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Everything posted by DemonCrypto.6792

  1. yep this is my eigth time doing it ,no completion. This is bugged
  2. i got a really broken bug, at the third phase against the sniper and the jadebot. The sniper would not come back to the plateform if cc at the start, and would shoot from far even if the bot was dead. I was stuck on that for 6-8 min on that not knowing what the Kitten to do now .
  3. this e-spec is really weird, slow as kitten and spammy at the same time mouvement weapon (not a good one) and a static gameplay, utilitys (fields) who put long range gameplay in front to be optimal on a close to middle range class(i'm still sour about no-range pistol) and this espec is really easy to farm and predict on competitive. So now i ask what was the deal here ? the point ? anyone find this e-spec playable ? (also the simple existence of berserk make it a thousand time more worst in compare)
  4. the good question here is not what to give to banners to make them even more meta but what give to banners to make other utilitys also a good thing to take. The mission here is to get out of the bannerslave meta and open build diversity not upgrading it to the only meta for war .
  5. thinking about making banners better. There is one small problem with that. Ok they will make them better but banner slave was born because banners was the strongest option in utilitys. Yes the other one are less important from the start (in pve at least), so what change to banners will make other option in utilitys better ? Do they just throw all other build out the window (even if there are none in pve at this time) to make banners even more the ultimate go to for war ? Banner was the root of war problem but they forgot there is a kitten tree on top of that, the other utilitys and why they are not used in pve content. I serously hope they don't look only at the banners (but still happy they finally see war has some flaws)
  6. Yes but this time they don't have the weebs pushing the design, only main war the only theme here is "make it better" so with luck we're not getting kitten by "design over gameplay" stick they use for bladesworn.
  7. I will throw that here What i see when someone says "true support warrior" I- The commando "A warrior who with support of his team can face any situation as a tactical support" Core idea: support war with a condi possiblities Weapon: Short bow (has a heal boon weapon, with poison/bleeding as core condie) E-spec gameplay: 60 adrenaline bar with a twist ,it's a offhand burst (warhorn and shield pushed under the spot with that) and for the true gameplay 3 bar on the top who need 10 adre spend to fill up each.They summon a commando troupier (your crew ) who stick with you 30 sec (is bar gose done 1 adre buy 3 sec only in combat). Commando troupier: these guys have a rotation each link to a trait colone (ex: first colone you chose condi trait or heal triat -> first troupier will have condi dps rota or heal rota ....)this mean you can have combinaison of them like 2 who give boons and heal and one dmg or all heal or else , plus their AI will not be simple pet, if the target is to far from the war they will not follow it but swap to range attacks. Traits: 2/3 lines/builds 2 build variant to Support and one build condi , traits will determine what kind of troupier you call. Utilities: orders (new kind who also sinergise with shouts trait) every utilities will be unique stackable boons increase by the number of summoned troupier present , the elite will be a free summon of the three troupier. In resume this is my idea of it i know it wishfull thinking but the true core of it is to help war get out of the "banner slaving" and so i think beating fire with fire by increasing the number of "good" and fun unique boons like banner to help combat it . This is a simple flawed but fun idea i had after seing what the kitten bladesworn was about, so hope you find it fun as well. Good day
  8. I don't get why cc don't have an dmg because on the other hand you have stab, resilience and utilitys who totaly negate cc. With dmg at least cc would be like normal attacks and stab wouldn't make them just a hammer(or else) strike with 6 dmg CC aren't game breaking in competitive now and with dmg they will just open new build , stab is the overpowered boons here that's all and it's ok , we just need an equal to it. So making that cc does "some" dmg would make them worth using even when negated. I get that their will be some tweaks to make it balanced but at least doing it will open plays to weapons who are cc focused and to me making most tools of a class viable is the best thing that anet can do for competitive health and future
  9. Yes but why show one of the flaw from this e-spec in a trailer then ? if not to show it fixed (also the thing he launch the dragon trigger on dies on impact, so.....)
