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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. This is just my opinion, again I probably won't ever raid with the current system. I strike now and then but I don't think I will CM. I work full time so I don't have time to wait for people to organise it.
  2. True but try saying that to the people who buy strikes or raids. I mean I for one don't even want to play the content due to it being to time consuming to get a group. I would enjoy a group finder.
  3. Yeah exactly which is why they should buff Untamed DPS to be greater than Soulbeast. Leave Soulbeast as a burst spec that has 0 sustain with the potential as boon support with stances. Untamed should be preferred Dps Soulbeast can be either a support or dps Druid should be a support and healer.
  4. The selling hurts people who are forced to pay for a raid to get the kill proofs to then strike or raid normally. If you have a group finder people will assume you are a noob and people will que to help others strike or raid like what happens in other games. Honestly all I want is a redo of the LFG system since I want to see all active parties rather than having to go though the filters to try and find a group. Some Open World content spans multiple maps like bounties so why not have large LFG so I can see when a group is doing it.
  5. Hmm I haven't played pvp competively for so long prior to EoD so I guess I don't really know. I mean 1 ranger per match on average is okay, I has been a bit saturated of late with Willbenders but if you nerf those it would definitely be 1 ranger per match.
  6. You would slot it for the swiftness then spam it in group content to extend your boon duration. It's fine the way it is, there are even a few combo's based on a food items. Lol the reactions, Mesmer doesn't have that much access to swiftness outside of focus. I mean all I did was point out a valid use for it, before traiting for signets was useless for 5 man groups.
  7. You can kick people from a group finder but not pvp so that is the difference. It would also stop the other problem with this game which is people selling raids and strike missions.
  8. I dont know your build but I would say it is at its strongest right now. I mean I'm almost leaning towards it being a bit OP in gold since there is a cheese build which can one shot people. The ranger kit in general is very strong, even without the much condi cleans currently the biggest threats in PvP are high burst power builds. The Longbow ranger can really shut them down and for every else you have Greatsword.
  9. But Virtuoso can already has fury uptime on itself, the only think it is missing is might. I think most people build for might uptime. I bet we will see a condi nerf to bring it inline with other Mesmer specs. If anything this change buffs Inspiration Virtuoso instead of dps ones.
  10. I agree but I'm basing my opinion on next update which will see spirits pulse alacrity. This would mean a double up if Untamed kit also provided alacrity. That and it would be redundant since druid would be the best alacrity provider since it could realistically top up spirits, while Soulbeast moa stance would let you boon your boon duration by 66% percent for a short duration while spirits are still alive. Untamed needs damage otherwise it will be left further behind.
  11. Its pretty hard to now days unless you get carried. I mean plat is the top 200 players right now (US). In that respect getting it on Untamed is an elite achievement.
  12. I already use it WvW so I don't want to see any changes there really. Maybe make the pet retreat a teleport or something, or lower the pet swap cooldown since we can't instant rez like with Soulbeast on a 20 sec cooldown.
  13. Untamed did or at least I hope they do by buffing the pet damage in PvE. I could see some crazy builds if we got a flat 25% increase along with "sic em"s 50%.
  14. Oh then in that case I completely agree and to agree with you further when I play PvP on my Soulbeast I almost never merged and just used it to revive my pet. Untamed in PvP is very strong at the moment, I have even gotten plat on it. I think most of complaints here are from the PvE side since i even stated early on the Untamed is fine PvP.
  15. Would it not be exactly the same???? I mean all the command abilities would apply to yourself, all the beastmastery traits would apply to yourself. Where would the pet go?? oh i know maybe it merges without and you get some bonus stats? I mean this is just silly what would replace your pet, at least suggest something new. Some people had the idea you transform into the pet, but again same problem with command skills etc...
  16. I will agree with you for PvP but pets don't have much of use case in PvE except for there F2 since there is now way you tell the AI to cast its other abilities. I mean atleast Untamed lets you control them but they do bad damage in PvE. Give use a split for Untamed, PvE unleashed pets have increased damage then PvP unleashed pets reduce incoming damage(like the currently do)
  17. Well wouldn't that just be a Soulbeast, I mean all of the utility interactions would be same so what would the difference be? Soulbeast vs Soulbeast would just be silly. The real answer is you give the pet some meaningful damage since now it has a teleport. Imagine unleashing your pet for a 5 second buff (like I suggested) then switch to unleashing yourself and using the pet attacks at increased damage for example a Drake tail swipe.
  18. I don't use the hammer at all for PvE rather i use the longbow, shortbow and axe. Each have 1 cc which is okay but again its not going to fuel a boon build especially for any end-game content.
  19. I think it's more that the primary use of case of Soulbeast is to merge with your pet for a stat buff and Command utilities. I mean the only reason to unmerge like you have stated is to use your pets F2 skill and that's it.
  20. I love most of you suggestion except the 5 player barrier generation. I think adding more effects to each ambush and trait is a really good idea so it can be used to preform multiple roles.
  21. I in general don't want another support elite. We have druid healing and might generation, we also have Soulbeast stances. Please for the love God and all thing decent can Ranger get a damage spec that isn't half a support. I mean Soulbeast is strong but only becouse it removed core mechanics in favor of Command utilities being self buffs.
  22. I think the post said the revamp will be on the 28th of June. I mean we shall see, untamed needs something other than just relying on CC to lower cooldowns which is strong but Ranger in general is not a CC heavy class. Even less so for aoe CC which will be where the trait is the strongest.
  23. I feel like with any changes to core like the spirit rework will only fuel the irrelevance of Untamed. I mean when spirits pulse alacrity how will that help Untamed. What would help ranger as a whole is Untamed be the top sustain, tanky dps and Soulbeast be a burst, boon support.
  24. Well currently the damage is not there and when they change spirits, Untamed will be even more irrelevant since it has 0 boon duration unlike Soulbeast. Untamed only value is in PvP but even there is not a good brawler, you want the damage to down people and that comes from burst which should include the pet like Soulbeast does right now.
  25. Yeah pretty much but on the bright side you can provide some Alacrity and have okay healing on super long cooldowns(Wells).
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