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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I might take a swimsuit outfit that has a shirt with a shark fin on the back. And maybe a head piece with frikkin lazers!
  2. Increasing trade contracts might have a disastrous effect on the economy. Not sure that's a great idea. Neither is limiting players who can participate which goes against pretty much the concept of GW2 from inception. Reducing recharge might be ok, but again that would increase trade contracts which might adversely impact the economy.
  3. No, if they make them, they will have some weird, stupid shoulder things that stick out for no purpose.
  4. But everyone wants fishing. And housing. Anet is only acceding to the popular demand*. *Popular demand being forums threads, of course. (sigh)
  5. You can also follow this thread for updates: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment
  6. Bug reports should go here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/9-bugs-game-forum-website/
  7. Good luck with those. 2. Anet already said that they won't be dyeing weapons. 3. Outfits and armor sets are completely different, so this would never work. 4. Please see all of the other new race threads on why this probably won't be implemented.
  8. It's fishing. Fish-ing. How much more exciting can it be?
  9. I highly doubt it would be an armor skin and not an outfit. Outfits require much less resources.
  10. Anet stopped developing dungeons in lieu of Fractals (and now strikes I suppose). I don't expect them to go backward.
  11. Imagine. Finding iron ore nodes in a place called "Iron Marches"
  12. Reminds me of the ending of the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie: Rocket: Question. What if I see something that I want to take, and it belongs to someone else? Corpsman Dey: Well you will be arrested. Rocket: But what if I want it more than the person who has it? Corpsman Dey: Still illegal. Rocket: That doesn't follow. No, I want it more, sir. Do you understand?
  13. Have you read those threads? Also, the discussion in this one is no different than in the previous ones. That doesn't necessarily mean that the topic is warranted just because of that. How can you make that assumption? Based on what? This seems more of a "you" issue. There are many players with many more characters than 23 who don't have problems coming up with names.
  14. Perhaps, but then many players may very well leave which would undermine whatever income might be expected.
  15. I'm not sure that I would agree with blaming the player base. To me, it is more of Anet not targeting the right audience. Whether that is intentional or not, I couldn't say.
  16. In your opinion. I'd wager it is a far smaller inconvenience for a smaller number of players than you may believe. /shrug
  17. Good luck with your request. Just know that it has been requested time and again and Anet is well aware of it.
  18. Making a duplicate thread could also run afoul of the forums rules. Perhaps you should read them?
  19. Just be careful. Doing so might be considered "bumping" a thread which is against the forum rules.
  20. Then I don't see the problem I suppose. The distribution is fine. The demand on the TP is probably more due to players who want to craft items without spending the time to source them. That's fine. Time = Money. It allows other players to do the sourcing and then sell the ore at a profit to their time spent obtaining it. Your suggestion would crater the iron ore market. I do not find your suggestion to be a sensible thing to do.
  21. Didn't mean to ignore those. But yeah, would be good, too.
  22. There are plenty of iron ore nodes in core Tyria.
  23. Hope springs eternal. If you have anything further on the subject, please feel free to PM me about it. Let's not continue this derailment.
  24. Feel free. I am in no way doing a moderator's job.
  25. Then don't read it. Or respond to it. There is an ignore feature on the forums, right?
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