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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. I have two stacks of them in my bank. There's a cap. Once you reach that cap, all you can do is hoard it and wait for Lunar New Year. Edit: Actually, you need a full stack of it to make things like Gift of Research, too. So sometimes, you are meant to hoard it.
  2. Yes. It was changed to 35 back in February. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2024-02-27#Shop_Inventory_Updates
  3. Your entire account gets the completion achievement, regardless of whether or not each character did the story. But yeah, being eligible for all the other achievements does seem to indicate that the Mote should be there for you.
  4. I know you said you have played through the story once before, but are you sure you did it on that character? From what I remember, you had to have played the story once on a character to unlock the Mote on that character.
  5. It'd be easier to help you if you gave some details as to why you can't "make" that achievement.
  6. Your screenshot shows that your character's name is Gold Framing for L. You've typed Gold Farming for L in the box. It doesn't look like the comma is actually part of the name; the sentence punctuation was just included in the quotation marks.
  7. The necklace was salvageable, though. And people were accidentally salvaging it. That's why they removed the necklace + cosmetic upgrade item from the table and replaced it with just the cosmetic upgrade item.
  8. Hostile? Did they call you names or make fun of you? Or did they just say no? I mean, your money is your money, and you should use it however you want. But this is an absurd hill to die on.
  9. I'm not Tiamat, but I still collect CDs with either cool artwork or that are from artists/projects I really care about. I do still keep a CD case with about 20 CDs in my car, too, for when the mood strikes.
  10. It doesn't matter. They won't give you special treatment and give you retroactive credit for a weekly achievement that you can still repeat for the same credit. It won't cost you money to do the achievement again.
  11. Depends on which materials. Some will be more or less worth it to upgrade, but others will lose you gold. https://www.gw2lunchbox.com/MaterialUpgrades.html Personally, I'd just buy or farm the t6 mats. Keep in mind you can buy t6 with laurels (heavy crafting bags) and Astral Acclaim (also heavy crafting bags).
  12. Totally agree. Every support person I've interacted with has been understanding, fair, and just generally great at their job.
  13. They can't/won't give you retroactive credit. If you want your weekly achievement done, go do it again.
  14. Yeah, I have no idea why you thought you had to do that (or any) story step for April Fool's. The only combat things you have to do are events, a fractal, or the west Inner Nayos boss.
  15. No, the news about it reaching the point where it could be approved for development to start has not changed my motivation to play GW2. Even if it's approved tomorrow, it will be several years before it's out.
  16. Porque no los dos? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celestial_Invisible_Cat_Cape
  17. All we can see is that you made an edit. It doesn't show the original version of your post, and you didn't clear up the confusion by crossing out/deleting the part of your post that required the edit or by saying what you added the link for. That's why we commented.
  18. Check your bank. You might have accidentally put it in there.
  19. The Unbreakable ones share the same skin as the default/basic ones.
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