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Everything posted by NuhDah.9812

  1. The maps don't have enough trees to make thief jump from one tree to the other...
  2. Area denial abilities are one thing that do this, but you can also be stunned if you hit someone with shocking aura, and can get down by retaliation if you're not careful. There are also pasives that daze interrupting your channel and also chain pulls... I think those are the most of it.
  3. Just want to mention this, since I hear bp+hs is 12sec of stealth a lot, but no one is counting the 4-5 seconds it takes to do all of the 4 leaps through bp to achieve the 12 seconds, so in the end you're only left with around 7-8 seconds of stealth and 0 initiative to do something. Sure this is on a normal dp thief build, if you go SA that's another story.
  4. Um you're joking right? You do realise that PoF is needed in order to get the warclaw right? So you know, you get the mount using cash because its exclusive to PoF. Therefore players who don't buy the xpac are at a disadvantage. Therefore pay to win.Before you say nobody bought PoF for the mount, this is not true. My entire guild bought PoF for the mount. None of us enjoy PvE and we only enjoy playing WvW. The literal only reason I bought PoF was because playing WvW without the mount was like trying to walk with one leg. So you're telling me the pve people, you were talking about, who might try wvw didn't get PoF for the pve content and bought it only to try wvw with the new mount? Not to mention the PoF expansion is out for 2 years now, it comes with the PoF elite specializations and the warclaw update was not included with it, as I mentioned above, it was a free update like a living world chapter. Again, saying anyone bought PoF just for the mounts and not for anything else including the elite specs even if not interested in pve is just too far fetched. Indeed, but its not PvE players saying this is it? Because PvE players don't get to this point where they know anything about WvW because its impossible for new players to get into WvW because of mechanics like the broken mount. Instead you've got players like me who've been playing WvW for 6 years. So I'd say our views are worth something. That example however does demonstrate exactly how the mount can be abused. You can argue all you like about how the player was bad etc. But the fact is that the mount gave me a huge edge in that fight. Which I thoroughly believe shouldn't be a feature of mounts. They should be mobility based only and have no use in combat. They should be convenient, not essential. You play wvw for 6 years now and consider mounts game breaking in terms of the advantage in combat it gives you, all this while giving examples of how inexperienced players can get beaten after some clutch mounting done by someone who plays since launch and attribute this win to the fact that mounts are op for combat... man, if you think anyone will fall for such reasoning, it really makes me want to know what you are smoking, cause I want it too. Yes, because as much as i would adore mounts to be metaphorically nuked from orbit and never heard from or seen in WvW ever again, I can understand that my fantasy is very unlikely to become reality. So I content myself to the compromise that everyone should have access to a blatantly overpowered and abused mechanic in order to level the playing field.I don't blame them for not wanting to play it. Getting constantly ganked by people on mounts is not fun. They already have the uphill battle of learning how to fight other players, now in addition to that they've got to deal with all other players having access to a mount with 3 evades and 10k hp? And you expect them to stay? Why the hell would they want to stay? For the sake of not going off topic I won't even get started on how PoF professions are meta, and most core/HoT specs can't hold their own against them. No one is getting more nuked out of the orbit with mounts more than without mounts. If you feel like professions are overtuned in some ways, they are because there are some multipliers from foods and other boons allowed in wvw that synergise too well with some already potent ablities not because of mounts. Trust me I can nuke some unaware newbe out of the orbit way better without a mount than with one, it's presence in wvw only hinders my ambush potential and speed superiority. So not having a mount now is in no way worse compared to how it would have been before mount introduction in wvw, still not a friendly place for newbes who can't take defeat and learning from the wvw gamemode. So if others could enter wvw before warclaw, they can now too. Also that thing about PoF professions being meta, I feel it's not really accurate either at this point. I'm seeing plenty of reapers and core, dh, berzerkers and core, drd and core, heralds around lately, I also encounter druids and core from time to time, rarely scrappers (after adjustments), tempest an chronos. Anyways you get the picture, PoF elite specs aren't that superior and popular compared to the other stuff around, a shame it took over a year for the devs to balance those, but I'd say you get good options in the HoT and core specs too now. I personally main an HoT elite spec and don't feel inferior fighting against most of other specs I encounter... that is in wvw where I have options that work well with it and can make it a decent spec, cause in spvp it's shit at this point.
  5. It barely makes any sense, I'd say, since the expansion launched 2 years ago and I'm pretty sure it'd be accurate to say no one bought it just to get the wvw mount, something that was never promised to come with the expansion, probably most of the people didn't even want it's existence here, so the most I can say about the warclaw was a free update, similar to a living story chapter if you want something to compare it with.
