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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. Yup. I'd love a penguin. And a platypus.
  2. As Tanek said, you can do the Adventure version. You get coins instead of clouds, and the coins are in a slightly different position than the clouds, but the path is the same.
  3. I think you just have to try to trigger it, back/dodge/jump away, and then quickly go back and jump off of it.
  4. You can do it without the bridges, but you'll need to stock up on some of the health potions beforehand to survive.
  5. Yeah, that's not meant to happen. Try what Linken suggested.
  6. Can't you click the X and then choose Reset to go back to the start of the race? Or am I misunderstanding what you mean?
  7. For what it's worth, mine isn't doing that at all. It stays on whatever chat I used last.
  8. I think I was taking a break for a while at that time, but still. You'd think my dumb self would have noticed it sometime in the past 4.5 years.
  9. Good lord. I never even noticed that before. How?!
  10. It would help if you'd actually take the advice you've been given. People have told you ways to earn gold, how to get other currencies to buy ascended trinkets/rings/necklaces, how to get gear on the cheap by using your level 80 boost (assuming you got one with your HoT/PoF purchase).
  11. You understood what he said fine, I think. And he's right that ascended trinkets are going to give you a stat boost compared to exotic. He's also right in that they are easy to get in that they just require you playing the game. Yes, the "better" ones will be ones you can buy from Living World vendors, but the ones you can buy with Laurels and with the Fractals relics are just as good; you'll just have to go through them to see what stats are closest to what you want. Regardless of which way you pick, though, you'll have to earn the currency. Laurels are earned by doing weekly achievements (Wizard's Vault). You can also use the Astral Acclaim you get from doing dailies/weeklies to buy more Laurels. You can also save up Astral Acclaim to get ascended armor boxes and ascended weapon boxes. As for the Fractal relics, just doing the lowest tier dailies will get you enough to get an ascended ring pretty quickly. All of that being said, exotic gear is 100% fine for most things you will do. Yes, to do harder instanced content, you'll want to eventually be in full Ascended or Legendary, but until then there is nothing wrong with using exotic gear. Just keep in mind you'll be paying actual gold for that, either buying right from the TP or by gearing up crafting to make your own jewelry.
  12. Then use the LFG and join in squads doing the meta events so you won't be soloing everything.
  13. That's the thing. There is no group leader for parties. There used to be, but it caused a lot of problems when the leader would leave (either ragequitting, IRL reasons, or technical difficulties) and was changed.
  14. I can't say that's an issue I come across often, if at all. And that solution would set up potential issues if the leader leaves and the rest of the group decides to continue on. If it's something that's happening to you that frequently, maybe enter the fractal before starting the group. That way at least the first fractal done will be what the party starter wants done.
  15. Yeah, that one, along with Anise's actual dress, has been requested since the game came out, really. Sadly, I think we'll get that around when we get the school uniform that was datamined over a decade ago.
  16. Well, GW2 was created without any real use of the typical trinity (healer, tank, dps) way of playing. The game gives every class ways to do damage and ways to heal and sustain themselves, even without needing specific stats on their gear. Once elite specs and raids came out, support builds (heals and boon producers) became more useful and common. That's carried over to present day, especially in high tier fractals, CM strikes, and raids. As for gear management, I honestly don't do any with 90% of my characters. Two of them have more than one build and more than one set of gear, but the rest have one build and one set of gear (just exotic gear on several of them) that I only change if something gets crazy nerfed. And I rarely pay attention to stats when I'm first leveling or first playing through an expansion. I save that for once I have the elite spec unlocked, when I've had time to get more gold, resources, recipes, etc. for whatever gear I'll need. Really, I think you're stressing too much about it all. You're not planning to jump into a level 80+ Fractal or Cerus CM group this week, I assume. So there's no need to rush to get a full Harrier set right away. Unlock the elite spec first. Play events, do dailies and weeklies, do low tier fractals, and gather resources to get gold as you're unlocking it. Use whatever gear you have (try to use as many exotics as you can), and put upgrades in it when you get them. No one in open world or even lower tier fractals is going to give you a hard time for having low DPS (and those that do mention it are usually just try-hards looking for attention). Then just take it once piece of armor at a time.
  17. The only times a dedicated healer is required in GW2 is group play, specifically in instanced group content like fractals, strikes, raids, and maybe convergences (not necessary for them but very useful). They can be useful in dungeons, but things die so quickly that it's just generally not necessary and is more practical to play them with a DPS or more tank-minded build. So if you try to do open world exploration and solo stuff with just a healer build/stats, you're going to have a tough time killing things before they can kill you. This is your first 80. There is no need to be spending all of your gold and resources on any specific stat set of armor since the gear you get as you level and do story will get you through the content just fine. As for hero points, check the LFG tool in-game for commanders doing HoT and PoF HP runs. But consider just running yourself through those maps as much as you can to unlock Waypoints and get experience for Masteries. Having the WPs ahead of time will make it a little easier for you to keep up with the HP runs. Also, do story, if you're not already. It gets you more gear, currencies, and exp.
  18. I think it was only that very first year (2013) that let you farm it multiple times per day. I want to say that the daily limit has been that way ever since SAB was turned into a festival. Farming now is more doing Normal and Tribulation modes daily for the bauble bubbles, as well as for the regular baubles (which you can convert into bauble bubbles).
  19. It's not the work of the whole company, though. It was a side project from one guy and a small team that started as a one-off April Fool's joke. We're lucky that they turned it into a festival and have added more stuff to it, considering it's just a side activity that is not part of any main content.
  20. You only get the Bauble Bubble chest after killing the bosses once per day per account.
  21. Yeah, I really want more options that are just pants. There are a bunch for Medium, but not nearly enough for Light and Heavy. Light: Requiem/Elegy, Embroidered (but only if you want the harem pants look), and Ascalonian Performer are really all there is for something close to plain. Heavy: Aetherblade legplates (tiny "skirt" portion, but it blends in with a lot of heavy chest pieces) and Elegy/Requiem are the only ones I have found, really. And the Elegy/Requiem have to be dyed a certain way for them to look like normal pants.
  22. Make sure you get some health potions for the piranha achievement. The stunbreak will be very handy.
  23. As Astral said, it sounds like you're talking more about culling and should check out your in-game settings.
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