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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. Make sure you do the daily Wizard's Vault achievements, too. Completing all four gives you 1g and Astral Acclaim, which you can use to buy bags of more gold.
  2. Please. For the love of skritt, please give us a book shelf or wardrobe for our books.
  3. Any version thief would be much easier to level and do general leveling pve than any version of elementalist. But don't restrict yourself to just one weapon set.
  4. I guess I'm just not seeing how GW2, a game that is entering its 12th year and is also a sequel to another game that is nearly 20 years-old, could be called brand new.
  5. Well, she said those accounts were "mistakenly required to reset." That makes it sound like there wasn't any information compromised.
  6. I completely agree and will often do the same kind of thing. I always hated doing Hemet Nesingwary quests in WoW because he'd send you to kill dozens of animals for trophies. So, when I couldn't avoid those quests, I'd frame it as my character just making it look like I killed them and using some elaborate trickery to get it done.
  7. I, personally, don't care for how ingrained drinking is in many societies and cultural norms. But the game is rated T for Blood, Mild Language, Use of Alcohol, Violence. You agreed to play the game despite that rating. You're welcome to just avoid the story parts and quests that require drinking, but I think it's unreasonable to ask a game to make changes based around your choice to avoid anything related to alcohol.
  8. Have you made sure it's not in your bank?
  9. Isn't it obvious? That puppy is guilting of stealing our hearts.
  10. You're talking as though this has been a problem for months and months now. It started late yesterday, and it's only 8:22am there now.
  11. Then don't do that. Go to a zone that isn't for new players or do some world bosses instead of doing something you know causes problems for others.
  12. Clearing cache and all that didn't help a couple of hours back. It likely was a regional thing, though. And it seems to be fixed now, at least for me.
  13. You can't collect the reward for doing all four dailies, though. And I'd assume it's the same if you complete the overall weekly one, as well. Edit: Correction. You CAN collect it, but you have to click the exact right spot on the little white rectangle beneath the glowing orbs. Regardless, it's broken and needs a fix.
  14. Same for me. Noticed it when I was in the last public convergence before reset. Clearing the cache didn't fix it, nor did relogging.
  15. All six will auto-highlight when you have all six runes equipped in the six pieces of armor you're wearing.
  16. What Tekno said. Each piece of armor has a slot for a rune. One rune per piece of armor. Just make sure it's in armor you intend to keep using for a while or that you have upgrade extractors for when you decide to change your armor pieces.
  17. Sharding happens when you either join (and sometimes when you leave) a party/raid group that's in the zone you're currently in or when the area you're coming to has recently become overpopulated and had a new shard forced open there. So you can be running up to an herb node or an NPC, and then it'll just poof as you get close because you're suddenly on a new shard. You at least know it's coming when you join a group, but it's not always consistent with leaving a group. And you never really know when a forced shard will happen because it's not clearly marked or anything.
  18. This. Getting a forced instance swap when I'm in the middle of doing something is one of the things I like least about WoW.
  19. Better yet, three Skritt in a wizard's robe, chasing a flying broom.
  20. There have been a ton of updates since 2014. You'll end up downloading a ton, regardless of whether or not you use the old .dat file.
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