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Everything posted by Alcatraznc.3869

  1. I dont know what shield you are talking about but on pretty much all classes, shield are solid defensive option.
  2. Just a first impression but the trait is even more garbage now than it was before getting removed. The healing you gain is underwhelming and unlike before, Scrapper received a very big hit on its superspeed duration meaning not only it is more trash than before but the benefit you get nowadays is laughable. The only good thing about this patch for Engineer is the pistol buff and Condi Mechanist buff.
  3. What do you define as "good feedback". Because I definitely saw some good feedback, at least feedback *I* consider good but other will not necessarily agree.
  4. Funny enough this would probably boost a tiny bit the old PBM build rather than create a completely new condi Holo build. There are just not enough condition trait and holo skill that gives condi. I mean sure the laser disk gives bleeding yay, the elite can burn and drop a light field that burns yay but that's it. The main reason you can kind of make it works is because Firearms lines and kits do all the heavy lifting.
  5. I would argue HAM is in a better place than HQS. In fact Elixir kit and Medkit got a pretty heavy nerf because of HAM and despite the nerf HAM is still a solid support that isnt just about spamming skill off CD. Now I dont know what build you are doing but : -if you're doing a DPS Scrapper build and you say the damage is lower than your HAM build, then you have to double check your build -if you're doing a power support Scrapper build, last time I check the DPS is about 30k which is pretty respectable for a support build. To put it into perspective PMech used to bench ar 33k which is pretty garbage for a DPS. I highly doubt HAM reaches that number when power alacrity mech can barely reach 25k DPS. -if you're doing a HQS build then idk why you mention DPS because it is not your role. The extra DPS HAM brings over HQS isnt going to matter in most scenario. Anyway, if you are making a group as a HAM you shouldnt even have much trouble finding people. Most people either play full DPS or support DPS.
  6. While I do agree TRV is underwhelming, PBM does not need a nerf/change. The only time I see people running PBM are when they are fighting next to an uncontested spawn and uses full stealth/ask for stealth. The setup requires way too much work just for that loloneshot
  7. Not only it is worse than the trait before removed but it also encourage more spamming when people have been trying to push Anet away from the whole spam X to get Y boon
  8. Bold of you to assume Anet would change PoP if Scrapper finally gets killed. Sorry I meant reworked.
  9. Mirage S/S is extremely solid. You are basically under perma dodge while having perma alac 25 might and fury. Its only drawback is against trash mob where its killing time is on the low side but this is an issue all condi build suffer so it would be unfair to blame it on Mirage alone. Renegade and Vindicator, Sourge are also solid option. But as a general rule, if you want to do solo stuff for open world you can just put condition damage and some toughness and vitality. Pioneer is often the default choice people would go for if they have the mean but celestial is also a good option. The rest afterward is tweaking based on your spec, like idk if you spec gets a bonus with vitality for instance you may want to use ritualist gear and so on.
  10. This is mainly targetted at HAM and to be fair, since you are providing boons and not actively trying to DPS, keeping an eye on your own mech should be one of your task. But as a boon provider chances are you are going to be running knukle arms and your mech is going to be at melee range of the boss just like your team mate so it should not be too hard to check. IMO the only issue is going to be the boon duration of the mech not being what it is supposed to be as well as mechanical genius messing with you.
  11. These trait arent super strong but they arent so weak that it needs a buff. That being said, Mechanist is the only competitive condi build Engineer currently have and it has a relatively complex rotation. Scrapper is definitely not a condi spec and Holosmith only has a few burns and bleed here and there but at its core it is a power focus spec. I kind of feel cheated that PMech right now is just underwhelming and unfun to play but condi mech is definitely a keeper.
  12. That very much depends on the gamemode and what you're trying to do. If we're talking about solo open world then yeah Mechanist > Scrapper. However if we're talking about WvW then Scrapper > Mechanist. I dont know for PvP last time I tried Mechanist in PvP I did nothing but bunker down to hold a cap but I couldnt exactly do anything on my own against a semi competent opponent. Not to mention mecanical genius was not the garbage we currently have meaning now we have to babysit the mech if we want it to be barely effective.
