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Everything posted by radda.8920

  1. Yeah, what are today's standards for world bosses? because at that time we had tequalt, the marionette, triple terror, basically the most amazing bosses when they came out. For 3 years, what did we get? drakkar? claw of jormag (drizzlewood coast)? the shatterer (jahai bluffs)? 3 uninspiring bosses that consist of spamming 1 on one paw. I don't really see your current standard. I find that the level has dropped drastically since the massive layoffs after POF personally. that's why I have nostalgia for these old wold bosses. Which were much more original and at least required coordination. And let's not even talk about dragon storm ...
  2. Okay I guess it depends on taste. But I had the best experience ever on a mmo with the exploration during HOT. These maps were art for me, they did an exceptional job and the verticality was the big asset. I don't ask that for all cantha maps but at least 1 or 2 would be nice (especially for kaineng)
  3. For those who do not know cantha with gw1, kaineng and the kurzick forest have enormous potential with verticality. Slums, palaces, underground sewers for kaineng and huge cathedral for the forest. It would be a shame to make maps that are too flat ... Then we can make more horizontal maps for the jade sea and shing jea.
  4. it will not happen before minimum November given the meta achievement for the legendary amulet or maybe December So with almost 2 years, a team has plenty of time to make an extension with a lot of contents ... but with them, I never really have the confidence
  5. Hot before the nerf. Group content, difficulty, metas that require coordination and reflexion, bosses with interesting mechanics and not hp sponges. But I'm not dreaming, the spam 1 professionals would cry after a day and quit the game. So that won't happen, we're going to have drizzlewood coast level maps everywhere.
  6. I never said that I had to impose my style, it's just what I would like to see in EoD so it's just a personal opinion and I have already answered what you say above so I quote it again
  7. I really want this infusion like a lot of players. And it's going to take a while considering the loot rate. Considering the price this infusion has in the trading post, I prefer to try my luck 10 min per day. And I never said I was afk, I understand those who did it because this instance represents everything many people hate in a mmo The price is way too high, I mainly only do raids, fractals, strikes and pvp so it would take years at this rate just for an eye. No I hope they will make it more accessible soon After the achievements are over and you don't have to focus on them anymore. Braham and Ryland are the epitome of hp sponges. No challenge, no mechanics, just an endless life bar to be done 3 times. I wonder how arena can have so little imagination to the point of making a final instance of this level. It's sad ... Gw2 deserves better.
  8. It is mainly because this event was amazing. The proof there is overwhelming demand for years for a comeback. Dragon Strom gets slaughtered on the forum, re-edit and in-game Dragon Strom is one of the most boring event in the game , it doesn't make you want to get involved. Believe me if you had an original instance with innovative mechanics, players would enjoy doing it. Unfortunately the infusion loot rate is ridiculously low so many players will stay afk for months
  9. I have a solution: completely change the event, make it interesting with originals mechanics to keep the player awake. HP sponges tend to put people to sleep and encourage this kind of practice. So imagine that you have to kill not once, not twice but three times these fabulous bosses. Strangely, we saw a lot less people afk during the Twisted Marionette world boss, surely a simple coincidence🙃 Or in the worst case, if arena want to keep this mission worthy of a bad power rangers episode, they can avoid linking to it an interesting infusion that forces you to chain this content for 3 years.
  10. Because the maps are mainly designed to be explorable with the current mounts. At least that was the case for path of fire. There was almost no notion of exploration in these maps. The environments might be gigantic, it had absolutely nothing to do with the shape of the maps of HOT... In addition, all the metas / events are finished very quickly as people come in mounts at full speed on them. So in fact all the mechanics of the game push you to use them. It's the spirit of the game before the mounts that I miss, it's not by forcing myself not to use them that it will change anything . I guess in EoD a lot of structures will be impassable without using mounts. But that's absolutely not a complaint. The mounts are really great in this game. I just find that it drastically detracted from the feeling of exploration. It's just my opinion, I don't impose it: p
  11. the one who took care of the jumping puzzle (at least the most successful ) was fired after path of fire so anyway, we are no longer likely to see a lot of them during EoD (like in the saga). I was talking more about basic exploration like to climb mountains, buildings, cathedrals, going down into basements/ underground areas ...with the skyscale it is done in a few seconds whereas before it could take long moments of reflection. Which for me makes exploration meaningful.
  12. You can already see it on HOT, the exploration side has completely disappeared with the mounts. What we took pleasure to discover for hours during the realease of this expansion, is done in a few minutes now ...
