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Everything posted by Pacificterror.7805

  1. I echo this suggestion. I've gotten enough Testimonies for roughly 800 Hero Points via WvW.
  2. I think all things considering, the content you get is at a great price point and it's even better when you consider you only have to pay for the content you want. The base game is free (now it is, anyway - it wasn't when I created my account!). Each expansion is independent of the other, meaning you don't need to own the first to buy and enjoy the second or third, and you can even cherry pick which Living Story episodes you'd like to buy (or not buy). There's the fact that there's no monthly subscription fee. That, coupled with the base game being free, gives immediate access to a wealth of content that your friend could have enjoyed to see if the game was "worth the financial investment". Seeing as the base game is the sub-level 80 training ground (all expansion areas are level 80 content), it doesn't hurt your perception by assessing the game that way. I do think Living World could be bundled better, but I don't feel that anything about the current model is deceptive or hidden......especially when it's content you don't need to buy unless you really want it - in which case you just have to weigh the pros and cons. ANet is also in the middle of releasing episodes for free every week, which is pretty cool of them to do in preparation of the new expansion.
  3. The EoD release reqs look pretty basic, even for an old PC...meeting the minimum specs and having a smooth experience are 2 different things, though. EDIT: To address the question in OP.....yes, my gaming laptop will run EoD just fine.
  4. I'm looking for either an Oceania/Asia Pacific based WVW guild or one that has a fairly decent presence in that sort of time zone. I'm not a hardcore player (I get on as much as I can but that's usually only 3-4hrs/week) and am not as skilled as I'd like to be, so hopefully it'd be a guild that's fine with that. I'm a Necro main (Scourge), for the moment anyway, and WvW is currently the only game mode that I play. I am in an OCX guild currently, although it is PvX and doesn't have a very strong WvW presence outside an organized run 2x per week (one of those is on a day I don't frequently get to play). My server is Sea of Sorrows but I am primarily wanting to build relations with a WvW based guild for when Alliances comes into effect. Thanks for your time.
  5. That's funny, I've heard no positive feedback about New World.
  6. If you join a group, mention that you're working on unlocking the Warclaw. Chances are the Commander will be kind enough to put you down for Shared Participation (if there's an open spot for it), and people may be mindful to stand by you prior to riding off into the sunset on their Warclaws. Running next to someone using a Warclaw has the chance to provide you with a boost, enabling you to run at Warclaw speed, if they have the appropriate Ability unlocked. Because of this, some mindful groups will be sure to pack their group in a small area before moving to another if they are aware that some members do not have a Warclaw as of yet.
  7. I check that my inventory is cleaned from the previous play session (I try to do that before I finish every session), then load into WvW to have fun until time runs out.
  8. As a no skill Scourge, can confirm all the AoE we can drop is a great stuperpower.
  9. Zerg is a StarCraft reference...I guess you used it right? but not every sized group is a "zerg". Full Legendary takes approx 22wks, maximizing your Skirmish tickets per week. Dealer's choice. I take Testimonies of Heroics at the moment - stocking up on Hero Points for the expansion. "Best" for what? The non repeatable tracks can be the most "valuable" - more clovers, etc.....at the moment, I do the Hero Armour reward track - so that I can start purchasing precursor pieces for the Legendary Armour (and because I currently own no Ascended armour). It's all about what is useful to you. After unlocking the Warclaw and your Glider, I'd personally recommend putting 20 points into Provisions Master to unlock Auto Loot. Beyond that, it really depends on what you value.
  10. Lately it seems to be the total opposite of what is described in the OP, during my sessions anyway. Both yesterday and Saturday it seemed like the whole time we were either running into big zergs/blobs or going to defend points that were being attacked by big zergs/blobs. Yesterday especially, we kept getting into massive 3 way fights where each side seemed to have 50 people each (then again a sea of people starts to look that way regardless of real numbers). Any time we did end up going to take a Keep or something, it seems like a zerg/blob always either ran in defence or teleported in via EWP. It was awesome, because all the packed fights in different objective points were fun and great bags (even for a horrible player like me), but it was a strange change of pace from maybe 2 months ago and beyond.....previously we'd encounter fights but it wasn't as full on in every map we went to.
  11. I migrated over to SoS (Sea of Sorrows) as it's known as "the Aussie/OCX server" for WvW, although I did that before Alliances were announced as definitely happening. Personally, I ultimately transferred because SoS is the server my primary guild (MoV - Mists of Valhalla) is based on and I wanted to be able to play WvW with them. They're primarily Aussie/OCX based, but they only do 2 organized WvW runs per week (PvX guild rather than WvW). Bit of a bummer since all I do is WvW but the guild has nice people and I don't know of any purely WvW Aussie guilds.
