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Everything posted by radda.8920

  1. this joke would have worked better in april
  2. I hate farming in the true sense of the word. I prefer to win money slowly with fractals, raids, strikes and pvp The price of the infusion was 5000 golds, 2 weeks ago, I don't know where it is now But it would take a long time to come up with such a sum of money I much prefer to try my luck in the dragon storm
  3. okay nice so LS3 will be over close to EOD announcement
  4. may 25 - june 22 weird just 4 weeks i thought there were 8 episodes so 8 weeks for season 2
  5. I don't do it out of respect but honestly I understand them. This is the only way to get the 2nd infusion and this mission is a torture Having to kill the same sponges 3 times ...Level 0 in terms of mechanics and fun. Each time I tell myself that arena could not do worse and they get there, it's frankly absurd.
  6. housing of course I would like neighborhoods with lots of players on the shing jea island or in the heart of the kuzick forest, it could be nice Or maybe an original system with personalized boats.
  7. HOT(a masterpiece, just perfect ) , living story 3 and POF Best parts of the game for me.. Even some moments with joko during ls 4 but he was killed far too soon.
  8. The prologue was good enough yes, good map and the vison of the past was boring for me sorry.... Drizzlewood is one of the worst things i have seen in guild wars for 16 years ( along with DRM). In terms of events, it boild down to follow a bus and spam 1, bosses don't move, horrible sponge without any mechanics. I literraly fell asleep on my keyboard. And the Claw of jormag that was presented by arena as a complicated boss end in 3 minutes with almost nothing to do ^^' I find it hard to understand how someone can like it, it's the opposite of fun for me. As for the story, they totally wiped out all the charr lore, it was very very bad...the most ridiculous dialogues, i have seen in game..
  9. You forget one essential thing: a large part of the arena team is not the same as it was during HOT and POF. And i really felt it during this saga, i no longer feel the same soul, the same atmosphere, it's hard to describe. I have been plaing guild wars 1 and 2 since the beginning and i have never felt so little interest for the story. Cantha was perfect on gw1, i am really afraid they will destroy the image i had of this continent... I hope the will prove me wrong.
  10. I would like to know how many chests of the black lion, you had to use to have it? i spent 800 gold to get keys and still nothing ^^' I rarely used so much money for an object but i never imagined it was so hard to have it
  11. Even the self destruction of two dragons caused absolutely nothing except a small hole in the ground. So you can imagine that this underground movement did not cause anything.. Arena has forgotten all his lore. The defeaf of Abbadon had created the desolation but 2 dragons absolutely nothing ...
  12. After having endure braham for almost 8 years, i don't see why eir is blamed for this. It's the best choice of her life 🤣 She should have thrown him off a cliff when he was born 😅
  13. she killed the god joko, she deserves to die abominably for this crime the only villain with potential...
  14. You should wait a bit. Arena may update to make them easier to access And the price will surely drop drastically in 1 month
  15. But precisely everything was perfectly linked during nightfall where we learn that many events were directly manipulated by him (the charr invasion in ascalon caused by titans, the annihilation of orr, the madness of shiro, nightfall etc..), we are far from primordius and his abyssal void at the scriptwritting level . During gw1, we really feel that the story has been worked for a long term and that that they had a project in mind witch ended with the death of abbadon.
  16. Ok i know excatyly what you mean. To be honest, i have never found dragons interesting as you. The enemis of guild wars 1 ( the lich, shiro, abbadon, mursaat, magonites, stone summit..) was much more motivating. However Primordius and Kralka, both of them have a big connection with guild wars 1. Primordius in relation to his connection with the dwarves and kralka in relation to his connection with glint. I find that kralka has been used really well and that they really did everything possible to do with this dragon. But on the primordius side, i am reall pissed off that, i saw the dwarves erased whitout any interaction (except 2 lines of dialogue), you know what i mean? i would have really liked to see armies of dwarves facing destroyers inside big citadels of the depths, it could have really beautiful. But i join you, i am in a hurry to see new ennemies on a human scale, much more worked. They could have done it with lazarus and especially joko but they destroyed their potential...
  17. it really has nothing to compare abbadon was build over 3 games, where each side story led to him. This god has even all the realm or torment to give depth to his character. Same for shiro, it may be less detailed but through all the main and side quests in cantha, we really care about this enemy. Primordius, on this side, will not have any environment or particular missions to approach it. All the lore about the dwarves, the depths, the asura cities will never exist. Since the start of the game, the only thing we have seen about him is his humiation by bathalzar and then by jormag. The duration of the fight is not the problem in itself, it is all the exploitation of the lore around him... The great destroyer may have a quick death in gw1 but i loved the whole story of the destroyers invasions during eyes of the north, it was much more successful than the whole champion chapter... Even his army is pathetic,they weren't even able to take all the magnificent models of destroyers from gw1. During champions, we had an army of crabs and harpy for 6 months..
  18. The famous prestige of legendary weapons, the king of spam 1 bus farmers? legendary armor has a bit of it with raids but weapons it only shows your ability to chain boring content to make money, nothing else I hope the next gen will make raids /cm fractals mandatory and maybe a new type of difficult content in cantha to have a minimum of prestige . when i see people barely able to dodge or make a proper rotation having lots of legendaries, it really makes me laugh, i admit .
  19. the thousands of posts on reedit and almost hundred on this forum saying it's a disaster are more likely to give us a community opinion than you guild friends, i think... Precisely since the start of ''champions'', this is the first time that the community is so hunanimous to say that it is a massacre apart, maybe 5/10 % of the players who are ready to swallow everything we give to them^^
  20. gw faction has been by far my favorite game, this continent was a wonder. So i admit that i am a little afraid of what they will do with it, after the destiny of primordius and the dwarves. I think i 'd rather keep the image of a perfect cantha than a new disappointment. I really don't have any confidence anymore. and it is obvious that it is the negative reviews that move a game forward. gw2 will never have evolved positively if the players had not constantly criticized LS1
  21. frankly what they did with primordius is an insult to the work done by their predecessor All the people who worked on gw1 especially eyes of the north and the dwarves... with such a level of incoherence and ridicule, i don't think the story of this game can be saved, all the lore is totally destroyed. And i am still stunned that some players find excuses for them, luckily they are now very much in the minority. nothing can explain what we saw in this saga, if the covid and the expansion slowed them down, they juste have to adapt primordius for later. And totally change the EOD story. It was far more important to respect the story of their game in my opinion. Because a lot of current developers haven't been aroud for long but they have to take into account all the work that has been done during 16 years.
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