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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Here is the truth. The Untamed is only OP when you are playing at Gold or Plat for countering the hit and run style Meta. Most people at this level run when they are low health. It's so prolific entire classes are strong solely because of it. I'm looking at you Necromancer's Flesh Worm. The Pet teleport when saved and deployed properly can ruin this dominant playstyle.
  2. I re-iterate the pet teleport is only bad if you have no health and are trying to flee. People need to stop playing one shot builds then it might not be so OP on you. No Warriors or Necromancers care about the pet teleport.
  3. Its only annoying if you yourself don't have any health. The reality is in most fights you keep your pet from teleporting in since it is very likely to die. AoE it a death sentence to any pet so just keep spamming it and nothing can live.
  4. Well I define a one-shot build being you get killed without have much chance to react. Even after two dodges if you still die I would count that as a one-shotter.
  5. There are still plenty of builds that can one shot. Scrapper, Soulbeast, Dragon Hunter, Chronomancer, Thief, Bladesworn all have one shot builds.
  6. The irony of this thread is having a downed state somewhat prevents one-shotting especially when your team is around. Remove it and the one shotting will be alot worse
  7. It's just a chase build but with some ranged from Staff. Honestly this combo will do almost no damage especially if you run all the Cantrips. The better one for chase is two sword combo since it is Power and not Condi. You can very easily chain together many 4-6k crits to down people very quickly before they themselves can run away; not to mention interupt them with sword ambush.
  8. Yeah, the format is pretty stale. Everything Mob dies to quickly at this point.
  9. Even the placement matches get confused. I was placed in Plat 1 when I won only 8 of the 10 matches.
  10. I have noticed my rank drop down to gold 2 then a checked the top 250 players and realized its now down as low as 1400. It's pretty sad and very likely we will never see a Legendary player ever again. An entire Division is inaccessible to anyone in the game with gold 2 being the bulk of high-end PvP. I can't wait for the top 250 players to be in silver.
  11. I guess.... I don't use Soulbeast so it could be deleted and I would not care.
  12. Oh sorry, I thought you meant the Might issue never mind. I guess they can nerf that, since it does seem to be OP compared to old trait.
  13. I have brought this up before but you do realise that the Ranger downed state is a huge risk. What happens if they can do enough Damage to you and your pet to keep you from resurrecting or dying after Ranger uses pet revive. This is especially true at a side node. I have had games where I'm kept in this limbo state. Does that seem fair?
  14. Okay but no one is leaving stealth with 25 Might. Maybe 8 if the used Warhorn 5 with no one around. Have you tried playing Soulbeast..... This logic applies to PvE version to. It can get some of the highest Burst DPS numbers but if any boss sneezes you die. Stop this, I never said they shouldn't nerf Soulbeast.
  15. I never said they shouldn't nerf anything. I'm just saying to most people playing Soulbeast is useless.
  16. It's still extremely squishy with a simple combo. Post that you die which is why we are seeing Support/Brawler builds making a comeback. They just survive the initial burst then murder the Soulbeast.
  17. Again I understand the combo and why it is so strong. I mean it was around before the sword changes and this Meta one-shot Build. You know the reason why it's not very strong when played by the Masses. Soulbeast just like in PvE is extremely squishy, unless you are a PvP God no one not even me can play it competently. The Learn to Play issue here is not other players but the Soulbeast itself. Builds like this have existed forever I mean I did mention Scrapper. How long did Scrapper have Quickness in PvP, it took a Rifle buff for Arena Net to Nerf that loophole. Soulbeast has always had the bird combo but you were dead with no counter play if you didn't kill your opponent.
  18. My current build is a duel Axe Ambush Untamed. The Ambush isn't to much damage but I can use it one after the other so it can kill squishy builds really well I agree this is the current meta hense why I changed.
  19. True, its more the effect we saw with Elementalist isn't being repeated with Soulbeast. Even if it is easy to learn it's really hard to master. I mean this is true for most one-shot builds. Scrapper for the longest time was one-shotting players but no one complained since it was the top PvP players that could pull it off, untill they nerfed Scrapper quickness.
  20. Very true most people have no clue what they are doing so they are just easy kills. To many Soulbeast on the enemy team is just an I Win button at this point.
  21. There is a good chance it will one of the wizards purchasables eventually.
  22. Why allow the right clicking of reward chests but when progressing an Meta you have to click it the old fashioned way. That or why are all the reward chests event progression ones. Seems like a bit of an oversight.
  23. I don't mind it, it's a good filler piece between Meta events. Now if you are heading to PvE maps outside Soto to do it then I see it as pointless but inside Soto it's fine.
  24. You can stay invisible for most of it. I also rarely see people Dueling inside normal the player who does get ganked himself so it's not worth it.
  25. Now that most of player base has learned of the one shotting Soulbeast build we really see how inaffective it really is. I can't count how many times a roaming Soulbeast has attempted to duel me only for me to turn around and one shot them. I would even go so far as to say it's even easier to down that any other iterations of Soulbeast. Longbow Soulbeast atleast attempts to avoid damage while this full Greatsword plus Sword combo is a joke. They either run in and die or pray they on shot you. Half the players I duel don't even know that you can still CC with your pet once you are downed. Honestly this whole thing is just a joke at this point, this is nothing like the Elementalist reign.
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