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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. 11 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

    Also older outfits.

    All the new stuff always has to much stuff going on. Weird attachments that break combining with other skins or mess up dyes.

    One of the most popular pieces is the metal Legion shirt. Because it's just a shirt and you can color it to match any outfit your dreaming up.

    The main fashion wars outfits are all 5+years old.

    So in a way fashion wars is also relying on old content.

    That's because there's someone who doesn't like "unrealistic looking armor", so instead we get blah.


    On 9/13/2022 at 11:55 AM, Draygo.9473 said:

    I consider the fact that anet does not invalidate older content one of the strongest points of the game in the games favor. 


    I find the metas for EoD mostly enjoyable, with probably New Kaineng being the exception. 

    Except they do, mainly by power creeping player strength. Chaak Garent, for example, used to be interesting even at the end of HoT, and your contribution mattered, now it's over in 1 phase and you sit around for 10+ minutes waiting for the door to open.

    I don't consider that "not invalidating old content", since it's so boring it might as well be invalidated now. 

    With time walking, in WoW and how FF14 does roulettes, I'd say Anet invalidates their content worse than theme park MMO's that constantly raise player level and gear ilvl, which is pretty hilarious.

    inb4 I'm banned for having an opinion

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  2. 4 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    Living world season 1?

    Removed all rewards from it. One and done.

    CMs are FF14 square room simon says musical chairs and only fun for the 0.0001%. They also give laughable rewards - another one and done.

    Anet is doing that thing where they design a MMO as a single player "one and done" game again.



    EoD itself added a ton of content, the issue is there's no unique rewards besides one and done achievements so once you get your mastery capped in 2 weeks there's nothing left. They dropped the ball on long term rewards.

    • Confused 8
  3. Yeah, no major MMO goes this long without a single content update. I don't consider anything they've added content because they intentionally remove all rewards when adding LS1 episodes(lol).

    The game was "farm drizzlewood" before EoD, and is still "farm drizzlewood" after, that's unacceptable.

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  4. 16 hours ago, Nokta.4561 said:

    15vs15? wut?  when numbers increases it kills personal skills. If you need example check wow's battlegrounds. It is a mess even a bot can blend in and you cant notice.


    why you guys keep saying "if im not playing pvp mode, it must be dead" what? why? how? eu time is 04:10 right now and im watching eu pvp player's stream.

    ps: srry for bad english.

    15vs15 arena, yes. A good 15vs15 mode has 5+ separated objectives that has smaller fights all happening at once.

  5. 3 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

    Gold 2, barely, and just fought Naru on one of his alt accounts.

    I've personally seen a new player create an account, queue up, and get put against Naru on their first game.

    In Warcraft 3, Grubby, the best player in the world, who won every single tournament he participated in, has a lower win rate in 1v1 games on Ladder than people do on our ladder with 5vs5 randoms. That is not how 5vs5 games work, sorry.

  6. On 9/2/2022 at 7:09 AM, Melian.5368 said:

    Too many times now I play with my sustain builds and we fight with the enemy for 10+ minutes without any of us getting below 50% hp. This is just ridiculous.

    This is the gameplay that nearly killed WoWs PvP during BFA. Blizzard then went the complete opposite direction in their next expansion(Shadowlands) by making burst high and fights end quickly. Shadowlands has seen very high PvP participation rates since then, the highest in many expansions.

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/29/2022 at 2:53 PM, Yunari.9065 said:

    Anet really stop it Now! WvW Roaming is so hard plagued by this carry Set it sucks! 

    They outright refuse to make roaming even remotely tolerable. Why? Who knows.

    Roaming only gets worse every patch.

    inb4  banned for having an opinion

    • Like 3
  8. lol @ power creeping every old elite to the power of the new ones instead of nerfing the new ones


    On 8/12/2022 at 6:51 PM, Tails.9372 said:

    38651 rounds to 39k, if you want to split hairs at least do it correctly.

    always floor


    Can you revert all the dps nerfs to catalyst? ty

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Stop assuming that 0 boon duration gear would stop 50 players from having perma boon access.

    Boon duration is an irrelevant stat, boons are perpetually spammed. Minstrels and celestial have TOUGHNESS and VITALITY.

    Not to mention 10% DR or CC duration reduction food which is a complete joke and shouldn't even exist in the first place.

    I won't argue, I've stated my opinion and I will let you know: The silent majority who quit this game(or WvW) long ago agree with me. If you want your game mode to grow, I recommend you start advocating for changes that actually attracts people to it.

    Step1 is gear/balance copying SPvP.

    • Haha 1
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  10. 3 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


    The irony of this comment is that, this is exactly what the Spvp meta became after February 2020...which is when they installed the "nerf everything remove options and amulets" philosophy.

    Except it's not, and hasn't ever been? You have to run zerker builds to kill anyone, and then you're a glass cannon that dies in an instant. Damage was insanely high last time I played SPvP(post feb, too!), sure there was unkillable bunkers(not intentiional), but at least they couldn't be an unkillable bunker that also had access to minsrels/celestial gear.

    They also go out of their way to nerf unkillable builds, unlike the WvW """""devs""""", who seem to want the game mode to be blobs of players who can't die unless they run into a bigger blob of equally organized players. AKA numbers > all.

    • Confused 2
  11. 46 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    You want balance? You will never get it. Sorry. That's reality.

    I want a game mode that isn't actively bleeding players by having the worst PvP in the genre by a significant margin. As I've said earlier, these "diverse" builds(you know, the builds where you literally hold W key away because you can't interact with them? yeah good fun pvp!) has made every single person I've brought into WvW quit within a few days. These are multi-gladiator WoW players and MOBA players who actually like RPG PvP a lot.


    Balance isn't the issue, the issue is allowing non-interactive builds that the only solution to is "Avoid it and change maps" to sit and plague the game for years at a time because the developers refuse to do their jobs.

  12. 40 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    there are less options...therefor less builds that you can make.

    That's a good thing, btw.

    Would you want people running around as turret engs and minion necros AFK killing people like mech can now in an action combat game?

    WvW's build openness is terrible for balance to the point it's so unfun that it's bleeding players slowly over time.

    What you find fun might actually be insane unfun to everyone else fighting you - which has been an issue plaguing GW2 PvP modes since alpha.

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  13. 22 hours ago, jaif.3518 said:

    Boon balls dont exist because their are only 5 people to a side.  The game changes when you have 20+ people on support and hybrid builds.

    Incorrect. Boonballs don't exist in SPvP because it deleted broken stat combinations that have no place in this games PvP. The best 5v5 WvW roaming comp is 5 celestial/minstrel  bunkers all sharing boons. Aka a boonball.

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