  13. I've never used utility goggles in PvE personnally. The effect are underwhelming and if I want a breakstun, I would just take slick shoes because not only does it gives a breakstun + superspeed on its toolbelt skill every 20 sec, but the actual skill has a decent CC damage although it only triggers once. That being said I remember pre HoT release, the utility goggles would apply reveal AND 10 stack of vulnerability (or something along that number) to the targetted opponent. You actually find that effect as a passive when you CC an opponent using the middle Tool trait so the thing is still there.
  14. Rifle in all PvP content remains trash. But because Anet is at least making an effort to improve pistol, I'll let them off the hook for now.
  15. As far as Engineer goes, at least they are looking at pistol after what ? 8 years ? The changes are good although it is still lacking but just for that I'll give them some slack. The Scrapper changes are....whatever. Same for the Mechanist, just some QoL change.
  16. I wont block you but feel free YOU to block me. After all I am not the one who call other players liar trolls or whatever names. I an here to defend my experience. And I do enjoy seeing people bring 0 valuable argument and calling other liar and troll. But I guess I should have known from the very beginning this topic isnt here to discuss about thing it is here so people like you who are trapped in your cage can reassure thenselve that they are right and anyone else who disagree can just get attacked by others. Funny how there is only 1 person here who not only made a little research to know what build I was running but the same person also didnt just attack but instead pointed out other build.
  17. Yes he called me a liar, put some interesting points and stopped there. I play Mirage because I got bored of playing Engineer and Thief. The balance patch is going to come on the 13 or 14 which means plenty of time before it actually happens. Apharma gave you the answer but you were too focused on your bias to even notice. Ah yes calling me a liar and saying I'm a troll exactly show how curious you are about my build and my performance. Where did I say only my experience matter ? Do quote exactly where I said that. I know Mesmer are good a making crap up with illusion and stuff but right now it isnt exactly helping your point. I came here because I recently picked up Mirage for WvW. And the first thing I see is someone asking for Mirage to have double dodge (although the topic is old, the point is still being raised) which for me IS questionnable when I look back at my performance in roaming. If I were you I would call you a liar because no further than yesterday and 2 days ago I got ambushed by a group of 2 Mirage and 1 Specter. But I'm not you so I wont call you a liar, I at least have enough intelligence to accept different opinions. And this just proved that you did not read anything I wrote and confirm your bias. You read "Mirage - strong" and instantly assumed I was getting bullied by Mirage and it is a skill issue. But just like before you dont bother reading and just attack the person instead of the argument that's being made. If Anet listen to me, things like Engineer pistol would have been reworked years ago. But considering it is still the trash it is, I guess Anet ignore me as well I can agree with that considering the state of Mechanist and rifle in any PvP content right now You mean people who agree with you ? Because I play mesmer and I dont *feel* Mirage needs its second dodge at least for WvW but everyone would rather call me a liar and a troll.
