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Everything posted by Shagie.7612

  1. its always morally correct to nerf thief they deserve it
  2. i don't get the change, clearly they want to make it a button worth pressing in pve rotations, but the teleport and dash through repositioning makes it a dangerous and unappealing button to press in a lot of situations plus, i don't see why utility attacks can't exist even in pve, why does everything need to be about whether or not it's worth it for dps
  3. eh i was wrong, oops embarrassing oh well: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2016-10-18#General—PvP_Only anyways pretty sure it's been back and forth multiple times, probably unintentionally
  4. It's got dynamic scaling based on distance, though. So yeah, you'd be nerfing, in varying degrees, anything that has damage from range, including scepter, pistol, focus, torch, traps (in some situations), hammer 3, utilities. Try this: what would you change specifically in order to nerf only true shot, and only for DH. No collateral nerfs to other sources of damage. That's where I think they're running into trouble.
  5. Pure of Sight? That's all damage. Same for Zealot's Aggression, Heavy Light, and Big Game Hunter. They work on all weapons. Clearly it's not so simple, because they're intentionally wanting to target True Shot and not your damage coming from other sources, but don't have a way to do so.
  6. Prolly cause there's waaaayyyy too many modifiers for guardian in general and they don't know a good way to address specific sources of damage without harming anything else downstream but also i don't feel bad for DH or DE get dunked fotmers
  7. respectfully i dont think u know the meaning of getting melted as a guardian player
  8. if it's gonna have a 1500 range nuke, unblockables that actually do a good job (i am jealous), undodgeable pulls, area denial and whatever else, then it should immediately flop if you sneeze on it, to either kind of damage for what it's worth i don't really think having skills in team based games where you might just instantly die if you get hit, whether they're very telegraphed or not, is a good use of power budget on anyone it's frustrating for either side of the encounter, for the one who gets hit by it, to the person who never has a chance to hurt the other player because they're an all-or-nothing spec and might as well go afk if it doesn't work
  9. PoF was the main cause of most of the complaints this forum has ability spam, boon application, sustain, most non-mobility forms of power creep HoT had problems but not nearly as bad as PoF and EoD changes brought kinda sucks cause a bunch of the pof specs are really cool themes and aesthetics
  10. The people who rage quit and afk aren't gonna stop doing it just because you take away the pips for losing, lol They're mad, they're gonna do it regardless. Heck they're probably more likely to quit early just to try and get out of that 0 reward match sooner. With the open world legendary armor coming, I think they should just buff how many pips you get in general. Make it faster to pick up ascended shards (tickets too but those aren't really the hard part, so meh). Who cares if spvp has fast legendary armor gain at this point. Make it a nice little perk for participating in the mode, since you can get it just by afking open world events at that point.
  11. For what it's worth, 99% of being able to do that is because of the cheese/skip/exploit/whatever you wanna call it for the 66%/33%, which isn't rev specific. I don't disagree with nerfing cele or anything (particularly because I think GW2 in general does a really poor job of teaching players how to play by giving them sets like cele and never challenging them), but if you watch the actual video there's nothing particularly egregious about it that some other optimized solo build with a block couldn't do. Also that skip's been fixed since I'm pretty sure
  12. unrelenting assault doesn't work very well if you play on high ping rev in general is super unresponsive but there's times when sword 3 just fails to track cus ping when i play on eu, it's rough
  13. The limit existed for a while It was called "don't give mirage dagger with an ambush that causes a daze how could you possibly think that was a good idea"
  14. Right, but what I'm saying is, this change won't actually go that far towards improving that. Bots and the true AFK-from-start players will eventually tank to such low ratings that they'll hit a relatively stable win/loss ratio, plus they're automated so it's not like the people who bot care. And the people who currently rage quit or whatever else are doing it out of anger, they're not going to stop and would be even more likely to give up after the first lost teamfight simply to get into the next match quicker for a new chance at a win. The standard gg afk go next response won't change. I think it's great to want to combat bots and afkers, but I don't think doing this is going to radically solve the problem you have, because it's not one that you're going to solve by making design decisions. e: I'm also not saying that it's pointless to make any changes to the reward tracks, or they shouldn't or anything. If anything, giving more progress in general would be great, which is something your change would do for almost everyone. I just don't think it'd alleviate the pain.
