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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. There is room to add a heal and ultimate to some utilities like Signets on Ranger. It even has 2 traits for it.
  2. Well they already have a relic that intereracts with poison and it's effect is amazing in WvW.
  3. They all get used a ton in WvW roaming unless by PvP you mean conquest then that's fair. At this point Conquest is a dead game mode so I don't think they even consider it when balancing.
  4. Honestly the author might be right. It is pretty much useless in PvE so it is a direct nerf. Reminds me of the time a didn't know you could still use your pet skills when you are downed in PvP or the fact that pet swapping to a pet of the same family resets it's skills even if the UI doesn't show it.
  5. Meh I would rather new content than Alliances at this point.
  6. I agree personally I'm loving the double Axe Ambush on Untamed. It can be a bit tricky to land when everybody and their mum has projectile denial but when it does oh man the burst. It is also a great way of healing between Troll Ungeant.
  7. My whole point is the game won't die if they keep supporting PvE...... Seems fair.
  8. Tested it and it seems to always apply to defiant enemies, so cripple is only worth it on non-defiant enemies.
  9. Okay this is going no where I think your disillusioned position speaks for itself.
  10. Mesmer has it's own issues and large scale nerfs that have ruined the class over the years. In regard to Rangers okay there might not be any reason for the nerf, I agree. But you have to agree it is a pretty small in comparison to anything else other classes get. I mean alot of class got boon removal and corrupting boons straight nerfed that was much worse. Ranger rarely receives any major changes with probably the biggest recent one being Sword which most people liked.
  11. I frequently help new players in their story instances for most Expansions Okay.... maybe you should be the one that doesn't play this game if all you site is negatives. My only point is the PvE player base is happy, PvP is not the focus of this game anymore.
  12. I have seen some pretty pissed players try and kick people from WvW Zergs so I don't think it is a good idea. Over the silliest things like not committing to a push and standing to far back or even commiting to much and dying. I could see a situation where if you are not playing a Meta build or even if you are playing it badly you get kicked.
  13. That seems to be it again the only class that seems to be able to counter this is Revenant since it has multiple sources of cleansing especially if the run the Ventari Legend.
  14. Wilderness Knowledge still removes conditions. Wasn't the reasoning that it would be to OP for certain playing styles that didn't use Wilderness Knowledge or the Wilderness Survival trait line. Anyway, small nerfs are fine I mean how would they balance anything. Big nerfs are not but they don't seem to do that as often on Ranger. We get some pretty mild balance.
  15. It didn't need to be nerfed but everyone made such a big deal out of it. Nerfs happen, your classes didn't become impossible to play after a 6 second increase in a cooldown.
  16. I have really tested it, other similar traits need the an controlling effect to be active but maybe enemies with a breakbar automatically get Predator's Onslaught applied to them. Otherwise my logic holds true since Cripple is the easier way to apply the controlling effect required. It wouldn't be hard to test, maybe I will later if you want.
  17. Well i agree... hence why I said it Useless since it requires you do something silly like pump Power and Ferocity and rely on a sigil to guarantee a critical hit.
  18. I think even when Rifle gets released Scepter + Shield and Staff will still be better. Sheild provides good Protection uptime and Staff provides good source of Aegis, not to mention the new buffed Chaos Aura. Rifle will be good if you have to heal between boss phases like with Fractal CM 99.
  19. Would it not be the same since I'm sure they are not running 100% confusion duration in WvW or sPvP. I guess you would have less time to cleanse it so maybe make it a 20% damage increase...?
  20. The verdict I have is the Jade Cannon from the merge turtle requires such a convoluted build it is useless. You essentially need to pump Power and Ferocity with no crit chance to even getting close to one shotting player. The second build he showed with high Condition Damage is very possible with Carrion stats and it also provides you a lot of vitality. This is really good for dueling since people will dying without knowing what killed them. The only roaming build it cannot kill is Renegade since they come armed with a lot of condition cleanse.
  21. Also, I'm not really saying it is better in PvE just not useless like you originally claimed. I don't think most people pick Smokescale in PvE unless you want the damage immunity on Soulbeast. Saying that your main reason pick Soulbeast is for big numbers vs an Open World Boss and in that situation the CC and Cripple will not mater, just damage. 50K on a boss is possible and a stun would slow you down. Honestly again it's such a small change. Most pets got a direct buff due to Quickness being applied to them.
  22. Yeah, most PvP and especially conquest players will leave the game during that time. WvW will still see some play but even now I barely see people roam, but I am on a popular servers so it more like small skirmishes. Over all PvP or 1v1 is dead. I laugh when I duel in WvW since people run away at first sign of death.
  23. True but have you tried to play its PvE, ever since the level 50 standardisation all PvE content is trivial. If you want a Horizontal experience, ESO is the king of being easy after you get end game gear. ESO: New expansion drops = no challenge GW2: New expansion drops = learn a new mechanic or die trying.
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