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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. The game will not die aslong as the PvE content doesn't be come trivial and dry like it has in ESO. I mean every expansion they raise the level cap.... Ah I mean release some new thing we need to collect and master. Gliders, Mounts, Jade bot/skiffs, Weapon/Flying Masteries and Rifts.
  2. Maybe provide a relics to actually apply the conditions you use and set intervals. "One every 10 seconds the condition Blind prevents an enemy with a defiance bar from attacking" said the relic
  3. I feel like they messed it up since Cry of Pain already extends the duration of Confusion by 33% on F2. They need to make it 25% damage increase rather than a duration increase.
  4. Im talking about Predator's Onslaught triggering. Cripple is best at that.
  5. Yes, but stuns don't last as long and won't work on breakbar enemies most of the time. You can either Immobilize enemies or use the much easier Cripple.
  6. That is not entirely true, cripple triggers the Predator's Onslaught trait. Before this you had to use Dogs to get enough cripple in PvE.
  7. Everyone is so Jaded over such a small change. I mean the Smokefield wasn't removed, this reminds me of when they increased the cooldown of Sharpening Stones by 6 seconds. The Pet is still a valid pick for WvW roaming. I mean how often where people relying on that stun, and if it was being used from stealth you have plenty of other options. I mean just pet swap after you stealth if you want.
  8. I have just been testing this, it is amazing with Staff since it pierces a lot of types of projectile reflection. I run full Carrion, Trapper Runes, and the Corruption Sigil. I believe I get around 2300 Condition Damage.
  9. I have a build for Zergs clashes, defending keeps, Dueling, chasing enemies. I need one for picking off enemies inside Zergs or small groups.
  10. You know what this is pretty similar to my Carrion PvP build. I have been wanting a variant of my Druid condition build so I might try this.
  11. Exactly so any other elite made Spirits unplayable.
  12. Dude I think it was your video too that inspired me. Anyway even if it is not foolproof it is an amazing opener especially during small skirmishes when no one is taking any losses. I normally use an Untamed duel Longbow build but it is only really good if you get get off the Barrages to trigger Fireworks. Something like this suits more of a Dueling style of engagement.
  13. I saw a video on Reddit (I believe) about using the new merged Jade Bot skill with "Sic Em" to one shot player with the Jade Cannon from the merged Turtle. I tried it myself with Longbow. I have had some success, but the main strength seems to be stun of the Jade Cannon and the fact it hits more than one target. Anyone else had any luck?
  14. True but I'm looking for damage above all else which Virtuoso does best compared to the other two Elites at. Sure on pure benchmarks they are all the same but piercing blades have alot more applications. Especially during raids/strikes when slotting in either Chaos or Inspiration won't drop your DPS by much.
  15. I agree, I mean I have to use the Relic that gives you Protection and Regeneration on heal to even get enough Regeneration for the Chaos traitline when playing solo. My main point is the damage on Virtuoso is A+ and the only argument against is was the selfish nature. For the most part I believe that is gone, sure you are not Alacrity or Quickness healer but I don't see why you can't bring it in most end game content to help out. I often use builds like this with pugs who makes mistakes. There is nothing wrong with running something like double Feedback on EoD strikes, now the Chaos boons are the icing on top.
  16. I remember when Virtuoso came out the main complaint was that it was selfish and didn't provide and boons. Regardless of if i pointed it out that it could provide good healing, boons seem to be gold standard for a good PvE/WvW build. Well, we got it now with Chaos, Bountiful Disillusionment now provides group might Vigor Fury and most important Stability and Resistance. Now why Virtuoso with Bountiful Disillusionment, when something like Mirage Staff exists, well in terms of Damage Virtuoso takes the cake for Mesmer. Nothing comes close except for an extremely tight Chronomancer Split Second spam in terms of damage. The numbers i can pull even with half Celestials is 30K+ in PvE fights.
  17. They were a nightmare before since it was incredibly hard to keep them healed if you where not a druid and they did almost no damage.
  18. I mean most of my WvW time is spent maintaining participation. I normally just charge into Zergs and try get as many kills/tags as I can. I do this on either Untamed or Druid, I don't even a play Soulbeast in WvW anymore since it is to squishy. If I see someone who is geared for Roaming I have a Sword/Sword Untamed to spam kill them before they either kill me or run away. Playing my sPvP build is useless since everyone runs away if they are losing even in duels.
  19. Using their logic, they must have felt like it made their upcoming pet buffs would be invalid if everyone still picked Smokescale. I guess nerfing it makes people reconsider its use. It probably won't invalidate it in PvP.
  20. Maybe it could shoot spores a bit like Deadeye Marks. Each stack gives them more conditions until finally you consume them for maybe a big AoE.
  21. Over all the main missing weapon is a main-hand/off-hand support weapon. We already had Staff but Rangers have no shield or defensive off-hand. This Mace should suffice. It also looks like a nice replacement for Sword after its change.
  22. Longbow Barrage does that job fine. It even triggers the Firework Relic. I guess we are missing ranged Condition aoe but Rifle is not normally a condition weapon.
  23. Mantras in my opinion are fine but it does feed into the fact that playing Mesmer support is very hard since you have to predict so much about the encounter.
  24. I will say it okay to vent a little, parts of this game are incredibly gate kept by certain groups of people and they normally do take kindly to anyone not like them. Gender can come into play but most I have seen it in creepy actions rather than overbearing discord voice chats. I mean it might supprise other people, GW2 discords are primarily filled with girls I find. My recommendation is to swap server, I was in Blackgate for years and suffered some annoying trolling or map abuse. That all went away on a different server. No one kicks me for straying to far the commander any more.
  25. Its just takes away from any skill based accomplishments if you can let's say tank the entire raid and provides boons/barrier on Mech. This was the reality after EoD launched.
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