  12. Depends how big of an expense that seems to you, honestly. Alliances beta is in September but we're definitely months away from it going live. If you're enjoying yourself on your current server enough to wait a few months and just play on that, that seems like the smart choice......but if you feel you'd enjoy yourself a fair bit more on another server, and 1800 gems isn't much of an expense to you, you might as well switch to get that extra few months of enjoyment. More info regarding Alliances is supposed to release between now and the beta, that info drop might help your decision.
  13. Someone could spend 100% of their playtime in WvW but either have limited playtime, be a newer player, or both....and by your metric wouldn't be a WvW player. I fall into both of those categories and my rank is really lower - but WvW is the only gamemode I play. From my limited time in the mode I don't expect to be anywhere NEAR obtaining Legendary Armour, but it sucks to have people say I'm not a WvW player.
  14. I'll preface this by saying I play WvW because I like it, not to get any sort of reward (especially Legendary armour). It's the only game mode I currently play, although I'm relatively new to the mode. I average roughly 3-4 hours playtime per week (life commitments, I get on every chance I can). Every bit of that is spent in WvW. If I play at my usual maximum of 4hrs/week (which is the high end of my estimate) in WvW, and go with your estimate of 20hrs/week (which is the low end of your estimate) needed for peak efficiency, instead of 22 weeks I'd be looking at 110 weeks (over 2 years) to obtain full legendary gear. That isn't necessarily an issue for me - I'm playing WvW because it's the mode I've chosen to enjoy - but thinking about that is pretty funny in a sad sort of way. Legendary armour is definitely something that someone should have to work toward, as it's ultimately unnecessary but a great endgame goal....and while you indeed make progress toward obtaining it passively, I can understand why some people would find the amount of time needed discouraging (even if Legendary armour is not the main reason for playing WvW....I guess it's that mentality of it being there but out of grasp if you know what I mean??). Ultimately I don't have anything constructive to add, as I don't have any ideas toward a better system. It's too easy to say "just make progress faster"....I feel like that affects multiple things (although that could be a positive, as I think the general consensus is that gold earning potential in WvW could use at least a slight boost) so is a trickier balance than some might initially admit.
  15. That would be pretty great, especially if there was something along the lines of "You can only see my tag so that you know where my group is on the map" - for those closed groups with a visible tag. Would definitely be nice knowing how many groups on the map are purely KTrains and how many will actually go to aid an objective in need.
  16. "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice that I am willing to make."
  17. In Australia? EB Games sells cards. I buy mine from the EB Games in Macquarie Centre (Sydney)
  18. I think the tax on top of the item price thing frustrates me more than the exchange rate thing would. Not sure about NZ, but in AU any price you see includes tax....I tend to forget that they don't do that in the US.
  19. Technically incorrect, in relation to the gems. 9 years ago the AUD was higher than the USD (year average for 2012 was $1.04, 2021 average at the moment is $0.76)...so buying gems directly in game costs us more (a significant amount more) than it did at that time.
  20. Here in AU (or in Sydney, atleast), gem cards have been back in stock for nearly a year. There was a very long drought of them not being available, or so I hear, but that isn't an issue now.
  21. I barely play but have build up an insane amount of Hero Points from playing WvW (I've probably earnt ~800 just by playing WvW casually). It is "PvPvE" but doesn't feel like it - I'm far from the best player but I find it insanely fun and spend all my game time there at the moment.
  22. Not enough gold is made by playing WvW to justify the cost.
  23. So far all I can say is, please discard any suggestions for renaming the specialization "Blade Dancer". All I can think of when I hear that is the subclass that exists in Destiny: https://destiny.fandom.com/wiki/Bladedancer
  24. So confused by this thread. I'm AEST and currently on SoS (switched from EBay a few months ago to WvW with my guild). Every time I'm on, there are enemy blobs and zergs galore. We have our share, but it always seems balanced to say the least (I mean come on, it's not like we're consistently a T1/top of T1 server.....but EBay is). Added to it, there are or at least recently were squads/guilds on our server that actively AVOIDED fights (I got kicked from a squad for running to help another with a fight because 'PPT Only').....so they don't present an issue either. You can say that your SoS problem is a case of anecdotal evidence gone wild....if so, I'd agree. As the scientific community would say, anecdotal evidence isn't evidence at all 😉
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