  15. It wouldn't work any better, lol The same people who currently afk would just give up immediately if the very first fight was lost, in order to get into the next match faster. Bots are automated and eventually hit a point where their win/loss would stabilize so it's not like they care. The only solution that's ever gonna work is to actively put in the effort towards punishing it. As has always been the case in every single game. You're not gonna design around it.
  16. spvp bonus event starting on the 23rd, no DH nerfs? it's gonna be great lol some poor sucker's gonna get BLASTED in his very first game
  17. boy are you in luck then because the barrage change is wvw only arrow carts don't exist in spvp silly
  18. It's getting incredibly long to respond to every single thing back and forth, so I'll just shorten it up to one thing, that being the incessant downplaying of everything warrior has to make it sound like the class is the worst in every area while everyone else has every single tool ever. That's like 99% of the warrior subforum and has been forever. I understood it when it was actually bad, I had a meltdown every day playing czerk prior to the rework. I still get made fun of for it lol. But not anymore. Warrior's got limitations sure, but they're not that unwieldy or unmanageable. As far as fixing czerk goes, I think it's kinda weird to suggest that Akeem relic is the culprit and what needs to be changed when it was a terror and meta sidenoder before relics even released. Clearly it's not what causes/was causing problems with that build. And falls into, again, the constant warrior complaints of ackshually we're totally bad BUT x is overpowered, warrior has nothing good yo big shot bob and the other guy who's always like "going mid if i don't instantly one shot someone gg afk next" are hilarious. there's also some guy i see semi-consistently in unranked playing gs/rifle, turnip or something. and spiritbomb too, plays it and spellbreaker pretty often. they're not common, and no high end players pick it, but that's true of most of the bottom of the totem pole gunflamers are the best honestly, it's such a funny build, i see more non-gunflamers on eu tho the equivalent challenge is just naming a renegade period, i think lol
  19. i like playing archers, gw2 has some of the coolest takes on em in a genre that traditionally leaves them as extremely bland and neglected. there's always a guaranteed ranger/hunter/whatever, and it's always really boring and nobody cares put more shortbows and longbows on everyone
  20. I don't think that's what warriors want. I think they want to be overpowered monsters because that's what feels fair to them. That they deserve to win every interaction. Obv everyone's gonna deny that, but it's a subconscious bias. I think warriors are so absolutely fried from late-PoF that even though the class has ranged anywhere from extremely strong, to meta, to overpowered for over a year now, in multiple different builds (including one of each elite, even!), all they can do is talk about how bad it is despite every bit of evidence to the contrary. It's not some unicorn class that's the only one that has poor mechanics and forgotten traits/weapon/utilities. But every warrior sure will tell you that nah ackshually they're really bad, even as those same people get tons of wins they didn't earn, something they're constantly accusing every other class of. I literally watched you throw headbutts over and over into stability stacks the other day, and you didn't immediately die or have to disengage. I'm not saying that as an insult towards your skill level or anything either, because I don't think you're a bad player. Seems pretty decent from my perspective.
  21. boy gosh good thing i specified since resilient roll and not y'know, the end of PoF when it was actually really bad. That's a year and a half of being extremely strong, if not meta defining and overpowered. Oct 4, 2022. boy gosh good thing i explicitly did not specify a time, i said some of those builds, like y'know, condi spellbreaker, or czerk, or bladesworn prior to the nerfs, because they absolutely were and no reasonable person would think otherwise. And they were left that way for a long, looooong time. Heck bladesworn and czerk are still extremely prevalent. Everyone else is extremely constrained by their trait choices too. Welcome to how pvp works. We're all forced to make those choices. You think I want to play the stuff I play instead of getting more free damage like Vindi? Nah, but I have to in order to not instantly disintegrate. Warrior mains have a bigger victim complex than Eles and Thieves and it stems entirely from them being stuck in the past.
  22. It's been meta, in some form or another, since they put Resilient Roll in. Utterly dominant in some of those builds, too. Like, completely faceroll and overpowered and left that way for months and months. It's not even been bad in PvE during most of that time either, nor the part of WvW they actually care about (large scale) thanks to Scorched Earth hitting a gajillion targets. I genuinely don't understand what more warrior players want at this point.
  23. it's illegal to suggest warrior is anything but the worst class in the game
  24. 99% of the people playing it were fotming anyways lol they've just moved to the next one, DH
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