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Everything posted by Calen.8945

  1. I think you guys are overreacting, the damage isn't that bad on other classes. Such it could use a buff, but it is serviceable on it's own.
  2. With Anet no longer making Especs, I think it's possible that one of the future expansion will give us the spear.
  3. It's not as "dead" as I first thought it would be, but quickness is not as easy to keep us as before.
  4. I'm really loving Dagger/Pistol on spellbreaker so far. Pistol seems to work well on it's own without the bladesworn mechanic. It's burst is surprisingly high.
  5. No one said weapons can't share themes.
  6. My initial thoughts so far: Mace on Scrapper is as good as I always dreamed. I have a feeling that the devs moved the mace's barrier to [mace 2] so the other classes didn't get out of control with barrier spam. Even still, I was getting shields for days. However, with the changes to scrapper quickness, it's quite hard to keep quickness up with a mace. Sword is fine on the other classes, it can do it's job without it's heat passive, but unless you are holosmith the mace is still the best single handed melee weapon. Holosmith with hammer is good, but that's more do to with the hammer being good on it's own and the holo going in and out of forge. With mech, I can't fine much of a reason to use sword, but hammer works just fine. Nothing overly good or bad about it.
  7. Engi and Elementalist both. It's time to release the swap!
  8. My god, that is such an Anet thing to do. And I can completely believe it.
  9. Honestly, I'm fine with this. It's much easier to hit [mace 2] off cd than [mace 1 final attack] when you are dodging around in a fight.
  10. Hey, tesla theme totally fits. But I guess looking at Shortbows that way, it does fit the theme more than I initially thought.
  11. Bro, that would be awesome, and far more fitting to the theme, IMO.
  12. Despite everything I'm about to say, I'm happy we are getting a new weapon. That said, why a short bow? Out of all the weapons you pick a bow, really Anet. We already have two range weapons, for both power and condi so I don't know what this one could add. I may be mostly disappointed because I wanted a staff or scepter... maybe one day. Guess I'll just be happy I can finally use a mace on my scrapper. It's the small things that get me by.
  13. Quickness scrapper is dead after this update. Guess I'm going to be refarming gear and go pure power scrapper, no point the quickness now.
  14. Things I would like to see: -Replace kits with another traitline and give us a weapon for each kit. -rework turrets. -let us use elit weapons with any class. -more weapons. -also more weapons... never stop.
  15. You are delusional. It is very simple to not have politics in a game, simply don't do it.
  16. To be fair, Holo heal still feels like a watered down Elixir H
  17. Holosmith is really your best bet. The other specs can only really do it with p/p. You should also use Firearms for the bleed on crit.
  18. My god yes. I just want fishing to be something I can afk with. Maybe chill with a movie. But not this kitten system. They need to take out the mini-game and just have you catch something based on RNG.
  19. It's nice to look at but I have no reason to go there. There is simply a lack of loot. HoT's maps are still some of the best because they give us loot. The loot from the area chest my not be that great but I still love opening each cheat I run across while exploring the map. The story is one of the weakness one's so far, from the in your face political stuff, to the lack luster villains that desperately needed more fleshing out. I like fishing and skiffs, and Jade Bots is a nice form of vertical progression. However, I don't like the new buff station, it adds unneeded level of tedium that I don't want to deal with.
  20. I ran across a scepter skin that fits Engineer's theme, the Steam Scepter. I think it could work depending how the skills worked. But if Engi did get a scepter it should be a congi weapon, bro needs more congi options.
  21. I recently read a reddit post talking about if the future expansions no longer give elite specializations they may replace it with something like new core weapons. If you got to pick a new core weapon what you would pick for Engi. For me, either axe or scepter. Core need a melee option.
  22. Wrong, it is a PVE centric game. All mmo's that are not purely focused on PVP are PVE centric games. Because PVE is what draws in people.
  23. God I hate when they balance around pvp. They can at least buff the healing power benefit for pve.
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