  6. I respectively disagree. In an open world game mode, there should be no grind needed inorder to have the same gear and the same tools as any new player. Experience whether its in fighting or build crafting is something that can be learnt, which encourages fair play and natural ability. A grindy mount is simply a tool that some players have who forked out cash and whom other players do not. I don't remember forking any cash out when getting the warclaw, not even sure how you could get the mount using cash, but I guess some people will just say anything in an attempt to win an argument they cannot... Undoubtly you can speak for every pve player there is. Not to mention a pve player remarcs like those would not amount to much until they become wvw players who know what they are talking about. Needles to say their opinion is most valuable... in pve. I mean I honestly don't know how you can think there is nothing overpowered about warclaws. Any player without a warclaw is a joke. For instance tonight, a ranger approached me and opened with sicem+rapidfire. Before they'd managed to hit me however, I just mounted up on my overpowered mount and bounced around them with my 3 evades and 10k barrier until rapid fire had ended and the revealed effect had worn off. At which point I dismounted and killed them, because they'd spent their entire burst on my OP mount. Warclaw is broken. If all the gameplay of that player amounted in a burst phase that he wasn't even able to pull off correctly, then he deserved to be defeated effortlesly. After he learns to play more than just basing his combat on pressing 2 buttons (oh, rangers, most of them think they are so good just because they have some overtuned abilities they press mindlesly and they will always get theselves killed when they meet someone who knows how to play) he might even be succsesful against you and your mount together... I don't think I'm being dramatic. I have the mount after all, and I am free to abuse it to my hearts content. But as you said earlier, people on this forum are quick to support parts of the game that benefit them whilst scorning the parts that don't. I have the mount, yet I can clearly see how it IS abused in it present state. I have yet to see a good reason why such a powerful/essential mechanic should be locked behind anything? The better player won't win when one of the two players has access to a speed kitten with over 10k hp and 3 evades. You do not waste you precious cooldowns on a mounted player when you are alone, you use them after they dismount, or just leave them alone. It's basic combat knowledge. They are harmless to you too while keeping mounted. And in the end you're saing the mount is soooo abused, but still want to add cheap access to it for anyone that comes in wvw, people who most likely don't even want to contribute with anything to the game mode if they can't even commit to play it the barely minimum until getting the mount.
  7. By equal footing I mean evenly balanced/fair. Like If I were put into a gladiator match against a samurai. If we both had nothing but katana's, then we would be on equal footing. Even though I wouldn't stand a chance against an actual samurai, at least we both have equal access to the same tools. Most of inexperinced players don't even understand the game mechanics of the game enough to have a fair opinion about what is equal footing. that's why the most popular threads on the forum are of the "nerf that profesion I don't like to fight against" & "buff my profession" kind. On the same note, you don't fight while mounted, so when facing an enemy in combat you are still on equal footing. Mounts are just a way to travel faster and not get 1shot if someone sneaks on you and you're not totally aware of your surroundings or if you just dont want to encounter some enemies in your way to somwhere since it ads the mount's hp and 3 dodges to your's. That is most of the usual mount utility you'll see. The combat itself is nothing different than before. Not at first, but they could at least see that everybody is on the same playing field, and experience is the only thing stopping them. But putting overpowered mechanics like mounts and gliding behind a grind wall is a good way to demotivate any new players from trying the mode, at least in my view. If you stop before trying tan you didn't want to begin with. If you can acieve the same abilities as eveybody else fairly easy and you still don't feel on equal footing, than you shoul either learn more about what you din't know to become better or not be there in the first place. Tbh I hated elite specs when HoT came out due to similar reasons I hate mounts, (caused my friends and I to quit for 3 years) that being that they encouraged grind to win mechanics and pay to win mechanics. But at least PvE players didn't need to grind in a mode to unlock these specs (as I did god It nearly killed me when HoT first came out) so when/If they decided to try WvW they most likely already had all the specs unlocked. But the mount is something you can only get doing WvW. So when new players join, they will ALWAYS be at the mercy of the overpowered giant cats when they first start playing, thus driving them away. You still don't need to grind anything in wvw, as well as wvw players don't need to grind anything from pve. That being said you're not entitle to have it all if you don't put at least some effort in it, especially when that amount of effort isn't even challenging, it only makes you acquainted with the things you'll face in that game mode. There is nothing overpowered about warclaws and there is very little grind in gw2 compared to most of the other mmos out there, you're just too dramatic about it, in the way of saying "I don't actually want to try wvw, just want the mount". You aren't at anyone's mercy, you just need to play, fall raise again as a better player until others fall when they get in your way.
