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Everything posted by radda.8920

  1. the problem is that by making the game super easy , arena has also scared a significant part of the community, many HM pve players AND pvp players left the game . I stayed because I love the atmosphere of this franchise for 16 years but frankly between the nerf of HOT, the end of raids, meta events which no longer have any challenge and being reduced to following a spam 1 bus, the pvp which does not evolve ... it is complicated. suddenly it feels good this kind of event like the marionette, I finally feel a little adrenaline in game. What I had not felt for years in gw2. I hope to see lots of content like this in cantha but I have little hope seeing the negative feedback at the slightest difficulty, it's exhausting especially when you see the potential of this game
  2. you should be used to it, it's been like this for 9 years as soon as there is content that requires something other than spamming 1, it is pages and pages of complaints thank you arena, it was really great no matter what the players say
  3. so as I understand it even though 90% of the game content is reserved for the casu, HM players might not have some targeted updates for them? that sounds a little selfish, doesn't it? A good mmo is able to satisfy a multitude of player profiles even if there are fewer of them that's how a game can get success and fame by attracting everyone.... but i guess it's so much better to spam 1 on two useless sponges in dragon storm, exciting content!!! 😐
  4. absolutely brilliant this return of the marionette,they are able to make content for 50 players with a good quality sometimes.... On the other hand, I did it with a 250 li team so it was well organized, I imagine if I had to do that with average players who do not know how to dodge or perform a rotation ... the nightmare 😆 But I have to admit it's a success, arena congratulations. AND PLEASE, don't make this content easier, a little bit of difficulty it feels good. don't listen to the same players as always who are going to want to turn this formidable boss into an army of motionless sponges
  5. we will especially never have anything hard, since it complains at the slightest challenge: no more raids, no more HOT level metas, no more complicated jumping puzzles ... it's sad, really very sad. guild wars deserve better than an army of spam 1 buses. But with this logic of complaint, I hope that they will remove the DRM of this meta achievement since it is much more abominable and boring to do than any JP
  6. absolutely nobody laughed at the disabled on this topic, we just say that a legendary should not be available to everyone since that is the ultimate goal of the game.
  7. i swung a sword i swung a sword again hey hey i swung it again. we just don't want players to grind in guild wars2, we want to change the way that people view combat Does it remind you of something? it was also what the game shouldn't be and yet when I go to drizlewood coast and most of the meta events, I don't really feel like it This game wasn't supposed to rest on the grind and yet the majority of the rewards and achievements come down to that. Therefore an achievement with a jumping puzzle is more coherent than spending his time farming golds for a legendary.
  8. Maybe you are just part of the noisy minority and in fact, a lot of people like this jumping puzzle i can't wait to try again the next one in draconis mons(in addition it is my favorite map) 😍 I hope arena will not give in and leave these mandatory jumping puzzles for the amulet, fingers crossed
  9. I am just saying that I find it unfair that the casual gamer who cannot afford to play 3 hours or more on a daily basis and doesn't have a great skill level has to give up certain items like the legendary amulet yet that's exactly what you say, you complain about spending hours in content and you find it too difficult for you. Well I will answer you again that it is normal to spend a lot of time trying to get a legendary item and that it should only be accessible to people who pass the challenges. Otherwise I agree, the first legendary weapons are easy to obtain, i thing they were far too easy to acquire without any difficulty other than farming like a robot. I was happy with the prerequisites of the raid armor for example. So I'll tell you again, I find it quite normal that you don't get the LEGENDARY amulet if you don't have the level. if you don't take pleasure in doing it, you don't do it... very easy. But you won't get the reward you can't have it all ... there are plenty of rewards in the game that always require boring stages. The majority even. we will have the DRM to do again in a few months, that's for sure. For me, it's really a torture to do, I prefer to finish chalice of tears ten times than to return to these crappy missions. And yet I would have to do it if I want the reward.
  10. And doesn't it seem suspicious to you that someone who invests so little time in the game gets a legendary item? On which game other than gw2, we have access to legendaries without any difficulty and full of hours of play? these items are not imperative, they do not give better statistics, it is just a skin reserved for the most competent and regular players. if you can't spend a lot of time on the game, that's okay but don't expect to have the same items that those who spend a lot of time there, it makes sense to me .. we are talking about the most coveted rewards of the game, it is obvious that it will be reserved for few players. It's like you want a ferrari by working 2 hours per week. it's nothing unfair, it's totally normal What seems unfair to me is rather the opposite, is that someone who plays 3 hours a week has access to the best reward in the game as easily and quickly as a player who spends hours and hours there.
  11. the problem is that there will be nothing left of the lore of gw1 to be used since even cantha will be mainly dedicated to the dragons. And i doubt they will be able to invent new stories without relying on gw1, we saw what happened with scarlet ...
