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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. There is zero reason to keep relics you don't ever intend to use.
  2. I'd love for both female and male character models to have both the female and male armor/outfit skins.
  3. For me, I just stood between Nephus and Peitha (almost right on top of Peitha, really) and did /kneel right as Nephus knelt to Peitha. You shouldn't need to do /kneel @ Peitha.
  4. Does the color actually change on your character, or does it just show it on the preview in the hero panel? There's a visual bug that will sometimes happen with the hero panel preview, but your actual character won't show the same changes.
  5. I'm just missing the Fractals one. I'm sure I'll eventually get it, once I bully myself into just getting it done.
  6. Where was I ever talking to you? This thread is made of at least two merged threads, where I posted in response to someone else. Chill.
  7. You do realize this thread is nearly four years old now, right? Edit: Correction. The thread was made in 2018 and has been dormant for nearly four years.
  8. Yeah, the double "fill the events bar" this time around, followed by "visit these four areas of the map for stuff, and now do it again for vistas" really felt gross. It's especially annoying for someone like me who will get caught up and do events I pass by on my way to the next green story star, only to get to the star and be told I need to go do the events I just did.
  9. Are you doing those things in the right areas? Hearts, for example. If you're doing Adventure Guide Volume Three, only Hearts in Fields of Ruin, Blazeridge Steppes, Lornar's Pass, Dredgehaunt Cliffs, or the Harathi Hinterlands will count. Mining also will only count in Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Harathi Hinterlands, or Blazeridge Steppes.
  10. It's possible that some characters might have the default dyes (which can include dyes you don't actually have unlocked) on their armor pieces. That doesn't explain your previously-purchased dyes being *locked, though.
  11. An Engineer is not a Warrior. In that video, she's using a rifle, but she also has her Mech out and is using a rotation with grenades. You can't do that on a Warrior, and rifle is one of the slowest weapons, in terms of DPS, that Warrior can use. But if the boss just stayed at 85% no matter what you did, then that sounds like an uncommon bug that should fix itself if you restart that instance.
  12. Yes, Abuse of LFG System is the category you would use to report a listing. However, selling of fractal/dungeon runs is not against the rules.
  13. Dude, you made your first thread on this in 2018. It's time to actually try adapting to how the game actually works.
  14. Ew. I'd submit a bug report and maybe even contact support about it because that's definitely not good.
  15. You'll get better materials/more value (and the chance for rare and even exotic gear) by identifying them and then salvaging them than you will by selling them on the TP or by salvaging the unidentified gear. Just my personal feelings on the copper-fed: the convenience alone makes it worth getting.
  16. Yeah, the fighting pit for that Heart was mostly disabled back in 2014. Random waves of mobs will occasionally spawn in it, and killing them does give a little bit of progress on the heart; but it can't be started by players. They never bothered to change the Heart description text to match the changes, either.
  17. I don't think there's anything else you need to do to unlock it. Are you sure you didn't overlook it? It just looks like a regular Masterwork recipe in the vendor list, so it's easy to miss if you're not reading the name of the item.
  18. After you do that part, you're meant to do more events until your progress bar reaches 100%. If the progress bar isn't there anymore, you might need to relog or maybe even restart the story.
  19. Have you tried using weapons that aren't rifle? Rifle isn't exactly a great weapon to use when you're fighting a big guy solo.
  20. Just an FYI: If you press enter/click on the chat typing field and then press the up arrow key on your keyboard, it'll autofill with the last thing you said in chat.
  21. If it is a bug, it's one that has persisted and has been left in since launch of the game. It's a massive pain to deal with, for sure.
  22. I don't think that's a bug, since that's how all the weapon master achievements have always been. You have to get the killing blow with the weapon for it to count.
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