  8. It’s a reward track... some achievements... and ONE bloody WvW rank to get the mount.... And.., capping the keep us one of the hardest things., and it’s been pointed out multiple times how easy it is and when to get it. It is only hard if someone hates doing it. If that’s the case? Too young cat bad. WvW is bleeding players. Is it really a good idea to lock an ESSENTIAL tool behind any sort of grind wall. People who come into WvW to give it a try should be on a level footing immediately. Maybe then they might actually enjoy themselves and perhaps stay. Or invite their PvE friends to give it a try. But I promise you, no PvE player is going to stay or recommend the mode to friends when they spend their first few hours getting chased down by groups of giant cats because they were left behind by their allies, who were also riding giant cats. Let's be honest now. You can't expect someone new coming into wvw and be on equal footing with experienced players of veterans anyways. So unless you experience wvw at least at basic level, which you can do specifically by getting your warclaw, a player would not stand a chance against what happens there anyways. You will be chased around until you are caught up with and killed, it just takes more of your time towards the inevitability and you wont be able to either hone your skills or take objectives than if you were on foot even if you get away. But yeah, it is a lot harder if you actually dont want to play wvw, only to get the mount. When I first started wvw-ing I entered wvw solo, did stuff without expecting a blob to be there for me, skirmished a bit on core, once i've understood i had to learn the elite spec to be somewhat competitive i had to change build and gameplay to learn that new play style, cause in the end I like pvp and this helped me grow a bit as a player. The amount of time and effort to do something like that was way larger than gettin the warclaw, just saying.
  9. what about it? The subject of the thread. To add player skill as a global adjustment in wvw.
  10. Sure. But why is there a need for even a very short grind at the start to get to the level of other players? There is really no need for this and it can only deter new players that don't know anything about the mode and all the stuff you listed. At least I don't see the benefit, only downside.There is nothing fresh or extra fun in the obtaining of Warclaw. It is just everyday's business with extra annoyance if everyone else has it and you don't. Well if you take it as some form of progression in the game mode it doesn't take that much time. Gw2 doesn't have much of any gear progression in the pvp modes, so as soon as you get ascended gear from whatever sources are easier for you, and slot the wvw infusions, you're practically done with gear progression. Then the wvw "masteries" remain, warclaw being part of it. It's one of the bigger progression steps, but it gives you something to aim for if you've just started, also having you pass through most of the basic stuff you'll encounter in wvw.
  11. The warclaw is probably hard to get for those that enter wvw to get a mount, but not something anywhere near out of reach for those who enter wvw for the pleasure of playing the gamemode itself, an open world pvp area where you complete objectives for your server, roam, duel, fight against other players, learn some new stuff about your profession, participate in large scale pvp fights and so on. And yeah, you can do all that stuff without using a mount, some of it probably not in the same amount as after getting it, but wvw is filled with al that I've listed above. It's just a matter of what are you there for.
  12. If you want to be productive in sPvP then 1v1 are rarely a luxury thief has. If you're roaming in WvW, it's another story since you have the time and space at your disposal. Still, thief isn't one of the strong 1v1 professions, meaning you should probably avoid fights against professions that are made for it. That being said and regardless of the skill level of your enemy, thief can still do well against professions or builds that aren't meant to be 1v1er, so you can find lots of those in different scenarios. Other than that, not fighting fair is a thing you can also do since thief has tools for it... when someone is cursing thief for using cheap tricks to fight I say: blame the devs, they stripped thief of "real" fighting potential leaving them only the cheap tricks.
  13. Required rank? The only requirement for rank is the top tier legendary WvW armor. Entry level legendary, which has all of the functionality of top tier legendary and raid legendary, has absolutely no rank requirement. If you want the top tier one? Well then, enjoy your stay. It’s gonna take a while. And afk pip gain won’t help. @Cyninja.2954 said: You are mistaken. The armor pieces required for legendary armor is the Triumphant or Mistforged Triumphant set. Only the Mistforged Triumphant armor has rank requirements while the Triumphant does not. Yes, by the time you reach WvW rank 2k you are highly likely to have enough tickets for a legendary armor but even then, the Triumphant armor will cost you 7,880 Skirmish Tickets versus the 9,190 Skirmish Tickets for the Mistforged set. Oh, cool, so there are 2 tiers of legendary armor and only the more prestigious one has the high rank requirement. I need to do my homework, thanks for clarifying it to me.