  10. HI people i just looked at the last trailer And i think i spoted good change for this e -spec I hope it's not editing illusions but i think they scrapped the meditation phase to dragon trigger (it's seems more instant) So yeah i think they listened , i only hope this isn't the only fix they done (please validate what i saw)
  11. one obvious thing to change , natural healing (e-spec heal), it's ussless delete the self boons strip maybe make the condi recieved converted into boons for 3-4s
  12. And to that anet give us the biggest joke answer of this game THE BLADESWORN This e-spec is a clunkfest (even if it's a unfinished beta form) serously put it against any e-spec and judge it , can it only compete with any ? ( e-spec infigthing for war, berserker vs bladesworn for dps meta is already a disgrace )
  13. interresting, if and only if, the AI pet was not the one we got. My idea of it would be 1-3 pet with time duration link to adrenaline(1 bar 30 adre =30 sec 1 pet), who keep in formation around the war and instead of following targets they go range when the target is to far. with good utilitys based on support we could have a captain or commando e-specs
  14. one question for anet: Who asked for a third dps e-spec for war ? (yes spellbreaker can do more but pve role are what they are for war -dps or banners) Seriously we're in dpsland since the start, if they really broke the rule why not this one . i'am really interested for a real answer , I know theme wise bladesworn fit with cantha but theme isn't gameplay and here it's not good (static rooting war was a problem then and will be a problem now) Anyways pleasant game to all
  15. warrior is victime from underbalancing. It's not bad but the lack of balancing between classes making it passively nerfed From the start every class is viable (not perfect) in every possible role , with core roles where the class is meta (tanky dps for war) But because they focus less on rebalancing war and didn't e-spec on other thing than dps ,war became unviable in other role infront of other classes , and now we are stuck here dps and banners (even if spellbreaker open it a little before being nerfed) Now warrior is still fun but competing with the more flexible class became really demanding with a skill cieling so brutal it fell handicaped (not that competing is impossible but just harder than other classes now)
  16. this new e-spec boil down to, Will I play with it? This is the true question here. What does it bring and is it worth it inoff to use this e-spec ? It brings-> big dps(only dragon trigger and only pve) , meh crowd control utilitys, meh traits (with no alternate builds), meh weapon, meh gameplay features and good style. big flaws already In the other side we have the other e-specs and core who have none of the meh and proof of concept by time (the best kind of proof), and they are still flawed i don't say they are perfect and don't need some still needed update. But still when bladesworn will loose is "oooh shiny new thing" effect , i will not play with it, because this e-specs is from the root not good (even if they "fix" this beta form) TLDR: answer to the question "will i play with this e-spec?" ->no, it is worst than e-spec that already do it's role and they are already not perfect on the scale of good e-spec (love my condiserker tho). Bladesworn was not what warrior needed
  17. One idea to help spellbreaker, would be to add trait to synergise with meditation utilitys -seriously natural healing is worthless, just take mending - Sight beyond Sight is interresting but having it has a ammo skill would really breath life into it -Featherfoot Grace, just weak it's just a run skill and less usefull than bull charge -Imminent Threat, taunt is so underuse as a condi by spellbreaker it should have been the focus point of this e-spec -Break Enchantments, litteraly full counter but utilitys with no stun -Winds of Disenchantment, the elite got nerfed but the pre-nerfed version was already undertuned so now it's just a static kitten bubble All this utilitys are undertuned , none have good synergies , none do a lot of damage and no build use them (or onely the elite) because they are bad or useless in front of other core ones (really tho boon ripping is so niche already, give spellbreaker a more extensive way to play) Final thougth : multitool are better than one who can do only one thing , spellbreaker is half way there so it's "medium" never "real good"
  18. bladesworn is unhealthy for warrior 1-there is no build execpt one the "gunsaber dps" with no variation 2-it's the third dps e-spec (even thief as new roles why not war ?) 3- dragon trigger is just not viable (try a combat with moovement mechanic and you will cry) 4-why would you use it if berserker is still here the 2K more dps it can do ? no 5-pistol is inexistant and all the potential for a range one handed is dead because of bladesworn 6-it's maybe the last e-spec we are getting this is why i'm sad and why i'm angry , i would beg Anet to do something but they clearly never took what the community said and done this , so what's the point of begging now, we need a real war counsil in direct line with them yes this is that bad
  19. this not the fact they are unprofessional, it's more there was a hype train from the war community who hope change for the class . They crashed it by not listening and not communicating, and now we angry. That's litteraly all there is here. Now accept the bladesworn fate or resign, we can't save a already sunk boat if the boat never was fix to begin with Bladesworn is just a new crack on war already rusty frame , this one just shown us how much rusty
  20. yes , yes it is The fact they are both moove skills make me feel like they are design with a distance main hand in head but war doesn't have one . what good give a skill who make easer to back up if you can't continue to pressure with range attacks. so we are in the same spot than dagger 3 and 4 , they synergise with one another but bad otherwise, so if you don't have range 5 pistol is a wasted potential
  21. Yep, this utilitys are bad, on the 5 given 2 are useful and not by much, what good give a projectile barriere to a melee class or a dodge mine or the fence ? they don't really feel like they been design for bladesworn but more copie pasted without real thought from other classes. I don't think bladesworn need them and they don't synergise well(they are more design for range encounter) i mean really with a more static gameplay like bladesworn we really needed a grab utility or a defence buble even a shadow field or a mass blind would have been a 100 time better synergie with it's gameplay gimmick.
  22. Also there is a equivalence problem, i mean you build up flow ok but how much of it is a full charge ? in the middle of action you don't know so they should cut the massive flow bar into segment to help know when you have a max strike and not waiting to see if your to short or not...
  23. funny thing is the iai/dragon trigger is a starting moove in normal fight, you sart with it because you should never stow your weapon in a fight. that mean dragon trgger doesn't even respect samourai fighting style to beggin with, it respect only anime exageration style of combat, traduction of the sentence "With this specialization, we're trying to deliver an homage to classic samurai films." is more "we only think about hyperstylisation and not gameplay" what a genius message to the war class. Dragon trigger isn't a viable mid-fight technique because it's not one, no samourai stow is weapon mid-fight
  24. this is final dragon trigger just break the flow of combat !!! i mean seriously it's just a big lock who amputated war gameplay. for exemple i took it to a field test , the hp in hot are good to judge skill (my opinion), after 3 painful hours of trying on the hp, none is doable if you use dragon trigger (at some point i did a test without using it and it was hard but i killed some) dragon trigger do big damage but it's not viable (and i really tried and believed the improvement would make it better) being lock even for 2ish second is a quasi death penalty in this action oriented game(deadeye gameplay knew that and has a counter, huge range and rooting with dodging). i don't imagine pvp and wvw, this e-spec is bad. Now only thing to hope for is anet getting the message this time. also my build was not glasse canon , it was a pve valk build otherwise still hate pistol oh
  25. I see your argument but From gameplay basis from the class root, warriores are ambidextrous , that's what puted them appart from other classes, why give them dual sword ? axes ?masses? daggers? to this point we espect them to follow this basis because it's litteraly a fondamental from the war class.
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