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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Doupt it, seems like most runes got replaced rather than bring them across to a relic form
  2. I mean this does look intentional. The minion spawning runes were a prime reason afk builds were so prolific. We shall see they might come back but I doubt it. We have had a lot of power creep recently, so the old minion rune sets are not really required.
  3. Okay... I feel like it's another easy win for them. No need to redesign any system just fully implement the current underwater skills or elite mechanics. They also have underwater weapon skins already so no need create anything new for on land. Again people have been asking for the Spear for a very long time. An on land Spear could be a Condition Greatsword which could be a good niche. While a Trident could be a Power Staff. The Harpoon Gun would be a condition version of the Rifle much like how Longbow and Shortbow have the same duality. To push the on land theory further they already have all the traits lined up.
  4. Well, you asked if anyone had asked for "These" sword changes. I mean I got pretty close when @Gotejjeken.1267 said he wanted 2&3 swapped which is pretty on point for what they did. I mean the other changes in the linked threads were just nonsense like ammo on Hornet Sting / Serpent Strike, but ironically 2-3 and just two identical leaps. Honestly most the changes the community wanted were far too complex. Remember this is a Casual game, even the skills before were far too complex for the player base. When you have a million other things to think about, why would I ever want to reset my Monarch's Leap with Hornet Sting; So much busy work in the rotation. I don't know if you play high level PvP but you need to react fast, messing around with skill resets in not a good idea.
  5. I think they also forget you can in a sense, leap backwards in PvP by just un-targeting your enemy and using the skills 2-3. I mean people have been doing this on Greatsword forever. It actually more of a leap than most skills since elevation prevents this skill from hitting. Which is arguably a bug, but I feel like it's part of the skill.
  6. We already have some Lore about a mysterious underwater monster so why don't we make it a demon and just do a full underwater expansion. Reworking all the underwater skills and elite mechanics to allow them all to have an underwater version. I don't know how easy it but why don't we also bring some of the underwater weapons to the surface and vice versa. Alot of people have already requested a Spear. Why not give everyone atleast one of their underwater weapons on land. At the same time, I don't see why we can't see a few of the surface weapons to work underwater. Most would not require much a rework and if they are doing all Utilities just include a few weapons.
  7. Honestly I think is a good thing that they don't introduce more elites into the mix. Mostly becouse whenever they do what ever game mode you like is either unplayable or way to fun untill everything gets balanced. This leaves you either extremely annoying or extremely bitter.
  8. Tried a few different Mirage builds and compared them to Power Chronomancer. It's still scuffed, can barely get above 10k any more in fractals while my Chronomancer easily get 15k+ in most fights.
  9. Well we can agree on that, while no one was asking for this change they made it and probably won't revert it. I could see that, I think most people want the hornet sting leap backwards so we could just have that combo for the people that want it. Maybe the leap backwards resets the leap forwards kind of like before.
  10. Another big issue is what you have them do. Revert Sword back to the old one and buff the damage......? I mean do you think the people that now use this weapon for end game PvE Content will be happy if they have their Sword reverted?
  11. @Gotejjeken.1267 Honestly I just thought It was funny that your suggestion was what they ended up doing. (Switch but then remove the leap backwards) I mean I sorta agree they have dumbed down sword but honestly I do think its for the best. Like I have been saying no one used this in any game mode before. I might not have any facts but forum posts represent a tiny proportion of the community.
  12. Well that is impossible as shown everyone wanted to make the Sword Skills 2 & 3 more complex. I couldn't even understand half of what they wanted in the threads I posted. I mean Serpent Strike having ammo..... That just makes it needlessly complex. The sword we have now is simple and straightforward.
  13. Pets have there own internal logic that can prevent the skill from being cast. You will notice this all to well with Untamed if you select it to auto cast them. Some skills they use will only trigger if they are below 50% health. While others like the beast skills need the target to be within range while you press it. The phoenix if its skills are working properly is very strong. I don't know if anyone has noticed but it has the highest movement speed of any pet. Which is great for chasing targets, to bad all it's skills suck.
  14. Oh the irony, I did find someone asking for Sword changes. "Improving Untamed for WvW" "Rework some weapon skills" Seems like this exact suggestion was almost 100% what really happened too. Wow @Gotejjeken.1267 nailed what they would change. To add further insult to injury I found this thread.
  15. @Gotejjeken.1267 @kharmin.7683 The answer is baked into the thread, the reason these changes were made is becouse no one used this weapon. I will give you the old Sword was stronger in PvP even if the damage was lower but in terms of popularity this is a PvE game. PvP especially conquest accounts for not even 10% of the player base. Well over 50% of players play primarily PvE and this is where those changes are directed towards. PvP is a dying game mode, when was out last sPvP/WvW content drop?
  16. @SoulGuardian.6203 @Gotejjeken.1267 Have you been reading any of the responses, it's obvious the new sword is better. I don't think you can seriously say any Ranger mains actually used the sword before. I mean I'm sorry you liked is but almost no one used the clunky old animations. I remember even trying to solo stuff with the old Sword and just gave up, with the current Sword it amazing effective at timing the leaps to avoid enemy telegraphs.
  17. I would say Ranger in general suffer from not having a clear role. Druid can Heal/off heal but lacks important boons, Soulbeast can do absurd burst DPS but has almost no survivability. Untamed has a more sustainable rotation but the Ambushes are awkward and require a 9 second flip + weapon swap even when you don't want to. This normal results you running 2 of the same main-hand weapon so it is less flexible than all the other Elites.
  18. @Kulvar.1239 Is right, outside of a golem this is pretty hard especially since you need to apply all the Alacrity on a very short window for most fights. Like I have been saying back when we could use F4 and eat mirrors for more Ambushes, so it was possible to open with a lot of Alacrity before you split for a mechanic. Now you need to run Boon Duration with Ritualist gear otherwise you will not be able to pre-stack enough Alacrity. Hense why I'm saying Chronomancer is 10x easier since you have Continuum Split.
  19. 100% to 0% before they can react is my definition. I even used to root/stun players (on Druid) so I could let my Wife one shot them with F1 + Greatsword 4. I guess it all took about 5 seconds. Again, people stated I needed to kill them in a second to count and do it solo with no help. Meh.....
  20. I'm all for putting Alacrity on Well as well but make no mistake Chronomancer is 100% better in its current state than is every before even when Wells provided Alacrity. We have gone from barely being able to DPS Support end-game content to doing it with no Boon duration which is a massive improvement.
  21. Again I don't know where we are going with the conversation since I do run Boon duration on Mirage. I run around 40% with traited Signet of Inspiration aswell.
  22. The system before this incentivised you to make 20 alt accounts to farm gold with daily login rewards. Does that sound like fun?
  23. Meh I'm just happy the the Dailys are just one task. Sometimes I would rather not play PvP or WvW but I'm forced to since I can't be asked to do the open world PvE stuff.
  24. Look into the Guardian and Warrior mainhand Mace, they are both very defensive The offhand is bound to be fully ranged since we don't have any good off-hand ranged options. Everyone has a melee skill 5.
  25. The whole previous conversation you replied to was about not running boon duration.....
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