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Everything posted by Pacificterror.7805

  1. Preordered the Ultimate edition last night. I was weighing up between Deluxe and Ultimate since preorders went live and decided I might as well get the discounted gems for anything that catches my eye later on.
  2. That clip makes Necro to appear agile...which would be pretty awesome. Looking forward to trying it out either way.
  3. I main Necro and absolutely hate playing on Scourge. I use it, as it benefits my squad in WvW, but I don't have the same level of enjoyment as I do on Reaper.
  4. I didn't even know Prime gave out boosters etc for GW2 players, that's awesome. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. Ask me again after the new elite specs are all revealed and tested.
  6. I only started WvW a couple months ago. Here's how I started out: If you haven't already, put a WvW mastery point into Warclaw. This is the mount in WvW. Then, go to the Reward Track page and start the Warclaw Reward Track. For finding groups to play with, there are 2 easy options to suss that out. When you enter a map, look at your minimap to see if there are any Commander and/or Catmander tags. If there are, click it and press Join Squad. No open tags? Use the Team chat channel to ask if there are any open groups to join. Team chat talks across all of the 'regular' WvW maps, so you may find a squad on a diff map (you could also hop maps looking for an open tag). AS FAR AS FALLING BEHIND, once in a squad it may be worthwhile mentioning you're working on getting Warclaw. Some Commanders will give people shared participation- so even if you fall behind you're not fully missing out. There is also a buff Warclaw riders can grant at random (with the appropriate mastery unlocked) to nearby players that enables them to run at Warclaw speed, so being near others at the start of a run is helpful. Welcome to WvW. Once you get used to things, it's an amazing game mode *it's the only one I play at the moment!)
  7. I'm still tossing up between Deluxe and Ultimate. I'll make my decision and buy at the end of this pay period or next.
  8. Had good links with FC and FA when I was on Ehmry Bay. I'm on SoS now (AEST so it just made sense). I definitely know what you mean - I was once kicked from a squad for going to help another group fight an advancing zerg - but I find for the most part people do a mix of activities on the server (even just yesterday we spent a lot of time hopping maps to clash with zergs and blobs - defending and capturing objectives).
  9. With Alliances having been confirmed as coming 'soon', I'm surprised you made this thread. What you hope to maintain will be gone completely.
  10. Funny example.....personally, Alpine is my least favourite map simply because I find it takes much longer to get anywhere. I spend the whole time riding from A to B and B to C because there are walls and impassable landscape everywhere.
  11. I'm always confused by the DBL hate. It's my favourite map. I find the scace between objectives to be perfect, the visuals are nice and with the exception of EBG I find the map's terrain the most flexible to navigate.
  12. From reading, it sounds like the primary purpose is so that people can buddy up (friends or a veteran player with a new player) rather than 2 people quickly getting around together. My hope is that it goes at Warclaw speed (equal to, at least) - especially if the mount is usable in WvW. Warclaws aren't exactly speedy but it's still considerably faster than walking.
  13. My primary (and at the moment only) guild is AU/Oceania based, although the only scheduled WvW runs are on the weekends (it's not a primarily WvW guild). Based on Sea of Sorrows server - although that won't matter once Alliances kicks in, I guess. Guild=Mists of Valhalla, active and friendly.
  14. I'm cautiously optimistic. Essentially, I'll believe it when I see it.
  15. Game is still busy for sure, although if you talk to people about specific game modes you'll get mixed responses. WvW is busy, but depending on your timezone and your server it may not be as busy as you'd like (although as someone mentioned earlier, "Alliances" is coming which -should- solve that for anyone with that unfortunate issue). I'll note that I've played WvW on 2 servers and didn't encounter this issue on either. You'll see mixed reviews about the state of WvW because different people play it in different ways, and that rubs some people the wrong way....being on a server where groups primarily do X style of play instead of Y. Fractals are active. PvP is one of those things where you'll see highly mixed reviews. I haven't tried it myself, but see countless complaints of bots, X profession/elite specialization being far too common or OP, the base being toxic, etc etc etc. There are definitely people that play PvP, even those that primarily ONLY play PvP, so it could easily be a case of the voice of complaints rising above the rest. Open world is thriving. Dungeons is, as far as I can gather from threads on the subject, dead/forgotten content.
  16. Between this and your other suggestion I'm not sure if you're legitimately trying to improve gameplay and resolve current issues or if you're trying to tank the gamemode.
  17. Had some good fights on the weekend, yesterday more than Saturday though.....I primarily only get to play during the weekend, but when I do get on, I very rarely have a day that misses the mark (although I guess it helps that my server TENDS to have the same groups playing on the weekend).
  18. I play GW2 because I enjoy the game. WvW is the primary (well, at the moment the only) game mode I play because I enjoy it over other modes. I can't really think of any specific rewards that would make me want to play WvW more.
  19. I'm not against adding new sources of MC if people feel there aren't enough in the market, but I personally don't feel the price in itself is an issue. As an aside, even without TP barons, it's a widely used currency for trading outside the TP due to the cap on withdrawing gold from mail....plenty of "gray market" traders have stacks of coins. Remove that as a desirable currency to use and they'll fall back on the other widely used currencies like GoE, various T6 mats, etc.....I think out of all the items they use, MC is the one I care the least about being manipulated, honestly.
  20. Swapping boxes with a vendor for something of value seems like a good option to me....not necessarily gold directly, but even something that can easily be liquidated to gold (someone earlier in the thread mentioned Mystic Coins as an example). The commodity may go down at some point, making your Ascended boxes "worth less", but there's no guarantee of a particular value if you were to sell them directly via the TP......and with the amount of Ascended boxes a lot of veterans have on alts (in addition to those still entering the game), being able to vendor them for more than a small amount of raw currency feels like a bad idea with how much currency would be pumped into the economy.
  21. I assume what the person was talking about would have been that you are able to have Slumbering Conflux as well as Conflux....someone was asking if one would override the other - despite the 2 being completely separate items (and one actually being an ingredient in making the other)
  22. I guess the main thing is that legendaries aren't a need, they're a want. The circumstances where legendaries are even useful/able to be utilized efficiently are also few. To top it off, they have the same stats as Ascended gear. They are a long term goal, part of the end game for GW2. There realistically isn't much of a gate behind them other than time.....and isn't it a good thing that people have something to work towards? In the end, making more legendaries tradeable is something that I feel would hurt the community more than it would help.
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