maybe, by the number of people who never come back to a thread, so we don't know if they solved it (and are rude) or just gave up and removed the game, or whatever.) Anyway, thanks!
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