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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. It honestly it just needs more damage. If you want it to be a defensive ability just use Bountiful Disillusionment to get resistance. You also have to remember so many traits now work on shatter and Virtuoso essentially has a free cast of F5 compared to all other mesmer elites. No one is about to waste Continuum Split to get a Restorative Illusions heal for example. Then again I would not be against inspirating distortion and mental defense also including Bladeturn Requiem
  2. They could introduce a cloth profession with three new classes Ritualist, Monk and Bard. People have been asking for these as an elite specialisations of these for a while. I don't know how they could do their own elite specialisations, they could roll them out over each quarterely content drop.
  3. Very true, pretty much any class can perform any role and I expect them to down this path even more. We still have some weakness like certain builds lacking certain mechanics but again I could see that being solved with something like dismounting buffs (Quickness or Alacrity from dismounting). Who knows maybe they go down this root or maybe they will do something completely different. Fill out the last few utilities? I would love a Ranger heal and ultimate signet. I already use quite a few for WvW and it's great for reseting opening strike.
  4. I thought this was an ideas thread not how much Guild Wars 2 is dying thread. I have even suggested the underwater weapons being brought to the surface as a playable on-land spear for example. Rather than shooting down all the ideas create your own...
  5. It just an idea, we already have it for the Skyscale I don't believe I have seen anyone afk an event in Skyscale. I have seen people afk by just standing in the event not doing anything. This afk problem isn't really a mount issue, even with the turtle mount early one it was fine. We already have Waystations for CC so this is fine. Like I said people use the bunny for cc as well how would mounting in combat on a bunny be any different than an electromagnetic pulse action key? Much like CC you have to select skills or even classes that have a lot of it. With mounted combat something like a Deadeye could now healing during open world event by jumping on a skimmer when people get low. I mean come one we have some vertical progression in the game, and it is in the form of Masteries. Look at the jade bot, it gave a massive vitality boost to low health classes like Mesmer and Elementalist, without it Raids/Strikes/Fractals with either class becomes much scarier.
  6. Okay.... What are you looking for? Its just a suggestion you can add your own context to my idea. Most mounts don't have any use pre-combat. Like I mentioned the bunny helps, maybe the rapter for grouping targets but healing from a skimmer is pretty useless. Maybe having a mounted skill which you can use into dismount with a cooldown is a good idea. It could even feed off your stats rather than just being random what a mount uses (I thinks it's just Sigils)
  7. No I don't think so since you can mount and mismount the skyscale in combat.
  8. Mounted combat would bring more meaning to the many dismount options that currently go unused in the game. I could see picking your main mount feeding into the build you are going for. Even now the bunny is used to CC rift bosses.
  9. Its not dead, rather the exact opposite is true. In the last 3 years alone we have received some pretty substantial content updates. First consider that only HoT and Icebrood had true large scale metas we have now doubled what is on offer since then. Second we do have a large player base but to many things for them to do. The players who are willing to organise and run things get buried in the many LFG tabs.
  10. Maybe they could make an excuse just to straight up revisit some of the bosses as strikes. It could all be part of a nightmare or something.
  11. The content was incomplete and a bit rushed since I believe it was around the time that EoD was green lit so they had to move on and start the expansion.
  12. I think this needs happen sooner rather than later. We have already starting to get players complaining about numbers in new maps like Gyala Delve which is not even 1 year old. Being able to see all groups then have the filter apply after that would be alot better than just content being filtered from the start.
  13. I think the solution here is a better LFG. Who would even bother going to Gyala Delve LFG section if 9 times out of 10 no one is running the meta. An LFG that shows all the instances would be alot better with the added bonus of you can apply filters to it.
  14. I second this build, Duel Longbow is the way to go especially on Untamed where you can chain unleashed ambushes to reset your cooldowns along with the Quick Draw trait.
  15. Honestly it was probably a good move they removed it. Keeping it would have honestly meant many core Ranger weapons would have to be nerfed; especially Path of Scars.
  16. Not many classes have amazing AoE. You could either go Necromancer or Revenant from the top of my head. Most of your aoe on Mesmer comes from shattering with the trait Maim the Disillusioned. Chronomancer Wells also work great two but you tend to sacrifice shattering or phantasms for it.
  17. I will add even Virtuoso has its own micromanagement due the requirement to shatter at exactly 5 blades. Positioning is another game you play with Virtuoso since there are many configurations to improve your DPS. The best example of this is there is way to hit both legs and the head for most open world Dragon bosses.
  18. Most true ranged rotation either leave you somewhat stationary or place immovable AoE so it think it's a fair trade off. Longbow Barrage being a good example of this. Maybe you could finds a few 900 range weapons that have the best of both worlds.
  19. Honestly it's down to the build templates on Snowcrows and Metabattle that are to blame. Chronomancer has so many options this means more room to have convoluted rotations. My favourite build is to just use traited Greatsword (no weapon swapping) then run the two phantasm utilities. Basic rotations is to spam the 3 phantasm then throw in continuum split followed by signet of either. Hitting 3 skills is pretty easy, no need to even touch the shatters early on.
  20. I would not really consider Celestial tanky, I would consider Marauders the more tanky option for Chronomancer. Celestial is only really for the experience players who can min-max everything appropriately.
  21. Honestly I don't think many people here have tried to gear a new character for a long time especially with no gold. I think you have a done a great job already full Berserkers with Chronomancer, it is a fine first choice. These stats will not be compatible with either Mirage or Virtuoso for soloing. In terms of what you should work on next, getting that critical chance to 100% and also your rotation. The main mechanic for Chronomancer is Phantasm spam which is not only your primary damage but should prevent mobs from attack you when chained together. Focus on first using all your phantasms into Signet of Either then work in continuum split where you can. Ps. Mirage it not easier, Virtuoso is the easiest but requires the most expensive gear.
  22. If you can get 100% critical chance plus Bleed duration sure. It's just not something everyone can do especially if we are taking casual. I personally use a Chaos Condition Virtuoso with Relic of Durability for more Regeneration applications. It is also half Celestial with that double 100%. It is more for groups through since it is higher DPS compared to Chronomancer.
  23. Really anything goes but the general rule is Illusions traitline the pick Persistence of Memory, Phantasmal Haste and Phantasmal Force. This way you absorb any quickness and might your phantasms have and they are stronger. I would also add there are way to make both Mirage and Virtuoso casual friendly but they require alot of gear. Chronomancer can just run full Berserkers.
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