  14. Isn't reaching the required rank taking longer than getting the required tokens?
  15. If I'd had to make changes to the tab targeting the only things I would touch is threat selection and position target prioritization, tab target only in view port it's the right way tab should work, otherwise it would be annoying as hell. To elaborate I feel that tab shouldn't target any yellows when there are reds in view port, yellows have predictable movement, if one really wants to select a yellow that should be done specifically by clicking if there are red enemies within view port, otherwise the tabbing on them should work like tabbing through reds. Now to the reds, tab should only target red targets within the 3000 unit radius around you in view port, prioritizing red targets within the 1800/2000 units distance. Also within this 1800/2000 units distance prioritization should be done from the center of the view port to the ones that are more at the edge of the view port, let's say we split the view port in 5 sections: [1|2|3|4|5]. Selection should start between the red targets in the 3rd (center) section from the closest target to the furthest one, or from the more center one to the ones that are less centered in inside the 3rd section, than it switches to enemies in the 2nd and 4th sections if there is no change in the 3rd (like new enemies entering or appearing inside), and lastly sections 1 and 5 of the screen if there were no changes within sections 2, 3 and 4. This might sound complicated in a way so for simplicity at least they should make tab target avoid selecting yellows when reds are on the screen and enemies too for away to count (> 3000 units away). That would significantly improve the way tab select works, but anyways, if you want to do well in gw2 you'll need to learn to click select.
  16. You cant have condi do no damage, because not every class has infinite sustain. Either they get sustain from condi to survive a long time to see people drop, or condies have to burst hard. You would have to nerf power dmg so that people dont drop super fast so we can see longer games where people are slowly wittled down. What I was saying was condi shouldn't do burst dmg not should "do no dmg". As for the survivability part, even if you go glass we all know if you get the right build, have awareness and skill you can usually survive enough time against most opponents, you just have to play the game and play it well. Going glass is a double edge sword and involves higher risks than getting a more robust build. Taking into account that condi doesn't need right now other traits like precision and ferocity to boost it's dmg, it's pretty clear that the numbers you can pull with that amount of condi burst you see thrown around can come from builds that are useing vitality, healing power, toughness as complementary attributes, making them more tanky than any power burst build that needs to account also for precision and ferocity to be able pull out high numbers or burst dmg. So no, condies don't need to burst hard, actually they don't need to burst at all by themselves, only in combination with direct attacks on glass condi builds (meaning no added vitality, toughness, healing power as complementary attributes.)
  17. Let's say we cut the usual power dmg in half... hack no, let's make it a quarter of it's current dmg. Now let's apply a new twist to it to make it like how condi dmg can stack in high quantities also being able to be spammed in several different types and so make direct attacks hit several times with each hit, while the person attack can only dodge or block 1 or few of the emitted attack, same way you can't dodge condi attacks only like as long as you have dodges, for most professions times 2, or other blocks on cooldown. When you would dodge you'll mitigate only like a quarter of any direct dmg... Let's use the block as counterpart to condition cleansing now so when you block you might get away with a fifth, a quarter, a third or half dmg mitigation of the incoming dmg. Would you, condi lovers, like to play against such odds? I mean you can already burst with condi as much as you can with a power build... only today I've fought (WvW) against an engi which I engaged, dodged it's most obvoius tells and interrupted his attack, and few seconds later I see my health drop 1 second by over 6k burning ticks that appeared on me out of nowhere. Yeap, a second 12k dmg, my backstab burst almost never hits that hard... And yeah thief is considered one of the more bursty professions. So, yeah, in contrast to burst dmg which is called that cause you can't use it all the time in contrast with sustain, condies can sustain burst amounts of dmg over time. Most of the professions there don't have nearly enough condition cleanse, resistance and other forms of condition mitigation to counter all the condi bombing thrown around, while for neutralizing bursts there are numerous ways in the game and it's a must to be able to that if you want to survive in a fight. Yeah, you need reflexes, awareness, positioning and other human input traits to do so effectively, but non the less there are, also since the burst usually has either huge tells or huge drawbacks (like spending most of your combat resource, getting into an unfavorable position or other). You dodge a burst, you are safe for some time, cooldowns, endurance are recovering for the next burst. You dodge a condi attack, never mind there are another dozen coming, you don't, pray you have something to cleanse them or play something with boonstack & resistance, cause passive gameplay is what we all want... Now that I think about it, I have this genius idea of a WvW event week called "The Passive Week" where all direct dmg is removed and the only way players can fight is with condies and boons. Anyways, the ranting is closed, condies in my opinion should only be toned down form the burst level of dmg they can do now, and those who build for heavy condi should have the same drawbacks as those who build for heavy power, meaning to spend the other 2/3 secondary attributes on enhancing condi, not getting tankier. I mean, you go full power, you glass cannon, you go full condi, it's not fair to do same amounts of dmg or more over time and also get a sustainy secondary stats. You either go glass or compromise in the damage side.
