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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. I'm looking at it right now, and it has the icon and text for the Updated Record of Joko's Deeds. https://imgur.com/a/Y2Gh1lw
  2. The vast majority of of the in-game content can be and is done without need the for groups, let alone groups with a healer and alacdps. So no, they didn't fail in the way you're trying to say.
  3. Probably cry. A lot. And then hide in my home instance with all of my cats forever.
  4. Or you could try reading what I actually said instead of being snarky.
  5. The staff head is a reward for A Star To Guide Us Mastery, and it's not one of the items needed for the Visions collection. I don't remember the staff head (or other Joko staff pieces) being actual items, but I could be wrong there. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Palawa_Joko's_Staff_Head https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Visions_of_Jahai
  6. No, the problem is you're trying to change how this game works in order to suit your personal preferences. You have many other games that require a trinity set up. This one was never meant to be that way, and that is exactly what many GW2 players like about it.
  7. I didn't play pvp at all, really. Still don't in GW2. It's just never been my thing. But I agree that GW1 did that better than GW2. But I'm not seeing how that ties into your OP.
  8. Better is debatable. Both games have excellent sides and not so excellent sides, and I love both equally.
  9. You haven't explained, though. All you did was give some vague "RPers don't like it." You never tried to explain why they don't like it or how the inspect option affects their RP abilities in any way.
  10. Please. A portal scroll compendium and a lore book library. I beg of you.
  11. The bug needs to be fixed, for sure. But you only need one of the invasion chains to make it to Rally WP to start the final part of the meta; having all three just gives you more morale to start with for the escort. As long as the Northern and/or Central groups make it that far, it'll progress.
  12. The event chain is up right now on the instance I'm on (in NA). So it doesn't seem like it's still broken or anything. Edit: Yeah, just finished the chain, and now Font of Rhand is open. So it should be easy enough to catch the event or just find it already open sometime.
  13. No, they're talking about the same event, where you help the ogre get the creatures back in their pens. You use a flute given by the ogre to lead them back to their pens. That doesn't mean the event doesn't bug out, but it's still the same event. For the record, OP, I did the event twice yesterday without issue. So if it's bugging out, it's not doing so all the time.
  14. It's there for me at Lily of the Elon and Mistlock Sanctuary, under "View destinations outside Central Tyria."
  15. To be fair, the stay deads do that even when the nearest WP is 5 seconds away.
  16. I'm confused. What turtles are you referring to here?
  17. You're not alone, at least. The Spider's Lair meta triggers my motion sickness bigtime, particularly all the stairs and then the quality in the final boss of it. I haven't experienced it nearly as much anywhere else since the patch, though. I don't really have any helpful advice, I'm afraid.
  18. Yes, it's a bit overtuned (especially the CC bar) and does not try to explain the mechanics you need to do. But it quickly becomes obvious that all you need to do is DPS the boss (and CC when it's time) and close portals. I did three attempts with just random players, starting with one right after the patch went in, and all three succeeded. One cut it very close (1 minute left), but we still got it done. It's 100% doable.
  19. The longest parts of the "story" were watching the NPCs slowly portaling in (one group at a time) to the final room after the end of The Eleventh Hour and (in the next chapter) having to wait for NPCs with dialogue to finish talking so you can make them say their next scripted bit of dialogue before you can go talk to the next NPC.
  20. 1. They made it so Frode can't get stuck/stall/fail those buggy events until a hotfix goes in today. I think Ruby made a post about it somewhere here. 2. I've only seen the UI tracker get stuck when the event itself is stalled. The handful of maps I've successfully done Spider's Lair on showed the tracker changing with progress. 3. Yeah, those bugs are major issues and huge annoyances.
  21. Yes. The portal scroll itself will only take you to the lounge area and then back. You have to go to the gate to get ported elsewhere.
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