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Everything posted by Asra.8746

  1. I guess my definition of "free" is completely different. I guess I put more value on initiative, considering that nonsense costs 4 initiative with an absurdly slow cast time for 1.5s immobilize with insignificant damage. That's like using a complete trash skill to add 4s cd to every other skill. Pass!!!
  2. Keep dreaming for a fix. Thief problems are at the bottom of the ever changing pile and will remain there. Add Steal bugs in general regarding LoS, Specter bugs, and now Axe bugs to the list. It's been 7 weeks and counting that Axe was introduced with the same bugs that were reported in betas. All they did after release is make it feel worse to use with a couple of changes and nothing else. I've lost count how long it's been since Specter betas (and honestly, I can't be bothered to look it up); but, the same bugs exist to this day.
  3. How many weeks has it been since axe went live, yet it is still riddled with bugs and issues? This is very quickly going to become (if not already has become) yet another set of issues and bugs for thief which will never be addressed...ever; just like a lot of the other ones.
  4. Woah buddy. Slow down there. Preparedness hasn't even been made baseline in over a decade; and you're asking for a lot more than just that. Chill out. Wait for ANet's balance team to start understanding thief problems first, before asking for actual logical changes. Give them another decade or so...maybe they will finally get a thief main in their team that has a passion for the class.
  5. You're expecting logic and proper balancing for thief from the balance team that doesn't play, understand, nor possess any level of passion for the class. All of those things were mentioned countless times to the team when they proposed that the very first time they came up with the brilliant idea...almost 2 years ago at this point.
  6. If you enjoy running away and only playing like a "+1" (I'm sorry, but this is a joke role...being balanced around the fact of needing help from others to do anything is a joke), then sure. You also need the other 4 players to rotate properly and pick up proper matchups in order to be effective at any relevant level. No other class requires the other 4 players in a team to perform their roles near perfectly to be useful. Thief is the only class whose effectiveness basically depends on the other 4 players in PvP. Ie: it is terribly designed and balanced. Also, if you enjoy weaseling around with stealth and being just annoying in wvw, sure...thief is ok (but remember...wvw has mechanics that prevent you from stealth abusing too much). If you enjoy non-stealth gameplay, there are significantly better (stronger) choices. Does ANet's balance team know how to balance thief? No. Does ANet's balance team know and understand thief problems? No. Does anyone in the ANet's balance team play thief at a relevant level or have a passion for the class? No. Does ANet's balance team actually care about bugs regarding thief things? No. For example: deadeye bugs that have been reported for years still exist to this day; specter bugs that were reported back in specter betas still exist to this day; axe bugs that were reported since betas still exist to this day...all with zero communication about fixing them from the team. Has Trickery been touched in over a decade in a meaningful way that makes it non-mandatory in any kind of PvP? No...in fact, it's become more mandatory than it ever was over a decade ago thanks to clown level balance changes over the years. Should you come back only to play thief? This is subjective. It is your choice; but, my recommendation is no if you left for the above reasons before, since nothing has really changed that will make you feel a different way.
  7. Actually, the perfect profession is this one...thanks to this. The difference is that they decided to make a traitline and some other traits in other traitlines specifically dedicated to stealth gameplay for thief; only to turn around and use that as an excuse to pigeonhole/holdback the class. EDIT: Giga meme: ANet's balance team still sees nothing wrong with giving necros perma quickness in the year 2024.
  8. Probably intentional (at least that's what I assumed when I experienced it), understanding how much the balance team randomly nerfs thieves and ignores thief problems.
  9. There are better choices than movement speed for this trait adjustment - but, knowing ANet's balance team, when they finally get around to it (if they ever do), they will make the initiative baseline and not add anything as replacement.
  10. It's been almost 7 years and this is still a 60s cd passive trait. At least it's not 300s, right? 🤡 Just goes to show how well aware and in-tune the balance team is with thief problems and issues. Extra meme: guess what traitline it's in. EDIT: For the less aware, as some below correctly identified, I am indeed talking about this trait.