  18. Yeap, every drd stolen skill should have a 1200 port to target along the other effects and we have balance...
  19. Where is the fun, respect and honor in avoiding fights against someone who is a lot weaker?
  20. I think that begs the question "Why can a non-glass Thief kill a glass Thief, but not vice versa?" It seems the one thing a normal Thief build can kill is a worse Thief build... and the worse build was actually built to kill. Answering just this one question, it is not that you can't kill another thief when engaging with a glass thief, it's just that you are way more vulnerable to stealth burst engagement than a "normal" thief build is. You are actually vulnerable to any sort of focus. And for the purpose the thief burst is supposed to work, glass thief burst is rarely better, since the "normal" thief burst if enough to finish or too pressure an enemy in +1 situations if used correctly or against the right targets. The bonus burst you have as a glass thief is offset by the survivability loss in most cases. Let's say the bonus damage works with diminishing returns.
  21. One thing abour going 100% glass for thief is that you will die... a lot, whenever you enter a cluster of aoe spam in team fights where you +1, or even against a brawler class that can usually survive your burst even if you're pure glass and +1. Also just avoiding every fight on the map to keep alive would make you take longer paths on the map increasing your overall time to go from point to point - if you don't perma stealth at least, otherwise you will die fairly easy an dying is the archnemesies to the thief's role. And also, keep in mind your decap and +1 functions can be very easily shut down by just having a brawler class protecting the node. It is wiser to trait some skirmish potential into your build so you won't have to be usless most of the time. I mean your theory might work when you play against disorganised groups with less experienced players, but it's not working where it actually counts. Also there is the problem with the fact that the enemy team as a thief too. They will 1shot you every time if you are 100% glass 11k hp. While other classes might be able to survive in this sort of scenarios, glass thief is one that doesn't.
  22. One thing abour going 100% glass for thief is that you will die... a lot, whenever you enter a cluster of aoe spam in team fights where you +1, or even against a brawler class that can usually survive your burst even if you're pure glass and +1. Also just avoiding every fight on the map to keep alive would make you take longer paths on the map increasing your overall time to go from point to point - if you don't perma stealth at least, otherwise you will die fairly easy an dying is the archnemesies to the thief's role. And also, keep in mind your decap and +1 functions can be very easily shut down by just having a brawler class protecting the node. It is wiser to trait some skirmish potential into your build so you won't have to be usless most of the time. I mean your theory might work when you play against disorganised groups with less experienced players, but it's not working where it actually counts.
  23. I mean personally, it's a mixed bag when it comes to these interactions. On a consistent basis map chat might get someone clearly new asking 'What do we do?' or 'How do I win, I need help!' I think asking them to 'adapt' is probably the most proposing answer, but depending on how they have asked for help, pending mood, pending whatever attitude they bring into chat my default answer since saying 'Adapt' isn't telling them much is to 'play how you want'. They will eventually figure out if playing how they are is or isn't giving them the satisfaction they need, and they will either give up or figure out something. I might even tell them to go look up something on Metabattle or something, but then you might get something snarky back like 'kitten I had to build a certain way to play, that's stupid'. It's way too much effort, I'm not going to helicopter parent everyone. Ding Ding. I'm a leaning on 'no answer' if I can clearly tell someone is baiting or not really interested, you can see that from chat interactions. But I'm pretty sure if someone is answering "Adapt" to someone asking stuff in chat, they are either trolls, meaning they won't stop doing that even if there is a thread on the forum about it and social reasoning behibd that kind of answer, or the person who asked was talking about a specific scenario they encountered and it's somehow changed from before (like profession update), meaning they werent the kind of new player who just don't know what's happening around. And I was not referung to trolls, but to those that answer to people asking specific stuff.
  24. So your proposal is to give them a no answer when they ask for advice... well, that seems very well thought. But intead of this fake interaction with someone I'd rather give them some real options if they come to me or to anyone in the comunity for them. What they do with it is their choice, but if they don't care as you say most players don't (even though I don't think that really is true), they will play whatever they want anyways without anyone informing them that is an option. And if someone only wants this sort of shallow kind of answer without considering other given options, advices, improving or adapting, than it means they are just a sort of attention seekers, not interested in real answers anyways, only in venting some frustrations, victimising themselves or they have other unrelated agenda, a behivior I don't think it's healthy and wouldn't encourage nurturing.
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