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Everything posted by radda.8920

  1. gw2 forum; oh my god, marionette is too hard with a squad, raid level, totally impossible! reality : https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/opfjwr/sc_twisted_marionette_10_man/ ๐Ÿคฃ
  2. For those who know guild wars 1. A part of me tells me that they are going to tie kanaxai and the onis to the deep sea dragon. As in gw1, it was assumed that the onis were luxons which had been corrupted, I can see kaxanai being a former lieutenant of the deep sea dragon. all creatures that were in the Jade Sea can be related to him( like this one https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Zhu_Hanuku ). I would not like it but I think it will go towards this I am even afraid that they will tie the jade winds to the power of the dragon and not dwayna anymore... explaining that the dragon was sleeping under the harvest temple and that it is his power that shiro used. this would explain why this magic had succeeded in corrupting kuunavang during factions.
  3. everything has been said, it would have no interest on gw2 compared to gw1. And above all, it would not be a feature that would give them lots of money with the cash shop ... I don't see the players bought lots of armor skins for their hero . I still feel the housing is coming , it would allow them to sell lots of items in the cash shop or a boat system ( it would be profitable for them financially).
  4. I agree with you that it was done randomly, the gods deserved a whole different story much more complex. However, I rather liked balthazar on POF, it was rather weak scriptwriting but at least it changed a bit because we weren't just talking about the dragon ..but I admit that it remains very very low compared to guild wars 1 ๐Ÿ˜ž what was unforgivable in living story 3 was the slaughter of lazarus potential . This is one of the stories I have been waiting the most after gw1 and this legendary Mursaat dies in a kittening cave ... a shame. joko and lazarus will remain the two most wasted villains in the history of the game. that said, I quite liked living story 3, the maps, the story centered on something other than dragons, it was a breath of fresh air. On the other hand; no nothing is worse than the saga, this crap has mutilated the soul of guild wars.
  5. I totally agree, for example, the whole story of white mantle and mursaats on gw1 (even the war in kryta) was a thousand times more interesting than the whole storyline of gw2. there is potential with the empire in cantha and all the discriminatory politics but it will be botched to talk about a dragon again๐Ÿ˜… the problem is that when the dragons will be all dead, arena will have used all the potential enemies linked to gw1 (and very poorly exploited) : white mantle, lazarus, Stone Summit, flame legion,joko, gods and probably the empire of cantha ... And I don't believe they will be able to create new villains, we saw what happened with scarlet. They have very few innovative ideas without using gw1 lore. especially when you see how they massacred the charr lore during the saga, i no longer trust the game writers at all. Most of the good writers left after POF.
  6. if leechers are banned from this mission, no one will do dragon storm anymore.... We have to face the facts, it is almost impossible to get involved for 20/25 minutes in this mission without going crazy, it is so boring. Even if everyone does not stay motionless from start to finish, many players take breaks for 4/5 min to mentally hold on. if arena has to make a modification, it is above all to completely change this content and make it motivating. I don't know who came up with the idea of making such boring sponges to kill 3 times in a row, but it's just untenable. they are largely able to make content that prevents leeching. I have hardly seen any of them during marionette because it requires involvement and it is above all very fun to do .. in short, the problem is not the leechers but the content itself. As long as you are satisfied with such mediocre missions, we will never advance in this game. you take the problem completely upside down. Leechers are the result of bad choices in the content design.
  7. you don't have to convince me, I totally agree with you a quality game is a game that varies the types of content to suit many types of players. If they just base them on which players give them the most money, they scare away the other categories and don't attract new players. This is the reason why gw2 has stagnated and it will never become a masterpiece while it had insane potential.I recall that gw1 was a monumental pvp game and on gw2 pvp has been brain dead for years... basically they made good investments in the short term but catastrophic in the long term.
  8. I found a list on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/autnqg/list_of_laid_off_devs_lets_keep_this_updated/
  9. No it goes back so far, I don't know where to look for it but it was an article just after the massive layoffs of a few years ago. it specified who had gone and in the employees concerned, there was the creator of the jumping puzzle and the designers of the raids.Maybe not all but the majority. At the same time, it is normal, they were qualified for this content. So if arena decides to shut it down, they didn't have much to do.... it's sad, they had done a wonderful job. I think the source should be found by looking for articles that date from the arena reorganization period
  10. I don't think so, in fact the problem is mainly that the team that took care of the raids totally left arena after POF. So if there is new HM content, they have to hire other qualified people or it won't happen.
