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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. Can we get every single PvP nerf added to WvW? All of them are good.
  2. Weaver should be a barrier share spec(bottom traitline). Tempest should be an alac share healer. 3/3 elite specs instantly good
  3. Every spec should get every nerf it got in sPvP.
  4. A useless class is better than one that ruins an entire form of combat in a game mode(zvz)
  5. If you think PvP is slow you should never look at WvW. It's like playing GW2 PvP at 1/4th speed. Minstrels and trailblazers and celestials oh my!
  6. They're actually not 1v1ing since they're 2 perma stealth thieves or celestial sustain gods so no one ever dies.
  7. This is why all my friends went back to WoW PvP and why I no longer PvP. Anets vision for PvP is BFA WoW and 4 tank Overwatch which nearly killed both those games and forced the devs to go in a complete opposite diection.
  8. Wait, you mean sPvP isn't a PvE mode to farm legendary armor?!
  9. Please do this Anet. I don't want to take out my WvW infusions everytime I do fractals.
  10. Maybe Anet should consider taking a single one of their 5000 skins they shove into the gem store and putting it behind a collection/currency you can't spend gold to buy(Boosting/sales excluded of course). No, weapon skins don't count, I have legendaries and there's too many weapon skins already.
  11. I don't think WvW is designed for anything.
  12. I knocked myself into a house and couldn't get out during an istan meta by using air4. Air4 sucks.
  13. Weaver feels very clunky and unfluid without alacrity. It should have 100% uptime on self alac. I actually burst harder on a some diviners(4 armor pieces) support catalyst than a weaver in full trailblazers + arcane using weave self. Weaver is trash.
  14. Tanks that also heal and buff others others don't belong in RPG PvP.
  15. If I wanted to play FF14 I'd go play it.
  16. Sustain, boon pulse spam, mobility and stealth uptime all need a Feb patch to remove their power creep. Toughness + food + prot + constant condi removal + perma reflect + perma stab makes it nigh-impossible to damage players effectively outside of a discord commander giving 25+ people orders how and when to press their buttons.
  17. Let me tell you about chrono, holo, reaper and harbringer...
  18. Weaver provides exactly zero boons to allies and does less DPS. How is this balanced? Please buff weaver DPS.
  19. Anet's vision for PvP in their games are boon-heavy sustain-heavy slow paced games. From this information, I wouldn't expect any nerfs to celestial.
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