  13. the story of this franchise was awesome on gw1. The level has dropped drastically by focusing only on dragons in guild wars 2 which are uninteresting monsters. But they still managed to give Mordremoth and Kralkatorrik some interest. But what they did during the saga is unforgivable and will leave an indelible stain on the lore of this game. I hope they won't destroy the full potential of cantha but they are more than capable to do it, unfortunately
  14. During EoD, I would like mounts to be banned in lots of places, it kills all the interest of exploration. I miss the time when there were lots of very long jumping puzzles to do, now everything is done in 30 seconds with the skyscale/raptor/roller beetle . HOT was the best memory I have had while exploring, getting lost all over the place and having to search to find your way back, it was really pleasant. I imagined a kaineng with lots of labyrinths in the slums or full of Kurzick cathedrals that we would have to climb ....but with the mounts, all the interest of the areas will be destroyed
  15. exactly, having to do seasons 2 and 3 again is a pleasure But we will have to return to kourna, Thunderhead Peaks (lag land) and the worst all: the saga so DRM and drizzlewood coast ... I think it deserves a legendary,yes . I got the legendary armor with raids and it seemed a lot more fun than enduring weeks of disgusting maps
  16. We will have to do DRM again, after the recent achievement which requires 40... believe me it's héroic to have the mental resistance to undergo this torture, the amulet is more than deserved. Sacrificing your sanity for a legendary is already asking a lot.
  17. 24 weeks my god, we can forget the expansion in September or October 😬
  18. the meta achievements shows 1/24 after today's stage. Does that mean that there will be 24 weeks so 6 months just to finish it all? it would push EoD back to November or December ...
  19. this is normal, most people don't know how to dodge, how to manage their placement or their skills rotation, how to do a good build... arena has accustomed his community to spam 1 on hp sponges champions. Very few people try raids, fractals or even strikes so inevitably as soon as the boss has some mechanics to remember, my god it's the drama We saw it very well at the release of the HOT expansion where everyone cried at the slightest difficulty. Instead of trying to improve, players always ask for nerf .This is the first mmo where I see so many complaints at the slightest challenge. it's called challenge mode, so it makes sense that not all players validate these achievements
  20. Yes those effects always seemed ridiculous to me regardless of the character's race. I would only want to do them once this option is in game. It always made me laugh a little to see players with these effects and full of infusions, they look like disco balls...but they feel stylish 😅
  21. If the size of the explorable part of cantha is similar to the size of path of fire, we will be able to largely explore everything we have seen in gw1(faction) during EoD. So unless they expand the continent, there would be nothing left for a living story... i guess that the whole part in kaineng (where the political power is )will be a huge map of the expansion ..
  22. I totally agree with you, unfortunately given the name of the extension, almost all the maps will be dedicated to the last dragon or a way to kill it ... cantha was perfect on gw1, shiro is one of my favorite enemies... I would have preferred that we go there after the death of the dragons, to be able to focus on an interesting enemy on a human scale this time 😞 I'm afraid that the whole political side of cantha will be put aside to talk about dragons.
  23. I know there was an interaction with a poor dwarf cut into pieces and a ghost in a puzzle jump But if for you, so little is enough to give this mythical race of gw1 the glory it deserves, this period was the perfect time to have lots of dialogue with them and explore their battlefield. I expected 10 times more than all these minimal details. We have absolutely not the same expectations and speaking of the stone summit precisely, their small appearance made me think that they were going to be exploited much more later and ... we had nothing.. it's a bit like primordius which will not have been exploited at all with an army of harpy and destroyers crabs (whereas there were lots of different models in gw1), which ends up associated with braham (the worst character of the franchise) and who dies in a stroke of lazer. Every time arena uses guild wars elements it is badly done and it is messed up> mursaat, joko, even balthazar which could be much better exploited But for me the dwarves it's a much worse level, they deserved to be the major NPCs of an expansion against primordius, and not to end with a few lines of dialogue in jumping puzzles or small books.
  24. Okay then to take the example of the dwarves. Their return comes down to 2 lines of dialogue and they aren't even present in the final fight. We do not see anything on the depths of Tyria, on the underground cities, we do not know anything about what happened to them during 250 years, what their king lived and how he died and it does not worry you. With so little waiting, we're in a bad way I don't understand how gw1 players can't feel sick when they see the fate that arena has reserved for them. But I am reassured from the polls/comments here and on reddit, you are part of a tiny tiny minority
  25. Anyone with knowledge of guild wars lore is bound to find the storyline of this saga ridiculous. Let's not even talk about the players of the first guild wars, it is literally a scenaristic humiliation for the work of former developers I still can't imagine what they did with those poor dwarves, primordius and even charrs... I just want to forget. It's a bit like the end of games of thrones, with such a level of scriptwriting there is no longer any subjectivity.
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