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Everything posted by Shagie.7612

  1. You can play salvation on Renegade, it doesn't lose that much damage for it. If you play antitoxin/salv you can mostly get away with dropping staff for GS which gives you a pretty significant damage boost. That won't work in condi heavy matches but it's doable in most. It's less than Vindi, ofc, but not significantly less. Both have the same 15% modifier on Death Drop/Improved Fervor. The rest comes from the free/passive might generation. You're basically a discount Vindi at that point which is probably all it'll ever end up being considering everyone hates it. Really where it's hurting is the sustain. It's got considerably less incoming healing compared to Vindicator, which also has a much better ability to engage and disengage to avoid damage via Alliance stance. If you engage on Renegade, you're in until you win or die, basically. A bunch of other teamfight/dps specs have a much easier time disengaging but also considerably more survivability, makes no sense to me. There's some other stuff too, like it being a lot more energy hungry than the others, the citadel skills being pretty bad, vindication being hilariously overnerfed in sPvP as a trait (1s of might is over before your damage even lands), and Kalla being basically unusable. I don't think there's a rework for the legend itself in the cards considering it works basically fine in PvE, so trait/citadel skill buffs are probably all that it'd receive, if it gets anything. My spec's repented for its 2020 Renegod crimes, I promise, please change it I don't like any of the modified dodge specs, I think they're weird, I wanna drop bombs on people instead oh, and last but the most important: Sevenshot should just kill 7 people in the match at random when cast. This is what you all deserve. Friendly Fire included.
  2. glacial blow hits like a truck even on demo or valk amulet if it's allowed to do that i want damage buffs too anyways i don't really think gimmicky specs and one shot specs are that great for mmo pvp if it works, you instantly die, if it doesn't, they don't do anything they're too binary and neither player involved particularly has fun past a couple hours worth of pvp video montage moments
  3. idk about reaper specifically but i dislike how a bunch of specs get away with eating a lot of hits that should be dangerous to them, both condi and power burst i think in general, you should be relatively weaker against one of the two types depending on your build/amulet/choices, but that's not how it plays out. reaper isn't nearly as weak to power burst, particularly ranged power burst, as it used to be, but isn't proportionally more susceptible to condi in exchange for that
  4. I think it was really weird to both give it the windup and entirely remove the damage in the same patch. One or the other I understand, since when it did both it was kinda op. I dunno if it would be these days but oh well. SotO brought a ridiculous amount of extra condi application, so staff 4's removal isn't nearly as strong as it used to be. I find the skills like Warding Rift, Lightning Reflexes, etc, that have a tiny meaningless bit of damage on them to be really frustrating as defensive skills when shocking aura is so much more common now.
  5. lol what? i love when people here comment on other mmos because they never seem to have any idea what's actually happening in them like they clearly either never played or did once 20 years ago and had no understanding of the game if you're gonna say that every spec can always be helpful in wow, the same is absolutely true in GW2 because both games offer the ability to outplay people simply because we're not all perfectly playing robots. that's not a useful metric. there absolutely are and have always been specs that are as close to "no chance" as you can possibly get. anyways, it's because pvp balancing is difficult, and mmo players largely don't care about pvp across the entire genre so there's no reason to care about it (read: money)
  6. I guarantee you the vast majority of duo queues happening are two random friends just having fun and earning some pips in the process. You're utterly delusional if you think that isn't true. That doesn't mean it doesn't cause problems, like with the rank 1 and 2 being thrown up against golds or whatever, but friends are in fact a very real thing, despite your inability to imagine what it's like to have them. Well, more delusional than I thought anyways.
  7. Vindication being such a nerfed trait in PvP is part of why I tend to just play Lasting Legacy instead for the more or less passive 5% damage (and some extra might if you really wanna spend the energy on it). The only time it actually generates meaningful might stacks if you land Citadel Bombardment, Spiritcrush and Sevenshot all at once through the entire enemy team. What I don't really get is: In the modern game, meta specs vomit out boons and maintain tons of might stacks passively from just how you normally play, so why is Vindication not in the same category? I don't think it's good design, mind you, and PoF is what started that trend, but it is how the game works, and has for a long time. Renegade just got hit a long time ago when they were still at least pretending they cared about boon uptime.
