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Everything posted by Karagee.6830

  1. No thanks, just nerf mechanist. When it has 1% representation like the majority of other specs it will be already a massive improvement for the game.
  2. Gandara is barely keeping up with Desolation. We have had commanders show up on days they don't normally play or we would be behind already
  3. Yeah looking at desperate Deso players pulling EWP and banner because they can't take keeps otherwise (well they didn't even pulling that kitten, but still)
  4. People dont understand the basics of the situation. Let's say the top 6 servers and last 3 servers have the following population: 90, 76, 72, 70, 65, 62...45, 40, 35. 90 would be BB, 76 Gandara and 72 Deso (for argument's sake). Now assume the top 3 servers get no link and the rest are linked in reverse order (this is most likely not the case but it's a discussion for another time). The teams resulting from these 9 servers now are: 90, 76, 72, 105, 105, 107. Now, of these servers 100 is open, 76 is full, 72 is full and the rest are de facto open because even if the host server is full the links are not. Predictably, 90, 76 and 72 end in T5, with the first yo-yoing to T4 and the last 2 stuck to fight each other for 2 months. With no possibility to improve their situation, because they are full and closed. So the obvious solution would be to either remove 2 or 3 servers or let whichever server is unlinked to be open for transfers up to the same population as BB. Because the problem in all of this is that the 76/72 servers will never have the chance of having a decent match because that would require 3 servers with population in the mid 70s not 2 (and I could live with having reasonably balanced matches every other week). So yeah, since they dont seem keen on removing 2/3 servers, then the least bad quick fix would be to keep any unlinked server at very high just like BB.
  5. This game-destroying profession needs to go in the bin and the dev responsible needs to be assigned to something else. Like coffee duty or something.
  6. Warrior passive healing has been greatly nerfed a long time ago. Nobody uses or should use the signet in any game mode, it being inferior to other options. Might makes right isn't gonna carry you and it's inferior to guardian easily accessible regen. You probably need to spec for shouts and even then your sustain is going to be inferior to guardian. Also let's just say some builds benefit more from celestial gear than others and that any flat HP buffs (jade core etc) obviously greatly favour classes with lower baseline HPs and leave it at that.
  7. Warriors having more sustain and defensive tools than guardians. Is it April yet?
  8. In the past it was chraper yes, but it was per character though, not per account.
  9. I always thought of you as a thief wvw main. go figure.
  10. You know that the current match with Piken ans Riverside is closer than you may think. I'm pretty sure if you don't consider the points scored on Friday and Saturday night Piken would be winning the match. Now, because they opened Gandara for the first time in a year, we did get some transfers, but the reality is that while locked and Full Gandara had no queues at peak time, was often outnumbered on EB AND on home and ofc we are nonexistent in the morning so from 5-6am onwards all our T3 stuff magically becomes paper. That said, it's hard to say if our current participation is due to transfers in that week or due to our link. Irrespective of the reason, the only thing we ever asked was: if you keep us with no link, no queue and outnumbered everywhere for a year, at least be reasonable and keep us open. Just like BB. Because keeping a server unlinked and closed is criminal. I'd swap this kitten for an empty server that gets linked to a massively populated server every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Because, you see, we KNOW how it is to be in a team with medium, scarcely populated, server, while you DON'T know how it is to be outnumbered all the time and everywhere except for 2 nights a week, stuck in T5 fighting the other unlinked servers (whichever they are) week after week after week while being trolled with the Full status 51 weeks a year.
  11. What a surprise. And when we went on strike on Gandara the full servers on EU suddenly doubled. Odd coincidence isn't it?
  12. Second counterpoint: Gandara is been full and locked for stints of approximately a year (it would have been more without player boycotts)
  13. Nah, the power creep is real. It's just that when they openly said that power berserker is one of the builds that they want to be viable, they forgot that it was garbage before the patch, had no buff other than bloody roar which meant it should be benching mid 33k now (while fully melee, with weapon stowing and all that jazz), BUT it is benching less than before the patch!!!! All of this while condi berserker (another build they said should be viable) received direct buffs and some weapon ability modification.
  14. I like how you think. Of course there can be no middle ground between 2-3k dps and mechanist doing 30k afk!!! It's one or the other so people should only complain about one or the other. Oh wait.
  15. Mechanist is 0 rating, right? Right???
  16. The only balance nightmare is mechanist as currently constructed. The only reason why people from steam would pick engi is this broken build anyway, because it's broken. Engi has always been at the very bottom among all playable classes. So when they nerf mechanist at least 90% of the new players will be happy. NERF NOW, NOT IN OCTOBER. In October it will be too late.
  17. All fine and dandy until you realise that power berserker literally has no build (it was doing 32k pre patch and will do 4.5% more damage or 3.5% with banners, based on the uptime of bloody roar). So yeah, while elementalists maybe will be fine playing with a staff, berserkers will have to play with bow, arrows and torch. OR they will have to play the awkward projectile build on bladesworn...
  18. I mean they should have forced players onto the 4 lowest populated servers and closed all the others until relink.
  19. My point was about the masteries, but it seems another guy already said you need 35 ranks for double dash
  20. I was surprised nobody mentioned blobadon... Edit: for the confused, that's how Abaddon is known on other servers. It used to have blobs at night.
  21. I've always argued that unlinked servers should NEVER be closed.
  22. I doubt wvw will see an influx of players right away, but yes, they have limited time (a couple of months tops) now to at least change the reward system at the very least.
  23. Some pointers. Get a class with high mobility that offers some flexibility. Guardian might be the single best option as all specs and core are great for one thing or another and willbender with speed runes is very mobile, thief, mesmer and ranger also have high mobility builds. Keep in mind the mount requires a hefty amount of mastery points, which means a hefty amount of wvw ranks, so getting it immediately when you're startin may be a waste of time and should be done only if you plan to run in PPT blobs (because the other masteries are comparatively more important if you roam). Get the gobbler off the gemstore when the halloween festival is on this will greatly speed up both your wxp and reward track progress. Try to play when your server does have people around (which seems fine in your case). Being 1st or 3rd in the scoring does make a big difference in pips earned for people with low rank. Plainly, you need to play less time to get the same rewards from your participation. I hope this gets addressed somehow by the devs relatively soon, because I can see this being a big problem for new players, in particular compared to how pvp works. Ideally, even if you prefer roaming, you may want to do it with at least 1-2 more people. You can solo towers by yourself etc, but realistically that's not really worth it. Running with 1 extra person is already a great improvement to quality of life since you can put up 1 (guild) siege without having to run for supplies or 2 siege running once. Max level supply mastery which lets you carry +5 is one of, if not the best mastery you can get in wvw for roaming, because together with +5 from claiming you can carry 20 supplies (25 from a keep), and guild siege is equivalent to superior siege but costs 40 supplies. Also in 2 or more you're less likely to get killed by others roaming alone or in small parties.
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