  11. Anyway i don't see the connection, the developers specializing in pvp content do not take part in the creation of the raids.. therefore taking care of the WVW will not prevent the creation of new raids.
  12. to go back to cantha, without having the return of urgoz and the deep in the form of a raid or an elite mission would be a disgrace all the rest of the content will be 90% casual, I don't see why hm players would still be left out.
  13. They have to finish the dragons in ONE expansion so settle steeve's case in a few missions... do you really think they have time to bring back zhaitan?
  14. this is wrong, more and more people have legendary armor and raid titles. The waiting area of the raid is full of people. So maybe that only 10/15% of the players base but it is players deeply invested in the game and often profitable for arena. So we shouldn't let them down. i still hope to see an urgoz and the deep ( gw1 elite mission) raid in cantha.
  15. it's a shame, HOT was perfection, I have never seen such fun content on a pve mmo, best memories in game. The game finally asked to think, to adapt, to change your build, to play with the others AND not beside the others, to coordinate, kitten what a masterpiece. And HM pve players (mainly gw1 ones) left the game long before HOT as they couldn't handle LS1 months and months .... so of course you didn't notice that during hot . if cantha is close to HOT it will be a great expansion worthy of guild wars. If it is suitable for the spe grind spam 1, it will be an annoying disaster.
  16. you never had to open the lfg for raids... there are dozens of groups permanently, the raids are absolutely not abandoned
  17. no players just need to be patient and learn to master the mechanics, yes i know the average gw2 player doesn't understand that content can be missed multiple times. But yes it exists in several mmos and that's what makes things motivating to succeed it has everything except the level of a raid, it's ridiculous to compare these two contents. I don't think you've ever been in a raid in your life to say that Several years ago, we had much more complicated world bosses ... tequalt and triple trouble took days and days to be successful while the puppet was already successful by a lot of groups yesterday evening ^^
  18. Considering all the disruptios that there was in their studio especially after POF and the changes of strategy several times.. . I'm not sure that they really made the right decisions by targeting only this audience This game had enormous potential and it will unfortunately remain limited because of the decisions taken. The worst choice will remain to have let down the pvp players while gw1 had a big reputation at this level
  19. A good game targets all types of audiences to satisfy a good portion of it. If arena had been more involved into pvp, wvw and pve challenge by varying the content, I am convinced that more players would have stayed on gw2. They made lots of mistakes and I think just focusing on the grind when they promised gw2 wouldn't be like this (during the manifesto) is the worst of them. But it's just my opinion, gw 2 deserved better than that.
  20. Weird since pvp, wvw and hm pve players have been left out for years while spe grind players have almost every updates (with content) granted to them. Of course, in all mmo there are updates that target more one audience than another
  21. And tequalt and triple trouble took days before being successful while last night full of groups chained the marionette without problem.
  22. No they remain a significant number of HM players in pve, I see them all the time in raids, t4/Cm fractals, strikes and some metas. They have the right to have content, we are talking about ONE single update since the sunqua peak fractal anyway ... Do you really want to endure mediocre content like dragon storm/DRM on a loop? I admit that I do not understand. It feels so good to have metas that give you a bit of adrenaline. so much more fun than spamming 1 without looking at your computer.
  23. And so the 4/5% of HM players have been totally forgotten for years now: HOT totally nerf, almost no more fractals, no more new raids, no more meta requiring coordination and reflexion . The game boils down to spamming 1 with a bus for months and months (mainly with the saga).And when arena has the misfortune of thinking about them during ONE update, oh my god the drama! don't you feel like you're a little selfish? guild wars was never intended to address the content only for the casuals. Gw1 had several challenge content, so why not in gw2 .... it is precisely by forgetting them that many HM players have left the game. it's a bit like telling you, there are few disabled people in the society so we don't have to take care of them... well yes, everyone must be taken into account
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