  8. Whenever I played shortbow Vindicator prior to the free piercing, it was definitely noticeable in teamfights or when trying to hit downed bodies or whatever, that you didn't have it. I don't think you necessarily needed it to succeed, and arguably shortbow Vindi was still better than Renegade prior to that change, but now? It's significantly better and that makes me sad. The playstyle between either isn't radically different, so I don't necessarily mind playing Vindicator instead, but I also don't really like Vindicator's dodge (or any of the modified dodge specs tbh) and I enjoy Citadel Bombardment. I would like to see changes that help, because it really doesn't feel good to be having a good match, or to be playing an encounter really well only to lose anyways simply because of the areas Renegade is lacking in. Especially not in situations where you'd have succeeded as Vindi. That's not even touching on playing other classes in the same role, either. The difference in survivability and ability to disengage/escape are the two areas that are the most important and immediately apparent, imo.
  9. cant wait to get kicked from every match i play because i like to play firebrand or renegade or core or whatever else or just having a bad game/hardcountered by comp surely it won't be abused
  10. With the pierce being made baseline, just swapping Vindicator makes you just outright stronger in almost every way now because you're not missing aoe/cleave anymore. I don't particularly like Vindicator, and I'm not that practiced with it, but despite that I do considerably better with the exact same build and playstyle, just by swapping the elite + one legend. I think that's really lame. I wanna clarify that I'm not suggesting all of this needs to be done, but it's just a list of relatively simple suggestions to improve a spec that's been pretty low tier since it got slammed over 3 years ago. They're also changes don't involve a heavy rework to the elite spec or its legend, because that's prooooobably not on the table. Renegade specific stuff: Heartpiercer now does very little as a trait, and joins two other traits that do nothing but increase a condition's damage. Corruption has one as an Adept major for Torment, and Ranger has another as a Master major for Bleed as well. Every other condition damage increasing trait in the game has some extra effect attached to it. I don't think there's a problem with Corruption's Acolyte of Torment considering it's an Adept and Torment has considerably higher potential damage, but for the other two, being Master majors and increasing the weakest condition is pretty weak. Maybe give it extra stat conversion, or have it add some extra conditions for cleanse cover, more vuln, blind, cripple, whatever. Consider adding some sort of personal sustain on Heroic Command or Orders from Above, to more closely match with the survivability of the other two elites and make them worth the energy. Vindicator as it stands has better sustain despite a significantly stronger ability to disengage and avoid damage. Alternatively, you could consider adding some sustain via Kalla's Fervor, matching something like Scrapper's Impact Savant. I understand that nobody wants to relive the days of a Renegade afk on a point as an immortal monster, but I also don't think that that's really a good excuse anymore considering how freely tanky many specs can get now without sacrificing for it. Besides, that happened because it was entirely forgotten about in the big 2020 patch, not some unavoidable flaw in design. For Citadel Bombardment, I think it'd be nice to change it to be more like Spear of Archemorus, or Hunter's Ward (DH Longbow 5, the babygates), where it's a delayed attack with a big telegraph, rather than a lengthy channel that you can't legend swap during. Alternatively, make it like the underwater version in which it's directly targeted, so it's actually worth the energy cost and gives you a reason to consider whether or not you want Vindication as your Grandmaster. I think typical Renegade builds are extremely energy hungry and would suggest re-examining the costs on a lot of the skills it typically uses, but I think that's also a decent knob you can turn for balancing Rev in general when it's over/underpowered and the whole class could arguably use a pass over skills. Non-Renegade stuff: Personally I'd like to see SB reworked into a more condi heavy weapon rather than a hybrid to try and better differentiate the ranged weapons, especially post hammer buffs, but I don't think that's very likely and it's also a really unpopular opinion, so I don't wanna get too much into it. Other than that, projectile hate is kinda nuts these days, it has high energy costs, and its damage is beaten by other ranged weapons that don't have those struggles. One other thing I'd like is for Forced Engagement to have a reveal on it. I think if I land one on someone right as they stealth, I earned the reveal that I might not necessarily get because of a stunbreak or them just on melee weapons and being far enough away. Don't think there's any reason to be super concerned about like, a Glint/Jalis build having too much reveal in that case, because it means giving up most of their ability to chase via Shiro to do so. I don't expect anyone to read and go through and respond point by point, nor do I really want them to cause that's way too much time to spend for either of us, but the bottom line is that I would like my efforts and skillful plays to result in similar reward on Renegade that they do on Vindicator or most other DPS builds, because they currently do not.
