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Everything posted by DemonCrypto.6792

  1. went it loose heads it loose some skills and go from champion stats to veteran stats. I mean it loose it's heads it seemed obvious too me
  2. Not exactly do you recall the part of the storie missions on seitung where you need a travel visa and other stuff. I don't think lots of Canthan people would go because the official administration for travel: 1-it's a mess 2-it didn't have continental travel in decades So travel for just the duration of a festival isn't a good deal for normal folks (Ithink) TLDR: Canthan administration
  3. noneHotBuildTest.7251 Did bladesworn kill your dog or something because i see a lot of salt pilling on there. Seriously tho bladesworn population have been reduce to 1/5 of what it was in pvp This is proof inoff that you're a little over estimating the effectiveness of this junkspec. I mean, people will run toward effectiveness and today this is spellbreaker (for war at least), meaning "bladesworn < spellbreaker" in pvp today. so there is no real need to nerf it
  4. Yes, but no EoD dropped 28/02/2022 I think it qualifies for new content This year has been pretty full, looking back at it
  5. I'm voting for scepter with Vizier Khilbron (for the ones who don't know that's the dude who sinked Orr) I think a forbidden magique type of caster resonate pretty well with some of revenant vibes
  6. Range, you can melt it like snow at range , by the simple rule of " if you can't hit me because you are not next to me mean i win over you with my ranged attacks" be happy war doesn't have good ranged weapon with the sustain we have
  7. i just read the news for this year event and to quote: "The annual Lunar New Year festival begins next week! Tyrians are celebrating the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit with fireworks, games, delicious Canthan food, and prizes." so i think they got the message from us about festival foods or they forgot to take this part off. But my hope is to still have cheap delicious rice balls for my healers , I hope it's not a miss copy and paste on anet part. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/lunar-new-year-2023-is-next-week/
  8. i don't get why people are upset by spellbreaker and FC now. I mean just because the last rework on a core trait line made them better, doesn't mean it's a perfect and unstoppable juggernaut. It has big flaws and can be countered. just because war is competitive now doesn't mean it is on the same level of abuse other classes can do. What we experience is a bias , because it's new we are not trained to react in a good manner when encountered. hammer spellbreaker isn't OP(even if really better then before) it's just perceived like this, until we learn and adapte to this new player (seriously i have been farming this kind of war for two weeks. Yes there is good ones, but with range pressure , most crumble easly).
  9. the other option is a leash and a whip. because seriously sometime i really want to reeducate this pile of scrap metal. (the pet AI should really be redisgn arround mechanical genius boundary)
  10. this an old bug lots of things/outfits/infusions/particules effects does this i don't think it is fixable at this point (i mean in ten years this isn't a secret that stealth reviel effect boxes )
  11. if there one thing i want with this expansion It's a tonne of little side quest /story link to achivements with a big spoon of lore sprinkle on it and new meta event with short to medium timer ( dragon end is cool but to long for me) And please Anet build up something better than "big monster dragon -> commander go bonk"
  12. i think Ogres, Ettin and Trolls eat humans somme of them have humanoïde bones for decoration and trophy
  13. 5 min of condence explaination on Eod strikes and other stuff https://mukluklabs.com/gw2-strike-mission-guides
  14. If they do a underwater expansion, they will have to rewiew and finally fix underwater interraction/skill/classes that can only be an improovement on what we got. So,do it, i beg you to fix this part of the gameplay Anet. (also, i pray for the poor team who will unspagetify this part of extremely outdated code)
  15. i have been thinking a bout septer AA and what it could be. I think i would like something akin to the one mordrems have. Bursting Bramble - Ranged auto-attack channeled over 3 seconds, firing 1-3 ground-based homing projectiles at nearby enemies each second. Each projectile stops upon reaching an enemy, dealing damage in an area of effect as vines burst through the ground. 1 second cast time. 1000 range. 150 radius. Cannot be reflected. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mordrem_Teragriff Would be fun and nature magique based
  16. i would really want them to uptdate the maps and adding maybe new map objectives - to finally integrated the Siege turtle - to have a forterres big assault type map -to have nautical battle map
  17. another cool idea dual wielding focus just to have Binding of Ipos and have both monster hands
  18. i voted shortbow condi support because i feel we need a two handed weapon with some range and quick rate of fire. also an idea for support: offhand burst : a burst who change with the off hand (or new supburst for two handed weapon) to be more support oriented so shield and warhorn get a bigger purpose. (we still have the normal f1 with that , making it the espec with the most choice in what we use adrenaline)
  19. you forgot Dragon's bash at hoelbrak it could be splitt between there and the citadel (i mean kralk death is a good excuse to bond with the norn over it)
  20. I don't think primordius was so good of a vilain or force of nature Primordius's actions had bigger consequences ? he's only action ( and i mean conscious action, because destroyers are what they do, they aren't organised until braham try to force his will onto the dragon) has been to go die at dragonstorm to compare Zhaïthan was the head of his army and had real tactiques and actions. he also was the only dragon who really wanted to kill mortal. because they was his army. all other dragon kill or corrupt mortal by collateral. Zaïthan was the only one who launch attacks on tactical targets (execpt jormag who prefered corrupting mortals and trying to get out of the dragon cycle )
  21. first timer here. i'm happy to see such activities from our community and sad it maybe the last santa charr.
  22. i'm with you a 100% about the numbers of festivals we have. it's good inoff My idea is too link or move festival to the unused location and if posible improoving or adding things to the festivals naratives resulting in the adition of new and fresh things to do. Moving the festivals has for only goal uptading and getting out of this stagancy state they are in right now.
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