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Everything posted by Bunbury.8472

  1. actually top stats have no relation to player skill. this is a common mistake, and honestly the stats should probably be more removed. they do more harm than good honestly. consider this: if I queue it's often on a support warrior and I go mid and team fight lots. so yeah, I basically always get top healing in every game I play. some games I get way more healing than others, sometimes even double. what does that even mean tho? if I heal twice as much am I playing twice as good? or does it mean that my team is playing twice as bad and taking twice the damage so I have to heal them twice as much? it's the same with a damage build. if I get top DMG in two games, but one game I get twice the damage of the other game. does that mean I played twice as well? or does that mean I spent most midfghts wasting my skills into a blood scourge? the top stat numbers really don't tell you anything useful at all. PvP is not a raid. you aren't trying to fix a set puzzle made by Devs. there is no set stage order, you can't play PvP like a paint by numbers PvE encounter and you can't measure skill with the same simple metrics because PvP takes brain power and not just memorising a rotation and fight mechanics. honestly the only way to get good reviews and improvements is to do vod review, which is pretty sweat lord, so I get why you wouldn't want to.
  2. not only that, but there is even a YouTube vod. no NA because the region hasn't been competitive in like 5 years and is a snore fest of team usa dunking on pugs
  3. what an unhinged take. I'm just commenting on the constant irony present in the forums constant complaints about team mates, while also being so pro solo queue. how many times can a person try to put a square peg in a round hole? honestly, I don't know 🤣🤣🤣
  4. back in the day you used to be able to exclude afk and bad players from your team. now the community has the feature removed and won't stop complaining about the quality of their teammates, and how the game feels like a roulette with no control.... how amusing 🙄
  5. don't worry these idiots will just watch pvp population continue to shrink, while WvW the mode where you can rock up with a 50 man premades will still be going strong as the second most popular mode. that's right friendship is dead, no one plays mmos to be social, we are all ultra competitive solo sweat lords, catering to guilds will not grow the population, I could be rank one if just a few more people quit, and other assorted pvp forum copium overdose takes...
  6. I love seeing people with thousands of posts on this forum ranting about how it's impossible for someone to enjoy playing a video game with a friend huge self report there
  7. it's not a take. it's just the facts. it doesn't matter what you think about spvp. no one is playing it, (like seriously NA has less plat players than the average WvW guild has members) so it's not a good use of development time. it's the same issue the raid community has. most players don't like raids, and don't want to do the content. so anet stopped making raids, because investing their super limited development resources on content the average player won't even touch. the appeal of GW2 is massive open world events, and massive castle sieges. this is a large scale casual game. that's not a take. that's the truth. you can pretend it's a competitive esport, or a hardcore raiding game, or even a high octane beetle racing game, but that's just copium and you will always be disappointed by the content that's released.
  8. Josh Davis said the most played mode is open world PvE, and the next biggest mode is WvW. spvp, raids, strikes, beetle racing etc, these are all basically ants compared to OW PvE and WvW. they are basically not even worth making content for because hardly anyone even plays them.
  9. I'm well aware you only FFA arena and have both made plat with every class at the same time because you are the best player in gw2 history
  10. it's definitely one of the main reasons the population doesn't grow
  11. should do some anime art of some asura talking like redditors, that's basically guaranteed partner
  12. consider two facts: NA doesn't even have 100 plat players, last time I looked it was about 80 including alt accounts. New accounts have 1200, Gold 1 rating so as gold 2 you will be playing with all of the new players now you know why you feel like you are playing with new players in gold, because that's where anet puts new players. gold is for veterans and brand new players by idiot design. there are also literally not enough plat players to make plat games, so plat players have to play with gold players or they can't play at all. lastly the reason you have to play with a team that underperforms and frustrates you, is because people who were too lazy to choose teammates got the option removed so no one can have a team that doesn't frustrate them and go afk. so have fun. nothing will change. I will be playing WvW 🤠 unless guildies drag me into unranked and I get called 'lame' and 'toxic' for healing my friend on necromancer... ohhh what filth I am giving a necro barrier I should be banned
  13. this is so unfair!!! when will the matchmaker recognise Eddie is the best player in the game even tho he only loses!!! /// worst thing anet has ever done is take suggestions and read this idiot-kitten forum. actually dunning kruger given form and voice.