  18. So when someone has a different opinion then we just dismiss it as a troll, got it. Mesmer subsection sure is a nice place for Anet to have a discussion
  19. I was the one playing Mirage actually. And I was the one killing other people, but it's true, I have to get gooder after all I died in 1 battle out of the 5 I had because I burst at the wrong moment. Using Axe/Torche + Staff + Blink, I have enough mobility and stealth to either ambush someone or run away if needed. If you're wasting vigor at this point this is either poor endurance management or bad timing on your shatter/heal. But since I'm a liar and you seems to be very knowledgeable on how to Mirage, I guess you already know that so I dont need to develop further. I remember one time, although this was in PvP a few years ago, when Mirage was very popular. I dont know exactly what has been changed, nor really care considering I picked up Mirage to diversify my playtime and from the experience I got the current Mirage is far from being bad spec I read here. I didnt know ambiant creature were made of Dragonhunter, Deadeye, Soulbeast and Mechanist in WvW. kitten I really learn a lot in this thread. I cant wait to see what I will learn later in this thread, maybe I wasnt actually playing Mirage and this was a deception
  20. Yeah sure, give back Mirage second dodge so I can be unkillable while also killing my opponent. I've recently geared up my Mirage for WvW and it is so comfy and stupid to play. It "only" has one dodge and yet I can dodge as much if not more than a Daredevil. And just like Daredevil my dodge also serve as an attack. The class has access to quite a lot of vigor and those...sandshard or whatever it is making me able to create ambush skill almost all the time. And what counterplay to they have ? If they send me back my condition I can either cleanse them or send them back again. If somehow I'm on low health I can just stealth and ninja vanish away. If I'm CC I can still dodge and prevent any damage. The only class able to relatively easy counter me is SA Deadeye but even against them, I can just burst condi and force them to use their stealth as condi cleanse instead of a tool to reposition or attack...Or I can just not fight them and run away, something both Mesmer and Thief can easily do. And all of that is possible with only 1 dodge. I really should have played Mirage more when it used to have 2 dodge in WvW, seeing how strong it is with only 1 dodge. And if people are still not convinced, they should just look at how Vindicator was the moment Anet decided to remove all tradeoff from specs. But if you guys are dead set on wanting to give Mirage back its second dodge (at least in WvW) then please be my guest, bullying people with Mirage ambush is also a fun activity.
  21. My prediction for the Febuary patch : -Rifle nerf because there is still that one guy in PvP and WvW who got ambushed by a Mechanist. -Following the previous statement, more Mechanist nerf in PvP/WvW but in PvE as well because there are still player who hates Mechanist and Mechanist is still the top DPS class within the playerbase who are either new or bad at the game. -Holosmith nerf in PvE because ESCU is in a fine state.....Way too fine compared to the other 2 grandmaster if you ask me. Better put ESCU at the same level as the 2 other grandmaster trait. -Scrapper Gyro nerf in a form of a rework. -Tool nerf because that one niche gimmick of 1 cleanse/toolbelt skill used is way too OP according to the condi player -Harpoon auto attack gets an additional 1 sec of burn in PvE to make up for all the nerf But hey, considering I have no expectation from Anet at this point, that means I cannot be disappointed right ? Surely they cannot make me think "I expected nothing and yet I'm still disappointed" .
  22. For solobuild, Mirage Scourge and Revenant are IMO the top 3 currently. Mesmer S/S is just permanent dodge + alac + 25 might + fury with a decent uptime on regen. Scourge well it's basically a condi powerhouse that generate so much barrier that dodging is optional. I put Revenant here because all 3 specs are honestly pretty solid so you just pick and roll with whatever you feels like it. Among the 3 I mention I would probably go for a legendary set on Revenant just because all 3 spec are solid which allows you to be more flexible with your build depending on the instance. Mirage and Scourge only really needs either Viper or Trailblazer. That being said, if you're planning to make a legendary armour I would recommend you also peek at other classes. Legendary armour is a big investement and because it can be put on every lvl 80 character, you might as well look at other profession and see which one you may enjoy so that you wont have to farm a new set of armour for that character the moment you DO actually decides to play it.
  23. Holosmith isnt exactly a condi spec either. At the very least, Condi mech has some proper condi skill. On Holosmith pretty much all skill are aimed at power build. Although it is fun to play Celestial Holosmith with flamethrower
  24. Oh yeah sure, we've seen how it worked with Engineer rifle. It's been in a good state post rework then nerfed because of Mechanist then nerfed again and recently made complete garbage in PvP / WvW and complete unfun in PvE. Meanwhile Engineer pistol which has been arguably one of the worse if not the worse offensive weapon in the game for years now is left untouched for no reason. There are a fair number of weapon that could receive the same level of rework as Rifle engineer received but be carefull for what you ask for. Anet showed they are capable of reworking weapon but they also showed they are incompetent enough to make a reworked weapon in worse state in some gamemode than its pre rework state
  25. You're not exactly raising the bar very high. In fact you're not raising the bar at all, it is still lying on the floor.
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