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Everything posted by Alcatraznc.3869

  1. And what you just described recently happened to Rifle in for Engineer in PvP. Funny how double standart works
  2. 1- Engineer dont have a lot of weapon to chose from. 2 - In that logic then D/P on thief should be nerfed. Sword and Greatsword on Guardian should be nerfed. Dagger and Scepter on Necro should be nerfed. These are just small example but the list is long.
  3. If I said the nerf wasnt expected would be lying. But if I said the nerf was justified I would also be lying. Pmech before the nerf sat right in the middle above support and below high APM DPS build. But what Anet did was punishing Mechanist for not actively managing a garbage coded AI and killing rifle in PvP and WvW. So yeah we can all jump on the hype wagon that is the Holosmith buff but : 1 - Holosmith should have received this buff the moment Pmech started to become a better DPS 2 - There is 0 reason to nerf a weapon that wasnt even overperforming in any sort of PvP content. 3 - I only care about Holosmith buff because I love Holosmith. Other dont.
  4. Ah jumping straight to assumption, I assume you ran out of argument ? So are all other low intensity build then. >look at Condi Mechanist and Healer mechanist Yeah sure, I just auto attack and it clear the game with 0 rotation and whatsoever. Yeah sure MM is so unpopular you never see a Necro running full pet doing PvE stuff. And yet I see more Necro MM than Elementalist or Thief. If anything Necro MM has always been a viable choice for LI Necro PvE.
  5. In this case then I can say I afk in in all class then. After all the time is determined by people, the distance is determined by people. And because all class can AFK then why bother pointing out 1 class over the other ? because the end result is the same. Thanks you for proving that this thread is useless
  6. AFK means away from the keyboard. If there are mechanic requiring you to even press a single button then you're going to fail said mechanic. If you even press one button to do mechanic that doesnt mean you're AFK. Whether you like it or not he is right
  7. Firebrand is still strong despite the nerf. But Anet made it super unfun to play it. And that's the same for Mechanist People in PvE are complaining that rifle now is bland and unfun and Mechanist has to fight against an issue that exist since GW2 launch that is pet AI. People in PvP/WvW are complaining rifle is complete trash.
  8. Ideally they revert the unecessary change to rifle because the weapon is far from being OP
  9. Mechanist is the only spec that offer Engineer an actual good condi spec so yeah it is worth it if you want to play condi on Engi
  10. But dont you know ? Elementalist is the worst class in the game in every single gamemode. So much so Catalyst is now one of the best of not the best DPS in the game. I think Elementalist needs more buff, I mean I saw someone not dying after I use Air Scepter 2 with a crit. It is innaceptable and it should die so fast it doesnt go into downstate mod.
  11. If they kill Engineer I'll just reroll into something else or stop playing the game. If Anet nerf kit that will be the last straw before people just stop playing Engineer
  12. Pmech benches at 33-34k. Someone tested post nerf rifle does 17k. So yes, the mech DO represent at least 50% of the engineer damage
  13. Rifle damage was rebalanced to deal the same amount of damage as the old AA but spread out between 3 hits within the same timeframe. So yeah the damage per bullet was already lower than the old AA for obvious reason. But what Anet did this patch is remove 1 bullet without touching the coefficient. Someone did the calculation and it deals about as much damage as the AA from elixir kit. So not only the damage is trash but also it is worse than the elixir kit AA because rifle doesnt apply weakness and bleeding. So yeah, rifle now is arguably worse than rifle before the rework for PvP/WvW
  14. If you're just looking at the damage / hit yes there is no difference. If you're looking at the time to kill there is a massive difference. When Anet did the rework they changed the coefficient to be balanced around 2 bullet and 1 grenade. What they did was straight up removing 1 bullet so a 33% nerf. Of course only PvE got a coefficient adjustement so the nerf is minimal but PvP and WvW got hit the hardest
  15. If you bring Pmech in PvP you are at best an annoyance to the red team but since the damage nerf Anet did long ago, only noobs get owned by rifle Pmech. But the rifle itself offered a good range option without being OP. The auto attack being good enough meant it was viable to use it as a filler in between CD. Rifle Scrapper and Holosmith was fun to run. But now ? I faced Deadeye who would just face tank the auto attack and retaliate with its superior rifle auto attack.
  16. Bold of you to think Anet will want to buff Engineer when literally every non engineer player is screaming of joy because after each patch they are killing Mechanist. I'm telling you, the day Mechanist dies for good, which at this rate is going to happens sooner than later, people will find another class to complain about until every single class in the game is trash. And only when all class will be unfun and trash will we achieve balance, too bad a lot of player have already left the game
  17. As far as I know ranger pet does not represent more than 50% of the Ranger damage.
  18. Mechanist introduced 3 important things player and Anet alike failed to understand : -a LI build or rather benchmark that is both easy to achieve and doesnt invalidate other DPS competing in the same category : Despite what people claim, there is a reason why you would rarely or pretty much never see LI Berserker, Mirage, Herald and so on. And the reason is simply the DPS. All the LI build barely reaches the same level as support build and at this point why would you accept in your group a DPS that does the same as support but doesnt bring anything else to the table ? You wouldnt. Mechanist before that disaster cosplaying as 30th November (or November 29 for the US) patch was fine. Its damage was slightly above support but below all DPS that requires more input. It sit perfectly at the edge of both world and this is what all other LI build should have been pushed to. But no instead of bringing all other LI build to that acceptable level they people prefer dragging the only acceptable LI build in the bottom where the rest sits. -a spec that is customizable to fit several role (there were other spec that could do it but Mech does all of them decent - good): Being flexible lets you adapt to many situation. Needs a power DPS ? can do. Needs a healer ? can do. Needs condi DPS ? can do as well. Being over specialized in one thing isnt necessarily bad but in these days where all class...or almost all of them can do DPS or support, being overspecializer in only one thing is very restrictive. Yeah looking at warrior here. But no people see this as something broken that shouldnt be here. -a support build that is reactive =/= spam on CD skill: Mechanist is arguably the only support that can use a skill or utility for its main purpose and not for the side effect it triggers by using X or Y trait. Even Teapot acknowledged that strenght and argue because Mechanist is the only one able to do that currently it may be OP. But the reality is other support are flawed and Anet should be trying to make support on the same level at Mechanist. And funny enough this issue isnt something new, a lot of player suggested a rework for all support to stop that spamming skill on CD but for some reason the only spec that actually does exactly that is perceived as OP and must be nerfed.
  19. Ok then why people cried that Power Catalyst Quickness got nerfed ? Why people cried that Specter got nerfed ? Why people cried that Scrapper heal got nerfed ? Yeah I can be like you and say "hurr its not the end of the world because X class can do DPS or Y class can do heal" but first that would be dumb, second people can and they should complain if something is bad or needs to be changed. If there's anything I've learn with GW2 is the louder the people cry the more Anet will listen to them even if the demand is totaly dumb.
  20. Not every class are restricted to only 3 weapon. And how am I moving the goalpost exactly because rifle is the topic.
  21. My bad I should have been more accurate. A GOOD weapon.
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