  14. kitten you guys are one person off a team. y'all need to get a fifth, and win the monthly and show how bad at the game all the so called 'top players' are 🫡
  15. tfw you go into the PvP mode and someone starts doing a whole entire PvP on top of you oh no, and even worse it was the group PvP mode you entered and now a group of people start to PvP at you- right at you!!! oh my gosh how could this have happened!!! 🧐 🤔 😮 why are these people in the group PvP mode doing group PvP!!!??? toxic!!??!?!
  16. I actually can't name a single other game where you start ranked in the second highest bracket (legend is a meme). this is the equivalent of starting dota 2 players in Ancient or Divine, it's insane. new players should be able to start at the bottom of the ranked ladder and climb like any sane ranked system. expecting a new player to play with the top 250 players in the mode get farmed constantly and then still want to play is bonkers.
  17. consider that 1200 rating, gold 1 is what anet give new accounts in pvp which is why the rating system has such issues, because gold 1 is both brand new players & vets trying to climb to plat. you can't have a functional skill rating system, bronze silver gold plat, & put new players in the second highest bracket and then expect it to be able to make good games. if the bracket system does not have the least skilled & least experienced players in the lowest bracket & puts them in a high bracket with experienced players it will not be able to make good games. not to mention the issues this causes with player retention. expecting new players to get farmed all the way down to their rank is perhaps one of the most moronic things I have ever seen in a game. no wonder the pop is dead, anet basically designed the system to farm new players into quitting buy giving them an inflated skill rating and making them play with far better and more experienced players. dumb as heck
  18. I've had it in WvW recently, maybe they did a partial fix or something. either way, it needs another look by the devs.
  19. I love when the ranger pet is dead so I can't cc or dmg them but they can still res the ranger. my go to counterplay is to call the mob and order a hit on the ranger. then a middle aged Italian man strangles them at their desk with their computer's power cable, but maybe that's a bit extreme, does anyone have any other suggestions?
  20. new accounts start with 1200 rating, gold 1 consider that for a second. just think about how much that ruins both matchmaking and the new player experience
  21. please post gameplay so we can see what real skill looks like
  22. had a look 🤔 seems like you're the best player in GW2 but also can't stop losing games weird huh 🤨
  23. Iconic take, Flowki isn't even complaining ele is bad, just that they are too low skill to play it. They recognise a good player can play the class in plat and ATs. We get this great line. I love it. A good player on ele being in plat is no shock, I think I get it now. Flowki wants an ele build that carries a low skill player to plat. The current ele builds are too hard for Flowki. Sure maybe grimjack can play them well, but that's too much skill. @aymnad.9023 also got to plat, but they are a good player & it's easy for good players to play ele in plat. So there needs to be a new balance patch so Flowki can play ele in plat without getting better at playing ele, because if ele is good but complex to play the answer is to make it more powerful rather than learning to play it.... 🫣
  24. and they are even in a thread with other frustrated solo players and none of them are partying up. I think the underlying issue might be an inability to take responsibility for ones own actions and to learn from them. I think they call it, self reflection this is what it looks like in action. highly recommend this approach if you want to enjoy yourself. you might find yourself having fun and becoming a more skilled player who is better at teamwork too. wild idea I know, but sometimes a little effort leads to a lot of fun.
  25. it's about being at the right place at the right time. it's about being where your class can give the team the most value. you need to understand your role, your teams roles, & what the enemy team have. then you need to look at the minimap, your teams health bars & the score & figure out where you need to go to provide value. it's a skill everyone should be working to master, always & is much more important than your ability to pilot your character. more games are decided on rotations than fights (if you think they arnt you need to focus more on making good rotations and you will see how much they matter, one of the reasons people cry about duo and premades is because they can use voice to rotate better so go figure).
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