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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. And this is the reason comps do NOT fight each other, unless one knows they outnumber the other. That should not be how wvw is played. Giant comped blobs avoiding each other fighting pugs and doors because fighting another equal size comp is not profitable is just pve. Anet is only 1 step away from putting offensive and defensive protocols at every spawn that way everyone can just have perma-every boon with no effort. Skill should win fights. Right now, we have Anet hard-carrying boonblobs with boon-sharing, boon duration and downstate. Downstate existed because the game did not have dedicated healers, but we do now. It really makes no sense to still have downstate AND healers, on top of perma-every boon. Skill usage should matter. You apply, I strip, when skills are used should matter, but it doesn't cause Anet is babysitting blobs by making it possible to apply every boon 10 times while there is only 1 strip during the same alotted time.
  2. This is honestly the most fun of playing alt accounts. Can't tell you how many times I've had people just assume my no rank to silver alts are just free kills. Get a lot of good laughs from some of those fights.
  3. Rank doesn't really play into any decision making in fights, based solely on rank. You may not know the username of the account(s) you are facing, but after a while you just start to know who (for lack of a better word) people are. Come across a duo as a solo and think, oh it's these 2 again from XX guild, even when they change tags. You have probably faced them numerous times, and already know if you can down 1 or both, and how quickly. Or, you just know you can melt the one and have to walk away because there is 0 chance to to secure the kill based on your build and what the other 2 are running. The classes they are running is probably far more important than anything else you could know to start the fight.
  4. It's just a condition damage. I'd rather Anet NOT look at doing anything to it. The build I play most often in open world, when not healing things, does 15-20k per second just on the bleed stacks alone. If they made any changes to it they would have to nerf the bleed into complete uselessness, and I'd rather they didn't.
  5. Boon duration and sharing needs a hard nerf or downstate needs to go.
  6. The tiny radius is laughable. The delay feels wrong, or maybe the weapon just feels wrong. Honestly, not sure. The few small skirmishes I got to use it in, it seemed like half the skills never reached the ground. Will wait till later to try and record what I'm seeing, but if all the arrows count as projectiles, this could never be used in wvw cause every blob has near perma-projectile hate.
  7. Its a third party tool, they're cheating. It is possible to run far enough away from a fight that you drop combat and mount, but you are likely talking about what I see all the time. They don't "run away and mount up", they literally mount while at 10% health while still being hit with 130 range skills. The other fun one is they just port to their spawn while in combat too...same illegal third party tool.
  8. They do not want pugs beating guilds, it's a simple as that. Their vision may be bigger than that, but that's the bottom line. Perma every boon means, without the ability to strip them, small pug groups will not be able to kill an organized guild group. Anet has chosen boons over skill. All guilds eventually implode anyway, but guilds losing tons of fights over and over to pugs kills them faster. Guilds die, people stop playing. So, Anet nerfs anything that stops boonblob guilds.
  9. Sand Swell Punishment. Plunge into the ground, creating a portal through Tyria for allied use. Grant allies using this passage a health barrier. Convert a boon on nearby enemies into torment. This is what they will likely copy though, cause what's the point in having a weapon skill that has a 1 minute cooldown on one of the skills. I really want to be wrong. I would love it to be a normal portal, with maybe a 3-5 player limit. I imagine how fun and useful it would be even in jump puzzles or on a wall to port friendlies back inside. But, this is Anet, and I'm not holding my breath.
  10. It is almost certainly going to have a LOS and pathing requirement. Meaning, it's gonna fail almost all the time. Sorry, there was a blade of grass in the way, your portal failed.
  11. Que was real, varied between 18-28, and I had friends in voice who were que'd the entire 30'ish minutes we were both que'd AND outnumbered. TC is pretty used to tons of people not on tag, but last night was just not on map. We got everyone we could in squad, and literally ran around the entire map looking for green dots. The highest count we could get to, before the outnumbered went away (30'ish minutes into the match), was 35. 29 in squad, 1 of those in que, and 7 non-squad running around. Will be interesting to see if this bug happens again. Last time I recall a population cap mismatch was back before PoF launched. It's a random bug that happens as people load into the map,
  12. My favorite is how daredevil has 3 dodges without sacrificing a sigil to get it.
  13. For those who seem to be confused, the normal map cap for EB is roughly 78. So, on EB the match is currently 78 red vs 78 green vs 35 blue (and our map is both qued, real que, and perma-outnumbered). Edit - up to 40 on the map (including Indo's tag watching alt), finally outnumbered went away. Still qued with nowhere near the normal playing population.
  14. Getting every single person on the map in a squad, we have 35. The other 2 servers have normal 70+. We are literally qued with only 35 on the map. Anet...are you awake?
  15. They are using amazon web servers, which is fine for lots of users, but not lots of gaming users. AWS are crap, as we are witnessing every day.
  16. That would be the best event ever. They would have to leave in the monsters too, cause yeah, good times.
  17. Since Soto launched, I've been having this weird deja vu about the story. I finally realized why I felt that way Tuesday, listening to Peitha talk. Stargate Atlantis. We go through a "portal" to a "another world", the enemies drain your life force (eat our emotions or something), and even the voice acting. The first time the team on Atlantis encounter the Wraith, they talk the same, act the same, and feed on our life force (which kills us obviously). Watch the first couple episodes of Stargate Atlantis and you'll see what I mean.
  18. I can't stand the spec, its just not fun to play. I'd rather play core or spellbreaker, the latter being my go to for open world. But it's hard to argue for more when they already gave the class something so ridiculously broken.
  19. They added bladesworn, which when played well, is only beaten in single combat by God. What more do you want?
  20. Happened twice today so far. Fortunately it was a small que, but still annoying to wait your turn, only to get put at the back of the line hitting travel to enter a map.
  21. It's pretty easy to stay 15 feet from a blob and still hide inside a tower, even on a class with no stealth. Obviously not every tower, but a lot of them. And, it's fairly easy to solo a paper tower. The problem is that this punishes legit gameplay. I am not necessarily opposed, but would have to see how it played with the change before ruling on it.
  22. They're nerfing a few more strips on Tuesday...go figure.
  23. Is 1 player a cloud? If you need 49 other players to stop you from having to walk back from spawn, there's something wrong with your server.
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