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Everything posted by dead.7638

  1. Until you’re actually fighting someone by the sentry post, but sure.
  2. I promise to kill more ranger pets in wvw.
  3. Do the sentry posts in wvw count as an enemy, npc, or boss? Not sure but it sure does count as something to bounce off.
  4. Haha jokes on you, there really is 1.5 devs working on the game.
  5. Lol, and fixing that was obviously too large of an expense and task for a small indie company.
  6. Ele mist form should be up top. Can’t tell you how many times they down and just mist form into a tower and self res. Belongs on the top. Only down state that it op in ranger. They have too many options to get back up with pet skills still being able to used. I think before hot it didn’t matter but with the new pets that can interrupt and dmg you during a stomp and the ranger themself can interrupt a stomp. It’s just a lot. I doubt engi mech was even a consideration when making the spec.
  7. Mirage staff is kittened in competitive because of pve. The alac should be removed and nerfs to staff reverted back to its original state. It used to be good before the alac was added is all I’m saying. The alac was like a second life for it that wasn’t needed and created a whole mess anyways.
  8. Also if you’re complaining about blurred inscription… It’s a noodle dmg builds why even complain….
  9. People coping/malding on Mesmer invul. L2p. Nice as I can put it. Tbh, I don’t feel it needs nerfed…. Compared to some other specs that get the same duration in invul plus boon spam with prot/aegis/resolution plus better mobility than Mesmer. When those get nerfed maybe just maybe it might be a lot, but not until then.
  10. I feel a slight dmg buff would give, me in the least, a peace of mind that f5 can be a useful skill. I don’t think there needs to be a trade off…
  11. So you want to give virt a less useful skill in place of one that offers far more. It already has distortion. So idk where you are going with this. To my knowledge this thread is about f5 not removing f4 from virt.
  12. Bottom line we have both options in front of us why choose the one that is obviously worse. Anet training you all to think the Mesmer class deserves less. Off topic but, The simple fact is that virt shatters have cast time vs other shatters that have no cast time. I don’t see how you are saying it’s faster when it simple isn’t. There is no cast time or projectile speed with clones. You can if you wanted, chain spam x3 shatters with f1-3 x3 clones in the time for f1 on virt to cast and fly at you.
  13. I also think suggesting that old f5 is greater than f4 is bad logic. I would rather them completely remove f5 over losing distortion. Also chaining shatters is far easier on everything but virt. Virt will hit harder, but it can not simultaneously chain f1-4 like other specs do as quickly. One is because of los and regeneration of blades, other is virt has projectiles that have cast times and animations. That I will say are 100% easier to dodge then clones.
  14. No more down state, ever. Problem fixed
  15. But they nerfed chaos trait line around the same time, so you’re asking to nerf it even more?
  16. F5 block is gone, I’m sure everyone has mourned long enough. F5 still gives trait aegis, it’s okay. It’s also an instant cast. Meaning you can chain the small amount of dmg with other skills, again this is okay. However, using the skill still seems questionable as it can be a waste of resources. And that’s the real problem for me. When I have to question myself if the skill is even worth using or waiting for the cd on f1 to pop. Maybe I needed the aegis… and I have for sure. But that is me investing a trait for only one block from virts most unique skill. Seems lame. If it doesn’t get a defensive capability back the dmg needs to be buffed. I wouldn’t mind a scaling effect on dmg each time you stand in the blades. And add in extra bleed for a condi variation.
  17. Also leave CS alone. In competitive it can be a death sentence if the person knows you’ll be back in the same position 2 seconds later. How did this become a nerf distortion thread?
  18. A10v10 would be fun. The 5v5 has gone stale, anet could easily do this at no cost to them by changing the number of players. I wouldn’t think making this change would take more than a day for a single person to make. Right? I wouldn’t know. The death match arena has a quality, not everyone liked it but it was another option in the very least. I’m sure pvp people wouldn’t care to have something new even if it’s old at this point.
  19. Mesmer is worth it if you can clap people on the reg. If you can’t 1v1 both may be difficult to get results from as well. Never been a fan of support in pvp. If a player on your team is just clueless they will down regardless of how great you might be at support. Thus putting the whole team at a disadvantage. As one dude will always be dead on inc and you’ve no one to support because your team is getting picked off one by one. Both are good in pvp and both have their ups and downs. There isn’t going to be a build that will dominate every encounter. Go full glass and learn not to die is best advise I have. You only get better at this as you die more. Good luck!
  20. Duo q isn’t even about playing with your friend. It’s about getting a silver rated player to duo with a plat player. The mmr then pulls more silver players into the match and maybe 1-2 players that might be gold t1-2. It’s screwy af and as long as there is 1-2 duo q doing this at any given time every game you match will be wonky. 8 people from every match legit getting screwed and most don’t even know why.
  21. So as long as ele is top dog you’re okay with the insane burstiness of the game? Okay, I’m start calling you lil 🤡m🤡
  22. I want something that makes my clones emot with me.
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