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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. We can only hope they recreate some of the relic effects with each mini content drop. We did get some interesting relic this cycle especially in WvW like Relic of the Demon Empress. Maybe after SOS they will add a few more to the core game but it doesn't seem likely.
  2. I'm willing to go back to using a separate website as an LFG if we can see all active groups. It has become a nightmare to find people do run certain content or see when that content is being run by organized guilds. I think I spend more time clicking around the tabs than playing the content.
  3. I 100% agree. I feel like Hammer was build for Fervent Force since It had two stuns which no other Weapon combo has on Ranger. They really need something more to capitalising on rather than just CC someone and unleash to do more damage. It's so odd since by the time you flip the hammer you only get one skill off before they CC break. Maybe the unleashed weapon mechanic should be a cooldown reduction on a Crowded Controlled targets, much like how it is with certain Mesmer traits.
  4. I don't think that holds true since Rangers most power elite is Soulbeast which removes the pet. Even Untamed isn't pet reliant since most of the time you keep your Pet on follow and unleashed so you get damage reduction or projectiles block (as a reaction). You only need to Unleash yourself to Ambush and burst someone down. Maybe this hold true for Druid players but I rarely see it played like this. Most pet complaints are aimed towards Mechanist these days.
  5. Mobility is not as strong as it used to be in this current meta due to rise in Burst builds. It far more advantages to survive someones burst than flee with mobility skills or plus one a side node. Mesmer in general is very strong in this Meta due to number of invulnerabilities it has access to. Simply overwhelming someone clones can not be understated since it does take the steam out of any burst combo as they try try deal with the clones. The days are gone where spamming necro minions or mass AoE. It's all about how quickly you can kill someone with Soulbeast or Dragon Hunter traps. Mesmer does very well at counter this playstyle.
  6. You have the right idea but honestly anything outside the Meta specs really drop off in terms of damage. I play a half Celestial Virtuoso in open world and supplement my build with precision Sigils and Chaos with a lots of Regeneration sources. It does okay numbers wise but it is no where near the 30-40k you get from pure Condition Virtuoso.
  7. The opposite it true for Gravity Well. It is probably one of the best most reliable CCs in game since it hits multiple people and even stun breaking it doesn't help since it pulses CC. You can even cast it twice in a row if you use Continuum Split. The real weakness of Chronomancer is AoE or miscellaneous damage. They can burst or sustain with clones but if you apply to much pressure and delay/wipe their clones out they are left with nothing but light armor for defence. I mean I'm playing at Gold 3 so I only see the cream of crop.
  8. It does fine in PvP, it might not be a top tier Meta pick but I have seen it run in Tournaments a few times.
  9. Clone managed is literally Mesmers class mechanic which is why Mesmer mains didn't like Virtuoso. The whole point is to pick a target that will not die right away and stack clones on them to get off your burst. This all takes practice with the most damaging Chronomancer build being very difficult to do. I even fell out of practice, I can't even do the 40k DPS build any more, so I normally play Virtuoso.
  10. I would rather GW2 balance than what other MMOs tend to do which is neuter all there classes so they all play the same. ESO being a prime example of this in action.
  11. I guess what is more frustrating getting one shot like today's meta or being unable to kill someone because they play a bunker build. Honestly Warrior is still a bunker hense why I tell my team to never contest a point he has capped. There is just way to much going on in this day and age for PVP you either one shot your opponent or you get one shot. I find myself playing builds that have alot of sustain then trying to output a little bit of burst to catch enemies at the right time. It kind of a dice roll at this point. I play a double Axe Ranger so I can chain ambushes which is literally the definition of a dice roll.
  12. You are right in saying it is pretty niche while the Glyph of the Stars has a flip option which makes it far more usable. Most of the utility are like that for Ranger where the elite specialisations versions are just better core utilities.
  13. Rangers problem is a lack of focus or synergy with alot of its skills. You are very much relying on something that is ultimately the weakest part. Guard is a good example where pets were so useless and weak due to there low health using this skill was liable to kill them. Now it can safely be picked for some sort of tanking build in some game modes. Even things like Signet of the Hunt was relatively useless untill they added the super speed to it, same with Signet of the Wild untill the Druid blood moon trait. Strength of the Pack is a fine and somewhat niche utility simply becouse it has 10 stability. This is amazing on Soulbeast for engaging in this CC heavy PvP meta.
  14. Have you even tried to use the skill recently. The slam Resurrects people and it's even stronger since if you trait it. It can apply the resurrection to another 5 targets which can be amazing in WvW. I guess your post makes more sense now. If they removed the resurrection component to Spirit of Nature it would be kind of useless.
  15. Its fine in PvE since it's one of the only elite resurrection skills with the other one being on Druid. In terms of WvW it is used in Zergs but primarily on Heal Untamed builds.
  16. Well they did likely for the very reason it was not that good in PvE due to clunky repositioning and damage.
  17. Tell that to the many bosses who stand on the edge of a platform.
  18. It was not viable in PvE which is the primary game mode. Having a skill repositioning you during combat is a horrible idea and will probably get you killed.
  19. Fair I only know how Moa works I don't think I have ever seen anyone Magnet me in WvW. I play a Carrion condition bombing Soulbeast but I can easily be picked off it I don't escape early. It can be frustrating but that is my game, killing people with 2k Bleed ticks.
  20. Everyone class has strengths and weaknesses . The thing I love about Ranger is almost everything does damage regardless of what you are doing. For example cleansing conditions with Wilderness Knowledge equals doing more damage. Untamed in particular is perfectly exemplified with this since each Ambush heals you and deals damage. Most other classes have some down time, even something like Thief has to stealth and get ready for another backstab but not Ranger. One of the main complaints about Ranger is that is has very few defensive options.
  21. Its far better now that when they start this whole train. They nerfed so many playstyle when they came down hard with balance changes. I'm looking at you one dodge Mirage, but now they kind of pre-nerf things like you pointed out.
  22. I have rarely seen the Moa work becouse most people use it at the wrong time or when their enemy is about to die. It really only counters very specific playstyles, builds that relies on damage immunity or blocks.
  23. I agree with your Mirage point. I have difficulty maintaining the muscle memory on to many characters so I prefer Chronomancer support over Mirage and it is far easier (just spawn phantasms). In terms of Inspiration Virtuoso I ofter either lead fractals or strikes with it or sneak it in untill someone asks where all the feedback resurrecting is comming from. It kind of just a safe pick, I can still pull about 20-25k dps.
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