  11. It's 1200. Actually more like 1190, as Phase Traversal/Spear is still within range when it breaks but if you inch back ever so slightly it's out of range as well, but it's pixels worth of distance. A 3 upkeep tether having a 30% leeway on the range isn't that busted, especially when it's not doing damage and can't be weapon swapped during it, and Rev has a total of one utility skill that can hit from that far (Vindi elite spear). Really don't think that matters that much.
  12. i made an eu account cause it's on sale rn and it was like 5 bucks first: warriors are impossible to kite with lag oh my god please help i'm so scared his skills already hit before the animation even happens he keeps time traveling on his full counters and proccing it 3 hits ago but anyways, i won the first match i played in, and then every single match since then has been full of platinum players in 3+ stacks, including a couple matches against top 25s. now, i'm somewhat experienced, but if i was a new player who happened to luck out on the first 50/50 win? gw2's learning curve is already hard, nobody's gonna put up with that kinda thing. we're here to have fun, being thrown up against people who are so far beyond your skill level that you don't even know what's happening is a recipe for failure matchmaking is screwed up and while a large percentage of it is population issues, i think capping the rating band so there's not such a wide search range would be a better alternative at this point. there's probably other things you can do too but that'd be an easy start.
  13. I'm not surprised, but there wasn't anything else done to Heartpiercer. Bold Reversal, Heartpiercer, and All for One are all incredibly underwhelming now. You could skip a major Master trait entirely and you would notice virtually no difference to your gameplay, even if you were playing condi renegade (25% more damage on bleeding really doesn't add that much damage in pvp). In the case of All for One, Kalla is as close to unusable in pvp/wvw as you can get. You made weapon traits work even when said weapon is unequipped, why not this? 3s of resistance on heal does almost nothing for Bold Reversal. You just take it because there's no other choice. I'm sick of trying 10x harder than any Scrapper, Vindicator, or any other dps for half the results, and now to pile on top of that you give away the one special thing I had over said Vindi. I'm really not trying to be mean, but either come out and say you're reworking the abandoned specs like Renegade/Firebrand/whatever, or that you don't want them to be in pvp.
  14. need them to change back unblockable to duration instead of number of hits so i can have a pocket warrior to help me get revenge on tempest players
  15. They're more or less doing this already with the ability to choose your ruleset in guild halls. It's not quite entirely freeform but pretty dang close.
  16. y'know this sure does a good job of explaining all the matches where you failed to ever land a kill on me even though i have some of the worst sustain in the game teef players, lol
  17. You... you do know you can click the arrow on the quote to be taken to the post right? Like it's right there
  18. i literally quoted you??? you can't even avoid moving the goalposts in the span of two posts lol, nothing that anybody does is going to count for you
  19. are we really gonna pretend like someone capable of getting top 250, which isn't a big accomplishment to begin with where the hardest part about it is playing enough games, couldn't do it as deadeye or specter right now lol and sure, sure, "do it then" but look at all this nonsense you keep trying to stack up so you can then dismiss it if someone actually does do it, so it won't count for arbitrary reasons.
  20. It's not like EQ or DAoC or any other older mmo had particularly great people either. Even the ones people celebrate as having positive communities like FF14 or GW2 aren't that great, it's just covered by a thin lair of pleasantry because you can't fail like 99% of the content. Even in PvE.
  21. That's just mmo pvp communities in general tbh GW2 is pretty tame in comparison to say, classic wow as sad as that is
  22. i don't mind having really bad match ups where it's just like "lol yeah you lose" even though i think extremely hard counters are bad in a game like gw2 where things are meant to be more self sufficient but how come those guys, mostly meta builds right now, don't have equally as hopeless match ups you take something like idk, the gigachad god gamer core engi and match up whatever kind of build you play on it with the meta build in that role and it's just like worse in every aspect that's stupid, it shouldn't be that way my other hot take is half the things that are traditionally considered glass cannons have so many get out of jail free cards that they're just cannons
  23. That happens with rogue because it keeps approaching almost literal one shot status alarmingly frequently in the last couple years. Or an absolutely unstoppable w key monster. So you see a lot of threads that just point at every possible spell in their spellbook because the average wow gamer is not very bright (cause if they were, they wouldn't be playing wow anymore lol) Like, if you were to accept the premise of this thread, that stealth is broken and overpowered, it still wouldn't be that level of busted. Things in GW2 rarely if ever get there.
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