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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. I mean if thers low reward, ther will be less ppl doing that content like with drms ppl doing Leviathan, cuz it drop chunk worth of 2g, i'm not sure anyone wuld do it if ther was basic event reward
  2. I personaly wuld like to have more 10-50ppl instanced content that have some pre-events in between or before it, that takes 15-30min, and profit 2g+Summoning Stone+ loot worth 1-7g? (in short 10g+ for complite not only 2g) Dificulity: between Easy-Medium (somethink like shiver/kodans/faneir dificulity) In my opinion Forged Steel (strike) culd be fun if got buffed by adional 5-6g + 50 tryain coins and some adional stuff for cms
  3. Once you join Whisper of Jormag, it's title transfer to eod strikes https://imgur.com/L7bpnfz https://imgur.com/RG26Y37 Edit : Actualy it's copy any last icbs strike name you was before https://imgur.com/mpwW9F9 (look right up corner)
  4. Objection Relevence! You can deley some skills when you have 90-100% boon duration i'm qheal scrap main, and i always have time to use function gyro or Bypass Coating for aoe stunbreak whenever i need it Whenever Blast gyro is ready, your shiled 4 and Acid bomb is ready also for blast Also Gryos now give superspeed instantly = instant quickness your fine spaming 1 on med kit, 2 for smaller burst, and f1+elixir shel+super elixir for bigger burst also med kit 3+5 as blast heal if nessesary You can do using runes of pack, but don't forget you no need to solo 25 might Alacdps brings 50% of might and fury to 5ppl (pam) I'm using runes of pack, and i provide 60% fury uptime on 5 ppl rember also that evry class expect reaper have 50% fury themself from traits and even so pam brings fury for you I personaly like how hqs works atm, problem is cuz of that complexity, i'm like only qheal scrapper whenever i join raids or strikes/t4/drm cm, but prob cuz i'm on kp.me ppl never questioning me when i pick that role
  5. yo don't look only on dps team play is about synergys 4-6k dps up/down not change much until you aim for word record sometimes bigger dps not mean it's safer, cuz you bring glass cannons that don't have team utylity like range ress, aoe stab, or other specialities Like you mentioned Scrapper is 34-36k dps, but it brings aoe superspeed and can slot 3 aoe stab and have range ress on top of it + aoe stealth, making your raid/fractal runs faster significally what dps mechanist was bringing as dps was all selfish
  6. title I count it as bug, as it not have anty-underwater symbol it's pain in the kiten in underwater fractal
  7. To get Toss elixir S you need resignated from one of thes : bulwark gyro/blast gyto, elixir U, granades/flamathrower making you weaker in proces You can cheat before eterning fight by weapon swap for toss elixir s but Toss Elixir S may be bit better but you sacrificing utylity slot for it, while ult is free as you don't have any big dmg ult as core engineer (few race skills choises maybe but you know 😕)
  8. Now it gives 3s + superpseed (if traited) I wuld like it cd ro be reduced to 45s in future for more often usage I thinks 45s is resonable for how much it offers right now
  9. it's still usefull for me as roamer only think i want is cd reduction to 35-45s so i will can use it more often
  10. I disagree, as qheal scrapper main, i play qheal scrap from raids to strike to t4 fractals to cm drms My tools are as much valuable like other supports Superspeed is op tool in wing 1 for replacment to mesmer portal, also for runing part later, for spread mechanics and other stuff ppl are not aware off, same on fractal to stealth and run tough mobs 3 stab+projectile block projectile reflect on shield aoe stun break on bypass coating range ress for 3ppl with short cd good ammount of quickness allowing you to deley some skills 25 might, fury etc aoe -35% dmg reduction for 4s good cc with buffed blast gyro (3s stun) And tons of condi cleanse wher on wing 2 is rly good And vs mobs : Aoe pulsing blind (Flash shell) Aoe 8s weakness (Posion shell gass)+blast finisher https://killproof.me/proof/GRNv i wuld say ppl not plays qheal scrapper cuz it's hard to enter you can't heal yourself with 1,2 spam so you need learn to position better or camp your aoe heals aslo you need press many kays fast like with 25might rotation : Infusion bomb -> blast gyro (limited time combo field fire) -> Magnetic shield -> Acid bomb -> Weapon swap to cancel backward jump-> rest elixir skills that give 2 aoe stab ppl play ham insted, cuz you have less kays to press, and mech do might for you and team "pasive" so you can focus on your 1111 mace or med kit 1111
  11. it was propably me, sorry i killed 15 ppl group solo once with a help of keep guard
  12. Not as much importent, you can have self-quickness on good lv, also they buffing tools tree, if still not inaf use signets/runes that provid self-quickness
  13. 3s is ok I wuld reduce cd to 45s cuz no smoke field, or add adional 1s if 3s will be not inaf for less skilled players Still better then 1s of stealth after leaving stationary gyro witchout blasting Also, as roaming scrapper, pls don't remove it or repace, i'm still will using it to engage and disengage fights If you want replace Elit skill, replace Elixir X with any elit that do dmg
  14. I'm ok with that changes 50% nerf to stealth gyro and -smoke field > 1s stealth after leaving stationary gyro
  15. Like i mentioned your loosing quickness, and as compensation your geting might+fury fury you got 50% up duration from firearms and rest from alchemy potions or 99.9% from explosives Also Quickness was aoe, here your just overwriting fury, and might your geting anyway from potions,might gyro and traits If be your staitment your looking only for superspeed, then yes it's a buff as your can put it from range on allys but i answered for question of topic, not for superspeed alone Also answering my rank was 1550-1650 when i played as solo que, rifle+flamethrower, runes of holebreak+demolisher as roamer/bruiser 58-60% win ratio at 1600 rank it was harder to progress alone as you fighted against premade group while geting random ppl
  16. Check also that: it do 34k dps, and using 2 turrets+shred gyro, you can swap medic gyro for med kit for f1 that way you will have only 2 ground target skills (shred gyro+rocked) optionaly you can use mine insted of rocked turret as atm it have shorted cd and longer cc+ boons remove
  17. Cant you just make quick cast? it schold not effect you much as dps, for qheal scrap it will also alow for you to be kiter role on some raids, it's more of problem at wvw/pvp as ppl will not stay in wells like mobs do
  18. thats why thay made rifle good for mele option you have tool kit, yet thay will buff tool tree
  19. Anet stated thay will try remove most "Trade-offs" from all classes thats why thay removed -vitality from impact savant
  20. i mean it's ok to swap meta, in lol thay do it constantly and it's nice to see other classes/champions but well changes whole gameplay of scrapper, -> it's light buff for zergs, as you can put stealth gyro on downet target, blast gyro will stun ppl far away, and shared gyro deal dmg for far away what for zergs is nice -> but devs overlooked huge nerf for solo roaming or small party wher you want keep gyros on yourself insted of your team, vs 1-5 opponents it's much harder to "aim" gyro to give you any befenit at alll as simple you or enemy will walk from it In that sytuation sneak gyro make you dissaper only after 1-2s shreed gyro will apply 25-50% of it's dmg Blast gyro will not stun enemy cuz thay will walk of it
  21. The quickness trait allowed for huge pressure in the brawling side of the class making up for the lack of damage scrapper generally has, now without that trait builds go from being well synergized to a slower paced lower damage build, back before this trait my scrapper fights would last long and some builds were unkillable because I did not do enough damage. Now also if your gyros will be stationary i wonder how bulwar gyro will be functional you throwing gryo 900 range from you, not geting barrier, and on top of it your taking 35% dmg of others
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