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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. This game just need milk us more i want give them gems/$, but i'm not into fashion i'm glad thay started doing expansions more often, so now i will have anythink to spend on
  2. thay actualy do, your changing wood from trees into monay
  3. can we add Bald slider to the game? culd be fun to off evryone hair stile in option menu
  4. i'm introvert, i have no reason to lie, as the only person i can foulf on end is me myself 😄
  5. yep, you can ask that person yourself 😄 screanshot i'm not joked that i had around 10k, some of it i spended to buy thinks i provided screanshot, and rest giving some gold to ppl around. like in strike shiver, wher first person that finish jp get some gold 😄 i recomend using this side to help you decide what you want to do I personaly recomend leviathan farm if your new, his droping chunk then is worth around 1,5g per leviathan killed, you only need remeber that after 2 kills, you need swap to other map with leviathan or you will stop geting chunks from him, until you swap map to remove anty-bot protection it's limited to 10 kills, so you can get 15g per day
  6. I recomend full berserker scrapper, on top of dps and tanknes, you also providing aoe superspeed to a team, and can ress up to 3ppl evry 25-35s for open word use runes of pack, and cavalier hammer if you want solo bounty
  7. shield gives aoe protection boon with Over shield on 4+5 4 on hammer not count to that trait you can provid perm protection that way as for pistol, as support you can blind mobs at fractal/drms with 3, so thay will miss thay hit
  8. dw i will become your suggar daddy i like your mindset and message history 499g+2 exotic precursors schold inaf for a while 😄 profit of crafting one legendary weapon after you sell
  9. it's depend how your comp is constructed thers support/bruiser/dps/roamer if you have too much of 1 role in your team, yeh your mostly screw if your not adapt your strategy it's like 3 dps will engage fight losing 50% hp before closing gap to enemy, or 3 bruisers not having inaf dmg to finish enemy that have a support some comps are better when your splited 3vs3 / 2vs2 if you not have support like roamer+bruiser| dps+bruiser|roamer
  10. yes, the longer time you spend in 1 spot, the less exp/loot you get
  11. how do you explain that then xd? did i rob a bank or smh? https://imgur.com/YPbMaGo.png in all my life i only paid for expansions 😆
  12. i'm doing fine with 6 full asc set, but i play 1 character, and rest 2 treats as bank, i skiped legendary armor as i not rly need it daily i mostly do t4 fractals (16-22g), then dragonstorm(2-8g), ley-line anomaly(1,5g), wvw daily, and then fishing weekly i do eod strikes+Forging steel(2,5g) , buy Summoning stones from npc (4) to sell on ah in past i did auric bashin to farm ecto, drizwood to farm mats, Lake Doric to farm leather i'm up to check new eod map yet once i find time, as saw it's kinda similar to drizwood
  13. If you not doing anythink that brings you gold ingame then y problem is, in this game whatever you do, game throwing bunsh of gold at you even fishing is profitable xd
  14. After a year of not intensive playing i had around 10k gold idk what to buy at this point, as i'm not into skins Mmorpg is long term relationship, you will get evrythink over time, you pay only for speeding it out
  15. true, it's actualy more worth to obtain gold ingame ratcher then buy gems to exchange it to gold asuming you will get 25g per h, it will take you 24h to get skin (1200gems) means if you play 3h per day it's 8d
  16. in pve you rarly see hqs (heal quickness srapper) ppl are usualy suprised when i pick it for fractals t4 or strikes/raids then thay are even more suprised how easy it is with one around 😄
  17. Did he one shoted dragonhuner at 3:07 as 1vs1? yes like any class ele "one shot" 2 ppl that try ress ally, "sooo op, soooo broken nerf" i'm skiping fact you linked video wher enemy team losing 80-500, and got lord slaped
  18. looks like bronze logic in first video you saw condi holo vs power holo, wher power holo had 1 dmg condition on him, and used 0 condi cleanse, yet power holo delt 50% dmg to him Next you see mesmer killed warior, and dealt 80% dmg to ranger next you have holo vs power thief, wher holo dodged his backstab, and thief got stuned while at 70%, allowing holo to finish him up next you have holo vs guardain, wher guadian delt 50% dmg to him before he reacted, and then 30% while chasing him up holo hide behinde wall, and dodged 2 of guardian attacks, then used ult on closed space, wher guardian was stayed on burn whole time, and ranger that tried rally guard, that used 5s imunity to dmg, and downed holo hp from 70% to 20% at 1:18 to 1:23 you see wher his hp drop from 100% to 0 in 3s i not saw any 1vs1 not 1vs2 in video you provided he was around team most of time, at last 1-2 ppl was around whole video wher you see anythink op here?
  19. As person that was able to defend gari/tower vs 10-15ppl single handedly, i'm ofended by that change if i was not rapair walls after disabling cataputls/rames, and counter fire with range skills/my own sage, that 15 ppl wuld run over me xd Insted i constalty forced them to regroup
  20. i wuld like buff on tool kit, strike dmg wise like Power Wrench wuld give adional +250 power while on tool kit Pry bar went from 15s -> 12s
  21. you can buy exotic lv 80 from auction house (berserker) or if your leveling, most gear schold be optainable from heart npc
  22. but granades is all what scrapper have or he schold use flamethrower witchout quickness, rifle that have 2 shots? what other weapons you have? Also turrets taking engi 4 slots as thay not exist
  23. hope not, or price for mats will increst again i like buy mats cheap
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