  11. They will never do that. Know why? It's quite simple actually; because they want the class there to act as the archetype that attracts those players who like that thief/stealthy/rogue archetypes...it's all about numbers. More players = potentially more gem sales = more potential profits. It's the whole reason they added the stealth mechanic to GW2 and added a class that's supposed to specialize in it, even though GW1 never had, nor needed stealth. They had Assassin; which, imo, was/is a significantly better designed class. However, ANet will never admit it, nor correct it. The game is over a decade old - that ship sailed a long time ago.
  12. You're finding it the same for your skill level. This is not to insult you or something (not everyone is of the same skill level); but, the dps for it has dropped by about10k from initial testing on just golem. The worst part of it being the fact that it completely butchers any kind of smooth rotation/gameplay loop. So, if someone thought axe was awful to play with before, they will think (and realize) it is even worse now after this patch.
  13. Yes, you are. You are slow. That's the only reason those rotations work for you; which also means you perform worse than others who are actually better players with faster reactions and apm. Also, they literally didn't address any of the bugs and issues plaguing axe, instead of just nerfing it first. This is the most backwards logic in balancing I've seen in games.
  14. The moment I see someone claim initiative cost increase is a "good change" is the moment I know the person either doesn't know what they are talking about or is trolling.
  15. More initiative cost increases. They literally NEVER learn. Trickery continues being MANDATORY in PvP.
  16. My predictions are that they will nerf it, but not fix the actual bugs and issues that makes the weaponset basically the most irritating and garbage thing to use. I also predict that they won't buff power axe (A/P is kinda bad); even though they claimed it will be good as a power build as well - which it isn't. There's no reason for them to touch M7 since M7 is not the problem with the benchmark.
  17. Not sure what these confused faced reactions are. It's really not that hard to replicate this bug. Fly into wall while holding the ascending key = slow charge up for boost. Fly into wall without holding the ascending key = fast (normal boost).
  18. Cunning Salvo and Malicious Cunning Salvo both just disappears into nowhere/gets stuck in ground/misses completely (this happens with the other ones too) on countless encounters. The axes don't even fly full distance all the time. Often times they just stop partial distance because they track the ground while traveling. So, most times you won't even hit your target with it unless they are a golem or sitting right on your face 24/7. Let's not forget that some targets have their trackers in different places and sometimes the axes completely miss the target even if it actually looks like it hit it. This is embarrassing; one of the worst designed weapons - even rifle was at a better place on release. This is one of those weapons that sounds "cool" in your head until you try implementing it and playing with it. Among the new encounters added in Soto (Nourys for example) that don't allow the use of Steal/Mark/Siphon and these, it is painfully obvious that there's not a single thief playtester in their internal team; because these bugs can all be found within a few minutes of gameplay.
  19. Did you unlock the achievement/mastery to use the weapons first?
  20. Malice being reset is working as intended - the revealed is the bugged part which was said to be fixed, but isn't. Cunning Salvo and Malicious Cunning Salvo: Axes created by this skill will now properly gain bonuses when being recalled by dual-wield skills. Axes created by this skill will no longer always inflict revealed when being recalled by dual-wield skills. This skill is now a blast finisher. Reduced the bleeding stacks from 3 to 2 in PvE only.
  21. The "potential reason for the behaviour" is that it is unchanged compared to what was communicated. That's all there is to it. Ask yourself that question about why people are "so hell-bent on disagreeing with people", because that's what you've been doing in this thread, whose only purpose is to bring to light something that is not working as intended and is bugged since beta. It's really not that hard to understand. Also, numerous people have pointed out how wrong you are in numerous ways; yet, you keep going like the energizer bunny. Just take the loss and move on - it's okay to be wrong.
  22. Imagine being so confidently wrong, that you go around trying to argue about something you don't even understand. Even the devs disagree with you and know it's a problem. Cunning Salvo and Malicious Cunning Salvo: Axes created by this skill will now properly gain bonuses when being recalled by dual-wield skills. Axes created by this skill will no longer always inflict revealed when being recalled by dual-wield skills. This skill is now a blast finisher. Reduced the bleeding stacks from 3 to 2 in PvE only.
  23. The solution is to play the better and more loved class(es), instead of wishing for a fantasy to come true.
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