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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Yeah I guess, again I'm not really complaining about doing WvW. It's more that it is the only way to get GoB which sucks the fun out of WvW for me.
  2. Honestly at this stage it would be hard to reverse the requirement rather they should just give more classes access to the new boons. I like the meta checks of heals, Quickness and alacrity. To a smaller extent cc is another requirement and might. Which ele is is rather good at, especially aoe stuns.
  3. Im sure it saves time by not having to do them, you probably shave off a few hours off map completion.
  4. The problem is I have 0 alternative, it's not like I can get WvW potions outside WvW. At least people who hate pve get one for map completion.
  5. Heroics. Then you just need to do the hearts and pot and I believe there is a daily pve vendor for that too. I don't think at any point did I say I didn't like WvW it was that I wanted to play it at my own pace, when I find a zerg that I enjoy running with. I play one blackgat and they can be very elitist which I hate. I just don't want to be forced to play it when I don't want to. Rather provide a nice alternative like sPvP track and let me WvW at my own pace.
  6. Dude you literly can with Notarized Scroll of Heroics. Then you just need to do the hearts and pot and I believe there is a daily pve vendor for that too. Why the confused face is it not true?
  7. My two cents In fractals is that the meta doesn't mater outside the buffs. I mean people say alacren is better that staff mirage but in terms of dps staff mirage is better so if your other team mates can fill the wholes left behind by not having protection or cc then staff mirage is better. Same with heal brand, other healers are easily provide better heals but they provide much needed Quickness and 25 might. Other classes could do that, like Scrapper and warrior/ele with full dps gear (concentration sigil maybe). Just cover the buffs and you will be fine.
  8. Yeah I would be happy with that. Maybe instead of gifts of exploration a bundle of consumables that complete hero points, pot, and hearts. That way you could get keys and stuff as well.
  9. I do try, it's just a bit of grind rather than me playing WvW because I enjoying it.
  10. I just wanted another way, I mean even map completion can be half completed in WvW with Notarized Scroll of Heroics. So why can't the gift have something similar.
  11. I just don't like following the zerg around so I just wait for sentry kills, or roaming pvp.
  12. I guess I don't like being forced to do it. Instead they should add the reward track to conquest aswell. Or provide a pve option like strikes or something. World completion is fine since its not hard but WvW, even dailies are hard to get. I mean I have died on a keep capture and ended up getting no daily completion.
  13. I mean I'm fine doing WvW but being forced to do this for legendary crafting means I'm more incentivised to afk since I cant be bothered following a zerg around. I mean I die in the zerg and then spend the next 10 minutes running along the map to catch up lowering my participation rank. I normally just resort to soloing sentry capturing rather than trying to keep up with a zerg.
  14. I run a stun condi trapper build. I run every stun I can get and my rotation can leave people without being able to move for about 6 seconds. It's amazing in small team fight and trapping theifs. Side noding can be a hit or miss depending on my match up. I have hit plat with it but honestly it hard to pull off some seasons. I cant 1v1 well vs power dps classes like warrior.
  15. Yeah I agree but it has its place even if it has no core mechanic. It plays alot like a Scrapper that also doesn't have a defining play style. I mean they get slows, super speed and self alacrity. Wells honestly do need a buff, making the heal and buff at the start would be a good fix.
  16. Dude this sounds like a "you" problem. I love the map and often farm events there. It's the only place to get ascended underwater rebreathers.
  17. Yeah I already offered a good solution on this forum which is make the major trait on chronomancer provide alacrity at 240 range instead of just yourself.
  18. Most just don't make much sense, most other classes you have 3 good options for traits but sometimes mesmer gets 0 since they all rely on a mechanic you are not using like stealth or phantasms.
  19. They do more damage than alacRen. I sit normally around 60% of top dps on a staff mirage
  20. Well i don't think they will buff pets any time soon since people who play against rangers find them too strong and anet agrees. Maybe petition the pets getting buffed for untamed.
  21. Chrono is fine it's just extremely hard to play and people don't exactly want a tank, offhealer or offalacrity. You can play it full support with harriers to but no one has any idea how to party with it.
  22. Okay do main ranger especially in PVP where I use pets rather than staying merged all the time like in pve. They can be wonky sometimes but its up to you to control them correctly, being able to access all there skills would help a lot (I don't know if core gets that to with the update, fingers crosses). A great example of good control is having them target someone while you fight another player. You can bait out traps, retreat them when you know they will die. There are also some ranged pets (or ranged F2s) so this whole WVW issue is just people not knowing how to play. Another thing is merging with your pet gives them a 10 seconds cooldown to have them back to full health, I do this all the time and it pisses people off.
  23. I want the opposite I want more boons to be included in concentration. Imagine if Vulture Stance was affected by boon duration, that could be an amazing buff for a 5 man.
  24. The interplay could replace both HB and AlacRen in more nesh squads. We could see barrier healing and quickness alacrity chrono be pared together for 5 or 10 man content.
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