  12. it might not have been fun for you but it was fun for a lot of other players who don't come here to complain Who are you to impose what should or should not be in a meta achievement ? So we have to make the rewards for this game based on your ability or not to complete a task? and yes it is a challenge since many players find it difficult to perform more than 3 jumps without falling into the void while others manage to complete it in 15 minutes, it shows that there are different levels of aptitudes / skills.
  13. I hope not, I do not see why they would adapt the rewards to people who are not able to succeed the little challenge requested for the amulet. With that kind of attitude, you could ask for that in all areas / rewards of the game as soon as you are frustrated with not being successful. I know it's become a habit since the beginning of the game to complain at the slightest difficulty but it would be good if it stopped. That we have at least some rewards that require investment and skills. A few months ago, I even saw players asking that we reduce the difficulty of DRM, it becomes sad to get to this point...😔 and the worst thing is that there is a mesmer every meter, you can literally finish it without ever doing anything are we condemned to not get a legendary amulet just because we can't complete a JP? It seems unfair to me And yes it is like this in many games. When you can't do something, you don't get the reward. What would be the point of getting a legendary item without any mini challenge from start to finish.Or they would have to rename the name of these objects, it's anything but legendary.
  14. you are wasting your time, your report is useless since they are not bots. leeching is not forbidden in this game so if you don't want to see it, you assemble your squad and you fire the players who do not respect your rules. you don't have to go in 80 players free mode.
  15. I see what you mean but the problem is that grind is not at all a challenge. So they would have to find something else, I don't know, maybe a specific achievement during a story instance like: kill one boss with a hard mode particle ( with much more complicated mechanics )
  16. frustration is part of life , I know that in our society people endure it less and less but we cannot have everything ... For example, I am very bad at beetle races. I'm an achievement farmer and yet I never managed to get the golden haloween reward. I have to deal with it, I find it too complicated for me and boring to do but I will not come and complain on the forum. In addition you want different way to have the amulet and there is already one in pvp. crystal paladin > I obviously took less pleasure in doing this jump than in doing a series of raids But it was pretty fun to do it again. I took 40 minutes, it was fast. And I don't feel that the players around me took much longer
  17. This is the biggest disappointment I had with gw2, the abandonment of the raids. A good game must vary his content to attract several types of players....abandoning raids will just cause a small part of the players to abandon guild wars. nobody forces you to do raids, you can very well let the HM players to do this content without it impacting your personal game. Especially since you can have the legendary armor with a different way. It's the same with the legendary amulet, you can go to pvp.
  18. This is your personal opinion, next to it there will be other players who will find this jumping puzzle very pleasant to do (as me). like raiding, a lot of casus find it abominable and too hard, and yet we don't have to adapt the legendary armor to their level.
  19. Yes, this jumping puzzle is not even what I call a challenge given the multitude of mesmers every meter. It can be done in less than one hour by completely relying on the others players ...
  20. it makes no sense to have access to a legendary item without any challenge 😞 Yes not everyone will have access to it and this is quite normal, this is what makes the object different. if everyone has it, it would be bland and it wouldn't be legendary it's kind of like legendary raid armor, if anyone could have it easily, it would destroy the whole purpose of the skin. well, it seems to me to be something banal, what I'm saying. In the majority of the mmos, we do not have access to this type of object without showing some abilities. Which makes it a long-term goal.
  21. dragons have always been boring, this is the worst idea arena had at the beginning of guild wars 2 story . it would have been so much more exciting to spend more time on the lazarus / white mantle story, on the gods lore or on the joko plot....all these wonderful characters ruined to quickly return to the dragon 😞 Two or three dragons would have been enough but 6, we suffocate as it is repetitive.
  22. why not, I much prefer that to the return of the invasion of the lion's arch, which boiled down to killing tons of annoying mobs without mechanics
  23. anyway it's been like this from the start of the game with this community: raids are too hard> it will no longer exist HOT it's too hard> nerf jumping puzzles are too hard> they hardly exist anymore metas events that require coordination, it's too hard> nerf, nerf and nerf again too basically arena should just add content that require bus spam 1 and farm , that's the only thing that satisfies the players of this game ^^
  24. I just finished it in 40 minutes without having touched it for 3 years, you are exaggerating so much ... and he didn't just do this one, he also did the best jumps in the game (he created the SAB, and clock tower among other things ...)
  25. it is above all, the almost final work of one of the greatest talents of arena net. I would have much preferred that this man come back instead of colin, it is a genius. His jumping puzzles are really missing in game ... cantha without him, it won't be the same 😞 he could have done an extraordinary jumping puzzle in kaineng city.
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